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2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Identify and appeal to changing networking requirements of next generation Increase in use of LinkedIn.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Identify and appeal to changing networking requirements of next generation Increase in use of LinkedIn."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Identify and appeal to changing networking requirements of next generation Increase in use of LinkedIn – surpassed 3000 members this year Video Campaign – (hits to be tracked to determine impact) Piloted CRM for members, partners, sponsors, volunteers PMIEF fundraiser bowl-a-thon Increase in attendance at monthly career networking group meetings – avg: 27, total: 302) Increase in Practitioner Community (LIGs) meetings – 33 events attracted 1075 attendees President’s gala and volunteer recognition events – avg 110 attendees/event

2 2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Improve accessibility of delivered services >70% increase in free webinars with peak attendance of 197 Implemented live streaming of breakfast and dinner meetings New outreach launched in Bismarck with 55 attendees at first meeting! Launched new website

3 2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Deliver only high value best in class programs 5% increase in dinner meeting & 18% in breakfast attendance over last year Successful 20 th Anniversary of PDD drawing over 1,100 participants Highest number of members since 2009 – 3,308 in Aug 2013 Highest number of PMPs since 2009 – 2,214, 66.9% member/PMP Completed PMBOK 5 upgrade Board being visionary & strategic – looking ahead Event Feedback Survey data – avg 4 out of 5 Increase in Agile sessions & certification – 10 PCMs attracting 500 attendees Largest # of applicants for Ana-Alvarez Scholarship

4 2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Increase brand awareness and clarify value proposition Ranked in the Top 25 Trade & Professional Association Featured in the Bloomington Sun (for education outreach) Featured in PMI Today article recognizing work of chapter in education outreach to middle school Chapter presence at ThomsonReuters UnConference with over 200 PMs Makato KTOE Radio Interview 20 % increase in number of sponsors with a 35% increase in sponsor revenue 20% increase in # of partners

5 2013 Strategic Progress Update Strategic Initiative Revisit Organizational Structure Develop new board structure for membership and global approval (informed by volunteer & membership surveys to be more responsive/nimble) Clarified leadership expectations Robert J. Yourzak Scholarship Joseph Imamura Texas Tech University Doctorate in Land Use Planning, Management, and Design

6 2013 Strategic Progress Update In summary, we held 160 events which reached 5,653 member/prospective member contacts leveraging 210 volunteer contacts supported by 78 sponsor/partner/vendor contacts Thanks to all of you: our volunteers, members, prospective members, partners, sponsors and stakeholders – you should all be proud of what we were able to accomplish together in 2013! Next year we celebrate our 30 th Anniversary and transition to our 2014 President Michael Green! We remain leaders in the region, country and internationally as the 9 th largest chapter in the world.

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