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© 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Sales Training Presented by: Christopher Maurer ● Sales Engineer ● 15 th December 2009 Live Streaming and Augmented.

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1 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Sales Training Presented by: Christopher Maurer ● Sales Engineer ● 15 th December 2009 Live Streaming and Augmented Reality EB Orange 246/137/51 EB Green 52/70/13 EB Gray 161/161/161 EB Yellow 255/200/40 250/196/153 153/162/134 208/208/208 255/227/147 Primary colors Light tint 123/69/26 26/35/7 81/8181 128/100/20 Dark tint

2 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Agenda Live Streaming Overview How does it work Things to consider Augmented Reality Overview Markers Other techniques Things to consider Resources

3 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved In-Banner Live Video insert more descriptive text here

4 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Overview Live Streaming is definitely possible in rich media ads and Eyeblaster executed it many times. Conferences, speeches and sporting events are good uses for live streaming Uses the same protocol to broadcast as we use for streaming video (RTMP) Cost depends on the following The quality of the video broadcast The length of time users view the video The number of users viewing the video

5 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved How does it work Video is sent using RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) Live video is captured from a video camera and video signal is sent to a on-site laptop. The laptop broadcasts an FLV stream to a CDN (Content Delivery Network). The banners pick up the FLV video signal from the network and display it to the user.

6 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Things to Consider How long is the broadcast? Is access to the broadcast user initiated or automatically initiated? How many people do you expect to be viewing the broadcast at the same time? What’s the estimated time a user would watch the video? How many impressions are planned? Do you plan to have multiple quality versions for users with high/low bandwidth? Do you want to limit the number of people viewing the video at any one time? Have alternate content in case something goes wrong

7 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Augmented Reality insert more descriptive text here

8 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Overview User OKs the Web cam from within the banner A “Marker” is shown to the Webcam The banner recognizes the marker and replaces it with a image, swf file or collada (3D File). Usually Papervision3D handles the replacement The technology is continuing to evolve

9 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved How does it work A marker is designed and then scanned using a Flash AIR application and a Web cam. Less intricate markers produce better results Is built using an ActionScipt 3.0 library called the FLARtoolkit. The Sparks Project developed the toolkit The FLARtoolkit code detects the marker and uses Papervision 3D to swap swfs, images and colladas (3D images)

10 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Newer Methods for Markers Facial Recognition – ActionScript classes can be downloaded from that can detect faces and the face can be used as the Shape Recognition -- other classes can be downloaded from that can be used to detect shapes like squares and

11 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Things to Consider If using markers you want a flat shine-free surface. Curved surfaces and reflections can cause the Web cam not to pick up the marker. Expandable banners make a better user experience because they provide a large area to display the Web cam video.

12 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Resources A great tutorial for augmented reality itflash-augmented-realitygetting-started/ This is the site where all new stuff is happening Nice tutorial from Adobe 2009/articles/article7/ Great site for Web face detection face-detection-in-flash/

13 © 2008 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved Thank you

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