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InSTEDD Mekong Collaboration Program Innovation Lab Phnom Penh, Cambodia World Bank Summit: From Policy to Implementation October 28, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "InSTEDD Mekong Collaboration Program Innovation Lab Phnom Penh, Cambodia World Bank Summit: From Policy to Implementation October 28, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 InSTEDD Mekong Collaboration Program Innovation Lab Phnom Penh, Cambodia World Bank Day @m-Health Summit: From Policy to Implementation October 28, 2009

2 Our Work Introduction GeoChat Mekong Basin Disease Surveillance HIV Clinical Management One Health Outbreak Awareness Magic Reporting Wheel Innovation Lab

3 Vital Facts 30% have mobile phone Radio: 1 AM, 50 FM stations TV: 6 stations Internet Users: 154 th place globally Railway: 111 th place Roadways: 92 nd place Infant Mortality rate: 54.79 per 1,000 live birth People living with HIV-AIDS: 75,000 (2007 est) Major Infectious Disease: High risks at baseline and many emerging infections Adult literacy: 74% Source:

4 GeoChat Vertical Communication

5 GeoChat Horizontal Communication

6 Mekong Basin Disease Surveillance

7 H1N1 Suspect Case Scenario District Hospital SRRT Member After doctor diagnoses H1N1… Muk06 Found suspect case H1N1! H1N1 suspect warning All sub-districts Formal Confirmation (paper) + SMS notification Lab Provincial PH Office Punchawee Formal Alert SMS (today call) Muk we have suspect H1N1 Confirmation of H1N1 Notify that response team will be sent to investigate 2 2 1 1 3 3 4 4 Muk Sending response team to Wanyai tomorrow! 5 5

8 HIV Clinical Management

9 One Health

10 Mobile Phone Outbreak Awareness

11 Magic Reporting Wheel

12 Innovation Lab Live and work in the field Build sustainable local capacity User Center Design

13 Thank you to our MCP Funders! Eric Rasmussen: Romdoul Kim:

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