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Investigating motor-related sounds in the brain Zarinah Agnew, Carolyn McGettigan, Sophie Scott UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating motor-related sounds in the brain Zarinah Agnew, Carolyn McGettigan, Sophie Scott UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating motor-related sounds in the brain Zarinah Agnew, Carolyn McGettigan, Sophie Scott UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience

2 1. Is there somatotopy of action related sounds in motor cortices? 2. Is activity in speech sensitive areas influenced by linguistic status or by familiarity? – Somatotopy of action observation (mirror neurons) speech perception, observation of tactile stimulation, object-related sounds – Bodily produced actions in three modalities – mouth, hand and foot. – Widespread evidence that motor cortices are active during passive perception of speech but harder to prove role – Comparing passive listening of speech sounds (/f/ /ch/ /k/ /t/ ) and non speech sounds (clicks) produced by the mouth. These are familiar and can be recognised bilabial (kiss), alveolar (tsk), velar (clop and lateral (giddy-up). Hand sounds (claps, finger clicks). Feet sounds (footsteps on floor, stairs). Baseline – signal correlated noise versions.

3 Experimental design.. 6 conditions (speech, clicks, hand sounds, foot sounds, SCN and silence) Sparse design, pseudo jittered, 30 events, 6 conditions, 9sec TR: 27 minutes 3 sec stimuli 3 sec scan 2 sec ISI Want to capture this 1 to 2 seconds BOLD response @ 4 seconds after event: Scan at 5 to 6s 123456789 Last possible BOLD effect: 9 to 10s 1 sec Include localizer scan at end – cued to move mouth, hand or foot Include post-scan behavioural testing – any relationship between identification and activation. Include observation of same actions?

4 Experimental design.. Localiser runs (AT END OF SCAN) – Are the regions involved in perceiving action sounds, the same as those involved in producing those actions Block design (silent) – Hand movement (fist clench) – Mouth movement (open and shut mouth) – Foot crunch – Auditory localisers? – Rest 21sec block: repeated stimulation 3 sec instruction 4 repeats per condition: ~ 28 events for run 11 minutes

5 Experimental design.. Localiser runs (AT END OF SCAN) – Are the regions involved in perceiving action sounds, the same as those involved in producing those actions Block design (silent) – Observe hand movement (clap, finger click) – Observe mouth movement (speech sounds) – Observe mouth movement (non-speech sounds) – Observe foot movement (bare foot steps) – Observe moving dots or biological motion? – Rest 21sec block: repeated stimulation 3 sec instruction 4 repeats per condition: ~ 28 events for run 11 minutes

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