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The “Louis XIV” of Russia Predecessors of Peter the Great.

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2 The “Louis XIV” of Russia

3 Predecessors of Peter the Great

4 Ivan III (r. 1462-1505) First to conquer and annex many principalities Novgorod extending to the Baltic Sea Also shared this land with newly emerging service nobility Boyars! Prince of Moscow would be absolute ruler Autocrat, tsar (Slavic translation for Caesar) First to stop acknowledging Khan as supreme ruler After fall of Constantinople to Turks (1453) Tsars saw themselves as heirs to both caesars and Orthodox Christianity, the one true faith

5 Ivan IV (r. 1533-1584) Famous Ivan the Terrible Came to throne at age 3 Suffered insults/neglect at hands of haughty boyars after mom’s mysterious death At 16 pushed aside hated boyar advisors Weird ceremony Gold coins pouring down on his head; crowned himself taking title of tsar for the first time

6 Ivan IV Married beautiful and kind Anastasia of Romanov family Quashed all remnants of Mongol power adding vast new territories Knocked out boyar power All nobles, old and new had to serve the tsar in order to hold land Entire nobility transformed into service nobility

7 Ivan IV Waged war with Poland/Lithuania (1557) Boyars blamed for poisoning of his wife Develops his own secret police force, the Oprichniks Become his main instrument of terror Dressed in black, riding horses, forerunners of modern dictator’s secret police Great boyar families severely reduced

8 Time of troubles Total chaos Relatives of Ivan intrigued against and murdered each other Welcomed invading Swedes and Poles who even occupied Moscow Cossack bands dominated countryside slaughtering nobles and officials. Nobles had had enough Elected Ivan’s 16 yr. old grandnephew, Michael Romanov

9 Ivan the Terrible

10 In Between Guys Michael Romanov (r. 1613-1654) Alexsei (r. 1654-1676) Theodore II (r.1676-1682) Stephen Razin led Cossack revolt

11 Michael Romanov

12 Alexsai

13 Peter the Great (r. 1682-1725)

14 As a Youngster Had contact with Westerners at: Archangel Moscow (filled with lots of Germans) Holland and England All this experience made him see how backward Russia was; convinced him to change this

15 Sophia Older sister ruled as regent for her two brothers, Ivan V and Peter Both boys considered joint sovereigns At 17 Peter staged a coup disposing of the Regency and Ivan V. (exiled)

16 Peter’s Reign His goal: To create an army and state which could stand against the West To ward off Poles, Swedes, Turks To expand by obtaining seaports or "windows on the west" To do this: 1,000 experts recruited from Western Europe Swedes were Russia's main enemy He destroyed the Swedish army at the Battle of Poltava gaining Livonia and eastern Finland

17 Reforms to force a new culture on Russia He had contempt for the "old" Russian ways Rebuilt his army from the ground up Ranks filled with soldiers supplied by districts Regiments of standardized composition Created government offices Encouraged exports

18 Reforms to force a new culture on Russia Built fleet on the Baltic Developed mining, metallurgy, textiles (for army) Mixed group of Russians and foreigners into commercial companies assigning them serfs. Serfdom spread from agriculture to industrial institutions 1678: peasants could be sold without the land (American slavery)

19 Reforms to force a new culture on Russia Impressments of both management and labor, not on private profit and wages Created administration system to oversee all this Forbade beards, first book of etiquette "State service" State service: virtually all landowning and serf owning aristocrats were required to serve in the army or in civil administration Social Revolution: status depended on rank in his state service, not inherited

20 To pay for all this Taxes on every conceivable item: hats, etc. to get married, etc. Mercantilist policies of Colbert All industries were administered by the government

21 IMPORTANT! Peter abolished hereditary rule Tsar was to name his successor (lacking legal regularity) (state without a people) He was disappointed in this son, had him killed

22 PATRIARCH Patriarch: Head of the Russian Church (similar to Pope in Rome) Used to be the Patriarch of Constantinople, but they created a Patriarch of Russia After 1700 no new Patriarchs appointed Church was put under a committee of Bishops called the Holy Synod headed by a Procurator, official of the government To ensure that the church did not displease the tsar

23 CONCLUSION Peter the Great fastened autocracy, serfdom and bureaucracy more firmly upon the country Really affected the upper classes in Russia; they became so Europeanized (living spiritually in Paris, etc.) that they sensed themselves as strangers in their own land.

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