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Impetigo By Lauren Purcell. What is Impetigo? Skin infection that affects mostly infants and children Rash normally appears on face, but can spread to.

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Presentation on theme: "Impetigo By Lauren Purcell. What is Impetigo? Skin infection that affects mostly infants and children Rash normally appears on face, but can spread to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impetigo By Lauren Purcell

2 What is Impetigo? Skin infection that affects mostly infants and children Rash normally appears on face, but can spread to other parts of body Seldom serious

3 Picture

4 Causes 2 types of bacteria Staph Strep Adults-Usually a complication of injury to skin or other skin disorder Children- cuts, scrapes, insect bites Other people

5 What it does to skin Starts as a red sore that quickly ruptures Oozes for a few days Forms a yellowish-brown crust (looks like honey or brown sugar)

6 How It Spreads Highly contagious! Scratching or touching sores can spread it to other parts of body Can be spread to other people, too

7 Three Types of Impetigo Impetigo Contagiosa Itchy sores No fever, normally Swollen lymph nodes in infected area Bullous Impetigo Painless fluid filled blisters, which break and scab with a yellow crust Red and itchy skin around sores Ecthyma- more serious, penetrates to dermis Painful fluid- or pus-filled sores that turn into deep ulcers, usually on the legs and feet A hard, thick, gray-yellow crust covering the sores Swollen lymph glands in the affected area Scars that remain after the ulcers heal

8 Risk Factors Direct contact with an adult or child who has impetigo or with contaminated towels, bedding or clothing Crowded conditions Warm, humid weather — impetigo infections are more common in summer Participation in sports that involve skin-to-skin contact, such as football or wrestling Having chronic dermatitis

9 Treatment Minor infections can clear in 2-3 weeks without medication Can lead to complications Sometimes treated by oral antibiotics or an antibiotic ointment Normally aren’t contagious after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment

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