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DAKOTA LACROSSE 2014 Coaches Meeting and Clinic. TODAY’S AGENDA  Introduction (Kristin Lail)  Rules Overview and Referees (Lance Kapps)  Concussion.

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Presentation on theme: "DAKOTA LACROSSE 2014 Coaches Meeting and Clinic. TODAY’S AGENDA  Introduction (Kristin Lail)  Rules Overview and Referees (Lance Kapps)  Concussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAKOTA LACROSSE 2014 Coaches Meeting and Clinic

2 TODAY’S AGENDA  Introduction (Kristin Lail)  Rules Overview and Referees (Lance Kapps)  Concussion Awareness (Amy Proshek)  Team Managers (Amy Lupich)  Equipment (Michelle Krouch)  Coach Development (Matt Dunbar) SPLIT  Coach Clinic (Coaches and Mentors)  Referee Briefing (Lance Kapps)

3 DAKOTA LACROSSE CONTACTS  Paul McClagan & Lance Kapps Co-Commissioner, VAA  Amy Proshek (U9 & U11 coords) Lacrosse Program Director, RAAA  Ali Awad Lacrosse Program Director, EVAA  Terry Iverson President, Hastings Lacrosse Club  Jane DiFronzo Box Lacrosse Coordinator, IGH  Kristin Lail Director of Box Lacrosse, EAA  Kevin Sorensen Director of Referees, EAA  Scott Hintermeister Equipment Director EAA  Matt Dunbar Director of Player Development EAA & Founder Dakota Lacrosse

4 INTRODUCTION  Partnership with VAA, RAAA, IGH, HLC, EAA and EVAA  24 teams: 12 in each age group  Dakota Lacrosse Pinneys  Developmental league  No team standings or Playoffs  Jamboree May 17-18  Team schedules available tonight  Thank you for volunteering!

5 LANCE KAPPS Valley Athletic Association

6 REFEREES  Referees are enlisted from high school  Primary duty to keep players safe and help players learn the fundamentals of the game  Secondary duty to referee games and moderate player behavior  Arguing with referees will NOT be tolerated and shall be grounds for dismissal  Pay cards to be signed by home team coach  Report referee issues to Kevin Sorenson (encourage parents to report issues to the team manager)

7 RULES  Based upon US Lacrosse Rules (with the following exceptions):  No Body Checking  Time is Running Time  Two Pass Rule  Pass back to the goalie will not count as a pass  One pass must be in the offensive zone  Substitutions on the Fly  Players with three personal fouls will be removed from game play

8 AMY PROSHEK Rosemount Area Athletic Association

9 CONCUSSION AWARENESS  All box and field lacrosse coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete concussion awareness training.  Contact your association for procedures and documentation.  Link to video training module on the EAA website. EAA coaches save a copy of the Certificate of Completion and email to  Training has to be repeated every three years.

10 AMY LUPICH Eagan Athletic Association

11 TEAM MANAGERS  Distribute player pinneys and make team roster card  Coordinate home team and color jerseys for games  Work schedule for timer and box for each game  Coordinate team pictures on 4/12 from 9am-12pm  Act as liaison between parents and coaches  Feedback to U9 and U11 Dakota Lacrosse Coordinators

12 MICHELLE KROUCH Eagan Athletic Association

13 PLAYER EQUIPMENT  Lacrosse Stick (37 to 42 Inches)  Lacrosse or Hockey Helmet (lacrosse helmet req. for summer)  Mouth Guard  Shoulder Pads  Arm Guard (must cover elbow)  Lacrosse or Hockey Gloves (lacrosse gloves req. for summer)  Groin or Pelvic Protector

14 GOALIE EQUIPMENT  Combination Shoulder, Arm, and Chest Guard  Goalie Shorts  Shin / Knee Protector (Catcher’s Shin Guards)  Located in Arena Shed (combination will be sent in e-mail)  Last teams of the day make sure it is locked. (can remain unlocked between games)


16 COACHING DO’S  Do Be a Positive Role Model  Do Give Equal Playtime for Every Player in Every Position  Do Challenge Players to Play Against Themselves (and not the scoreboard)  Do Recognize Player Achievements  Do Focus on Fundamentals  Do HAVE FUN!

17 COACHING DON’TS  Don’t Coach to Win, Coach to Instruct  Don’t Yell or Criticize, Use Positive Reinforcement  Don’t Exclusively Commend Team Stars, Commend the Team  Don’t Permit Hostile or Demoralizing Attitudes  Don’t Ever be Alone With a Child

18 LACROSSE FUNDAMENTALS  Athletic Stance  Cradling (Hold Crosse in One Hand with Fingers)  Pass and Catch (Hand Positioning)  Ground Balls (Body Positioning and “Box Out”)


20 PRACTICES TimeDrillCoach 6:30 – 7:003 group round-robin Hopkins Over and DownAnthony NDLU defensive drillsMike Box-out, Scoop and PassPete Water Break 7:05 – 7:303 v 2  Create a Practice Plan  Be Consistent  Add a Fun Game or Scrimmage


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