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Data Provenance –Use Case (Discovery) Ahsin Azim Nisha Maharaja Presha Patel 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Provenance –Use Case (Discovery) Ahsin Azim Nisha Maharaja Presha Patel 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Provenance –Use Case (Discovery) Ahsin Azim Nisha Maharaja Presha Patel 1

2 2 Week Target Date (2014) All Hands WG Meeting Tasks Review & Comments from Community via Wiki page due following Tuesday by 8 P.M. Eastern 108/21 Review: Scenario #1 and #2 Functional Requirements and Sequence Diagrams Introduce: Scenario #3 Functional Requirements and Sequence Diagrams Review Scenario #3 Functional Requirements and Sequence Diagrams 118/28 Review :Scenario #3 Functional Requirements and Sequence Diagrams Introduce: Dataset Requirements Review Dataset Requirements 129/4Review Dataset Requirements and Risks/Issues Review Data Set Requirements and Risks And Issues 139/11 Finalize Data Set Requirements and Risks/Issues Begin End to End Review Review Risks/Issues 149/25End-to-End Comments Review & dispositionEnd-to-End Review ends 1510/2 Finalize End-to-End Review Comments & Begin Consensus Begin casting consensus vote Proposed Use Case & Functional Requirements Development Timeline

3 Agenda Topic Time Allotted General Announcements2 minutes Use Case Discussion Discuss Timeline/Progress to Date2 minutes Comments and Dispositions15 minutes Review Dataset Requirements30 minutes Introduce Risks and Issues10 minutes Next Steps1 minutes 3

4 4 Progress to Date Use Case SectionsStatus In Scope Out of Scope Assumptions Context Diagram User Stories Pre Conditions Post Conditions Actors & Roles Activity Diagrams Base Flows Functional Requirements Sequence Diagrams Dataset Requirements = section developed = section under development(% completed) = indicates there are 3 sections for development (1 for each of the scenarios identified)

5 Sections for Review 5 Today we will be reviewing: 1.Review Functional Requirements and Sequence Diagram(s) for Scenarios 1, 2, and 3 2.Introduce Dataset Requirements Double click the icon to open up the Word Document with the sections for review

6 Discussion Points/Comments Attest: In or Out of Scope? Note: Attest is an important aspect, but not in scope for this phase. Attestation is some something that could consider in next phase. 6

7 Modifications to Data Source Modification of Data Source -> Start Point Start Point (Data Source) - A role played by a system that creates data (acting as the true source) End Point - A role played by a system that creates data (acting as the true source) Start point may not be the original source – Start point and end point maybe be points on workflow that can be carried out by a variety of actors carrying out a variety of roles 7

8 Dataset Requirements Discussion 8 For the purposes of this Use Case, the Dataset Requirements will focus on the data elements pertaining to provenance for the clinical data, including the handling of that data, recognizing that it may contain data from multiple sources – Who, When, Where, Type, Routing Information, Integrity/Authenticity, Sources In order to capture the provenance data elements, we propose that we discuss the data elements within these categories: Data Source, Transmitter, Assembler, and Composer. We recognize there may be overlap across these categories. As a reminder: – The Dataset Requirements define data from a functional standpoint, not from a technical perspective – We will use this section to figure out to what extent the standards can adhere to the requirements (not specifications) – The Dataset Requirements for the Use Case are standards agnostic The following slides serve as a starter set to begin the discussion and brainstorming of Dataset Requirements; this will eventually be put into a structured format in the Use Case document

9 Dataset Requirements - Source 9 Who – Sending System; Sending System Organization; Author; Custodian; Role; etc. When – Create Date; Create Time; etc. Where – Address; State; Zip; etc. Type – Software; Device; etc. Question for Community: What are the important attributes of provenance that the dataset must contain?

10 Dataset Requirements - Transmitter 10 Who – Transmitter; Transmitter Organization; etc. When – Transmittal Date; Transmittal Time; etc. Where – Address; State; Zip; etc. Type – Software; Device; etc. Routing Information – Information sent to/from Integrity/Authenticity – In order to trust the data, do you need to know about how it was handled/who handled it/has it been altered since it was created????

11 Dataset Requirements - Assembler 11 Who – Assembler System; Assembler Organization; etc. When – Assembly Date, Assembly Time, etc. Where – Address; State; Zip; etc. Type – Software; Device; etc. Integrity/Authenticity – In order to trust the data, do you need to know about how it was handled/who handled it/has it been altered since it was created???? Sources – What is the provenance of the information that was assembled????

12 Dataset Requirements - Composer 12 Who – Composer; Composer Organization; etc. When – Composition Date; Composition Time; etc. Where – Address; State; Zip; etc. Type – Software; Device; etc. Integrity/Authenticity – In order to trust the data, do you need to know about how it was handled/who handled it/has it been altered since it was created???? Sources – What is the provenance of the information that was assembled????

13 A look ahead: Data Provenance Next Week 13 September 11 th, 2014 – All Hands Community Meeting (2:30-3:30) – Review Risks and Issues Provide your comments on the bottom of this page

14 Support Team and Questions Please feel free to reach out to any member of the Data Provenance Support Team: Initiative Coordinator: Johnathan Coleman: OCPO Sponsor: Julie Chua: OST Sponsor: Mera Choi: Subject Matter Experts: Kathleen Conner: and Bob Yencha: Support Team: – Project Management: Jamie Parker: – Use Case Development: Presha Patel:, Ahsin Azim: and Nisha Maharaja: – Harmonization: Rita Torkzadeh: – Standards Development Support: Amanda Nash: – Support: Lynette Elliott: and Apurva Dharia: 14

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