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Student Organization Requirements Must be registered with the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement. Have at least 5 members. Have a current UC Faculty/Staff.

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2 Student Organization Requirements Must be registered with the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement. Have at least 5 members. Have a current UC Faculty/Staff member as their advisor. All students involved in the organization must have at least a 2.0 GPA.

3 Benefits of a Student Organization Host on and off campus events or fundraisers. Reserve meeting space. Apply for funding through SOFA Funds provided by SGA. Participate in university-sponsored activities (Involvement Fair, Student Recognition Dinner). Use of Office of Student Leadership and Engagement Resources: Mailbox Use Copier & Fax Use

4 Student Organization Registration Process Step 1: Complete the online Student Organization Registration Step 2: Submit a Membership List to Step 3: Submit a current copy of the organization’s Constitution to


6 Student Org Grade Checks All students MUST maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average in order to participate in any UC student organization, hold an officer’s position, or to participate in intramurals. If an individual falls below the 2.0 GPA (Academic Probation): – A letter is sent to the Individual notifying the person of the ineligibility. – The ineligible member is NOT allowed to participate in meetings, events, fundraisers, or intramurals. – The ineligible member MAY participate in community service opportunities or study halls.

7 What is considered an event? Anything that falls outside of the regularly scheduled meetings. Student organizations wishing to have an on/off campus event, must register the event with the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement Event Request form: Must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the event and gain approval by the Director of Student Involvement.

8 Events Any student organization wishing to have a Dance must do the following: Find 2 chaperones that are current UC Faculty/Staff members. A chaperone form must be completed by each chaperone. This form can be found at Chaperone forms must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the dance. Student organizations are allowed to invite outside guests as long as the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement and the Security Office are notified.

9 Want to have a fundraiser? Register the fundraiser with the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement. Student organizations can register their fundraiser at: Fundraising Requests must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the fundraiser and gain approval by the Director of Student Involvement. Fundraisers that are held off campus, must gain approval from the UC Development Office. Only 2 student organization fundraisers can be held per week.

10 Meeting & Event Space Meeting/Event Spaces in GSU and Riggleman Hall Reserved with Liz Bair @ or in the Catering Office on the 2 nd floor of the Meeting/Event Space in the Residence Halls Contact the Resident Director of the hall request permission. Classrooms Must be reserved through Student Solutions. All spaces must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting/event.

11 UC Catering Set-Up: All set-ups for rooms must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting/event. Includes any tables being set-up in the GSU Lobby, Food Court, or Dining Hall Food: Outside food is NOT permitted on the Academic side of campus. You may have your own food in the meeting spaces of the residence halls.

12 UC Audio Visual All set-ups for rooms must be reserved at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting/event. AV offers projectors, speakers, microphones, computers, etc All requests must be emailed to

13 Publicizing on Campus Flyers/Posters must be stamped and approved by the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement. Flyers/Posters are only allowed to be up for a 2 week period or until the event date. Promoting on the Academic side of campus: Riggleman Hall bulletin boards Catwalk between Riggleman Hall and GSU (Cork Strip ONLY) GSU bulletin boards Front inside windows of GSU Lobby Wooden Spaces Tiled Spaces Promoting in the Residence Halls: Anyone wishing to hang signs must speak with the RD of the hall to get approval.

14 Publicizing on Campus Publicity may NOT be hung in the following places: Painted walls Elevators Glass doors and windows in Riggleman Hall Glass windows in the catwalk Glass windows of the Bookstore Windows on wooden doors Organizations may create a PowerPoint to be displayed on the TV screens in the GSU and Riggleman Hall Lobbies. Email Organizations are responsible for putting up or taking down their publicity.

15 Community Service Please follow these guidelines in regards to community service hours. The following are examples of what can count as community service: Project or service that benefits the community (i.e. working w/ children, picking up trash). Service learning hours may count as community service (i.e. working at the Brookside Home on Financial Skills, or students setting up free informational clinics). Donations of Food or Goods: – Focus on the time it spent to gather the goods and transport them to the service site, not on the quantity of goods collected. If students are asked to bring in goods over a lengthy period of time (i.e. 2 weeks), then the community service hours will be given at 1 hour per 10 items for the students collecting the goods. Can be completed on campus and off campus What is not counted: Any event that is used to promote student organizations (i.e. EUC Days, Involvement Fair). Projects in which the organization receives monetary compensations. Projects that are or promote ideas against federal, state or local laws. Project’s done in a student’s own home (babysitting, cleaning out closets etc.)

16 Community Service: Documentation of Hours All community service hours are to be documented in the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement. Any service project that is open to the entire UC campus MUST be approved in the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement. Students MUST fill out an Event Request Form at least two weeks before the project begins. If a community service project is limited to an organization, and Event Request Form is not needed. All students MUST fill out the Community Service Project Form when projects are complete in order for hours to be counted. Students may claim up to three organizations in which to apply their community service hours.

17 Guidelines for Traveling All student organizations must fill out the Trip Itinerary Form and a Travel Agreement and Contract form for each member partaking in the trip. – One copy of each form stays with a chaperone and one copy of each form must be given to the Student Leadership & Engagement Office. Shuttle Service Student organizations may use UC Shuttles to provide transportation for a trip or outing. All Shuttle Requests must be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of needing the shuttle. To reserve the UC Shuttles use the online form which is located at

18 Bank Accounts Each organization must keep track of its own expenditures and balances. Responsible for maintaining a bank account at a local bank. In order for your group to be eligible to open a bank account, most banks require a 1.Tax ID number, To obtain a Tax ID number, please go to the following website:,,id=96696,00.html. Organizations with national affiliation may check with their national organization to see if they fall under their national Tax ID number.,,id=96696,00.html 2.Official letter stating that your organization is an official organization of the University of Charleston Can be obtained through the Director of Student Involvement 3.Forms of identification. Tax Exempt Number – It is the responsibility of each organization to file the appropriate paperwork to receive tax exempt status. Student organizations may NOT use the University of Charleston’s Tax Exempt Number.

19 Using the University Logo ALL artwork using the University Logo must be approved All student organization that would like to use the words University of Charleston, or a UC Logo will need to download these items from by clicking on the digital or photographic image of the desired logo. Under no circumstances are students permitted to create custom UC logos using any or all components of the University star logo or tower logo. Students are also not permitted to create original logos meant to represent or mimic the University of Charleston in any shape or form.

20 The House of Governors (HOG) is comprised of student organization representatives and serves as an assembly for student organization announcements regarding campus current events, as well as ideas and concerns about the University. An organization may have up to four HOG representatives. In order to better serve an organization, a representative may represent up to three organizations at an individual HOG meeting. During the academic year, HOG meets bi-weekly at a designated time and place approved by the SOFA Committee. Each organization must report on its current activities on campus and within the community. Student Organization Fund Allocation (SOFA): Attendance: In order for a SOFA application to be considered, a student organization must have attended at least 80 percent of a semester’s HOG meetings at the time of application A SOFA application may only be submitted to the SOFA Committee during a HOG meeting. All aspects of the application must be filled out correctly. Can only receive SOFAs twice per academic semester. Please refer to the HOG Bylaws or a member of SGA for any questions concerning SOFA Funds and HOG.

21 Resources

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