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Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “PPM and MIN” Webinar t t We will start in 5 minutes. t t Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “PPM and MIN” Webinar t t We will start in 5 minutes. t t Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “PPM and MIN” Webinar t t We will start in 5 minutes. t t Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those instructions again click the audio icon)

2 Technical Details t t To best view the presentation, click the Whiteboard (or full Screen) Icon: t t During the presentation you may also use the scrolling bars to view content that is hidden

3 Technical Details t t Telephones will be muted during the webinar. t t We will have Question and Answer segments throughout the presentation. In order to ask a question Please use the Raise Hand Icon. t t You can also ask a question or make a comment by clicking send a note icon

4 Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “Policy and Procedure Manual Updates and Providing Service to The Most in Need (MIN) Webinar” July 22, 2014 2:00 p.m.

5 Webinar Details t t Today’s Presenters (alpha order): Postell Carter, Chris Garland, and Donna Satterthwaite t t Webinar Length 2 hours from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time We may finish early if not all time is needed

6 Agenda t t Welcome t t Review Updates to SCSEP Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) Updates Clarifications New Polices t t PPM Q &A t t Providing Services to the Most-in-Need (MIN) Definition of MIN MIN Characteristics MIN Performance Goal Formula Updating “updateable” MIN characteristics SPARQ Entry t t MIN Q&A t t Adjourn

7 SCSEP Policy and Procedure Manual updates

8 Updates t Removed references to SSAI’s former waiver process to the four year individual durational limit (IDL) t Removed references to webtools that SSAI no longer has now that our subgrantee network enters SCSEP data directly into SPARQ

9 Updates (cont’d) t Added references to SPARQ t Clarified we have a SA1 and SA2 webtool now for submitting federal and non-federal share cost reports (§1003)

10 Clarifications t Clarified our staffing requirement for SCSEP - §101-A t t SSAI requires each sponsor to have a project director who has overall project management for its SCSEP operations and who serves as the primary point of contact with SSAI. In addition to achieving the performance and spending goals specified in their contract, SSAI requires that any sponsor provide a part- time project director for every 30 modified authorized positions and a full-time project director for every 60 modified authorized positions.

11 §101-A (cont’d) t t If the project is required to serve more than 60 authorized positions, staff patterns should evolve in conjunction with increases in modified authorized positions minimally for every increment of 30 modified authorized positions above 60. For example, if a sponsor has 90 modified authorized positions, a strong staffing pattern would be a full-time project director and a part-time project assistant; or if a sponsor has 120 modified authorized positions, the sponsor would have either a full-time project director and a full-time assistant or a full-time project director and two part-time assistants. Use of participant staff should be considered in addition to or as additional help beyond the staffing requirements above.

12 §101-A t t The project must request authorization from SSAI in writing for staffing that is less than outlined above. In reviewing a waiver request, SSAI will consider the following factors including but not limited to whether or not the project is achieving its performance goals, is on a CIP, has strong annual programmatic and fiscal reviews, is timely in submitting required reports, and has a credible staffing plan.

13 Policy Revisions t Changed the following policies veterans priority and income eligibility policies to reflect the change in the law about same-sex marriages t DOL TEGL #26-13

14 Available on SSAI’s Partners’ Page

15 Veterans t §201-A Priority must be given to veterans t t Following the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court that the Defense Against Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional it is now the policy of DOL and SSAI both (a) to recognize all marriages (including same-sex marriages) that are lawfully entered in the state of celebration and (b) to recognize same-sex marriage even if the marriage is not recognized in the state where the married individual resides as long as the marriage could have been entered into in a state. t t In addition, per DOL, SSAI requires its sponsors to recognize the same-sex spouse of a veteran as a qualified spouse of a veteran if the individual fits the definition of a qualified spouse above.

16 Computing Income Eligibility t §204-B Definition of Family t t Following the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court that the Defense Against Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional it is now the policy of DOL and SSAI both (a) to recognize all marriages (including same-sex marriages) that are lawfully entered in the state of celebration and (b) to recognize same-sex marriage even if the marriage is not recognized in the state where the married individual resides as long as the marriage could have been entered into in a state. t t In addition, per DOL, SSAI requires its sponsors to recognize same-sex spouses within the definition of “family” above for income calculation/eligibility purposes.

17 PPM Available to You t PPM is your guidebook for SCSEP operations Hard copy at your office (s) Hard copy at your office (s) Partners’ Page Partners’ Page Coming soon – training on how to access PPM in Salesforce Coming soon – training on how to access PPM in Salesforce Consistent updating throughout the year Consistent updating throughout the year

18 Next Steps for Policy & Procedure Manual t If you want more hard copies, please contact the SCSEP Front End Team t Noticed some small mistakes in getting manuals to you so we will be mailing sending 3 hole punched “corrected” sections to you by August 15 th

19 Policy Questions? Raise Your Hand to Confer by Phone or Send Us a Note

20 Providing Service to the Most-in-Need (MIN)

21 Most in Need t Participants whose economic and social conditions — as well as employment histories or prospects for employment — are poor t Integral to carrying out the SCSEP missions t Also known as MIN Definition

22 Most in Need t Represent a participant’s barriers to employment. t There are 13, some of which cannot be changed once the participant is enrolled. MIN Characteristics

23 Participants with any of the following characteristics will be positive for MIN: t Veteran or Spouse t Have a Disability t Live in a Rural Area t Low Employment Prospects t Failed to Find Work through the One-Stop delivery system t Homeless or At-risk of becoming homeless Most in Need: 13 Characteristics

24 (cont’d) t Limited English proficiency t Low literacy skills t Severe disability t Frail t Age 75 or older t Old enough for SSI but not eligible t Have severely limited employment prospects in an area of persistent unemployment. Most in Need: 13 Characteristics

25 The Formula MIN is not a percentage, but an average. To calculate— 1. Add all Most in Need 1. Add all Most in Need characteristics possessed by characteristics possessed by all participants. all participants. 2. Divide total characteristics by 2. Divide total characteristics by number of total served participants. number of total served participants. Most in Need Performance goal results calculated as of June 30th

26 What is a qualifying enrollment for the MIN calculation? 1. The enrollment must have been served during the program year. 1. The enrollment must have been served during the program year. 2. The assignment date of the first assignment for the enrollment must be on or after 7/1/2007. 2. The assignment date of the first assignment for the enrollment must be on or after 7/1/2007. Most in Need

27 An Example of the Formula t You have counted the MIN characteristics for each of your participants for a total of 152. t You have served 68 participants total. t You divide 152 by 68 to arrive at 2.23. t Your MIN performance measure is 2.2. Most in Need

28 Did You Know? MIN Characteristics that can be added after enrollment must be updated annually in SPARQ PPM §201-C

29 So, What is your Plan? You can capture at Recertification, But…what about those you served during the program year, who exited before March?

30 When to Record Updateable MINs? t At or near the start of the Program Year** t At the time of enrollment – make sure to capture those additional MIN characteristics t When doing re-assessments/IEP Updates t Recertification Definitely before Exit!!

31 How to Record Updateable MINs SSAI Partners’ Page t MIN Re-Validation Form t Attestation Forms

32 Entering Updateable MINs in SPARQ The updateable MIN factors can be recorded in two ways in SPARQ. t Individually on the Recertification/Waiver of Durational Limit tab on a participant’s enrollment record. t By batch entry in the Waiver Factor area in SPARQ.

33 Entering Updateable MINs in SPARQ Individual entry of updateable MINs on a participant’s enrollment record

34 Batch entry of updateable MINs Navigate to Waiver Factors area of SPARQ

35 Batch entry of updateable MINs



38 Keep in Mind t Your MIN credit will fluctuate when you bring on new enrollees t Diverse streams of recruitment sources remains important t The ability to improve your MIN score can not occur when you are unable to enroll new participants

39 Recruiting t Know Your Local Population t Direct Outreach to Organizations t Facilitate Intermediary Recruitment

40 MIN Continuous Improvement Plans We want to see: t t In what ways you will target MIN participants in recruitment efforts t t There are methodologies in place, such as pre-screening forms to determine participant MIN potential during inquiries t t That you are prioritizing waiting list/new enrollments according to MIN characteristics and service priorities

41 MIN Continuous Improvement Plans : We want to see: t t A system to check participant files and SPARQ regular to ensure all MIN characteristics are documented and entered t t A standard process implemented to update MIN characteristics annually MIN CIP Updates are due Quarterly in PY14 (cont’d)

42 Questions? Raise Your Hand to Confer by Phone or Send Us a Note

43 Thank you for attending today’s webinar t t If you have questions after the webinar, please contact the Front End Support Team at 301-578-8989 or by email at t t We will send an email when the webinar recording and PowerPoint slides are posted on our Partners’ Page

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