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Student Data Tables for CEO Gary Smith Student Data Services UCL Registry.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Data Tables for CEO Gary Smith Student Data Services UCL Registry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Data Tables for CEO Gary Smith Student Data Services UCL Registry

2 Student Data Tables for UCL CEO Each year CEO receives a set of student data tables these cover the following: Each year CEO receives a set of student data tables these cover the following: Student Entrant Profile - both UG and PG Student Entrant Profile - both UG and PG Student Achievement - UG first degrees Student Achievement - UG first degrees Student Progression - What happens to UG students after year 1 Student Progression - What happens to UG students after year 1 Student Completion – Have UG students entering five years ago have completed their degrees Student Completion – Have UG students entering five years ago have completed their degrees Application, Offer and Acceptance Profile. Application, Offer and Acceptance Profile.

3 What are the Tables? The tables consider the data by a number of personal characteristics of the students. These are: The tables consider the data by a number of personal characteristics of the students. These are: Gender Gender Ethnicity Ethnicity Age Age Disability Status Disability Status Previous School Type Previous School Type

4 Undergraduates – All domiciles

5 Postgraduates – All domiciles

6 Comparison of UG to PG by Gender and Ethnicity (UK-domiciled only)

7 UG Degree Classifications



10 Other Data Sources HESA Performance Indicator data – contains data and benchmarks based on school type, social class and low- participation. No data on gender, ethnicity, age, disability. HESA Performance Indicator data – contains data and benchmarks based on school type, social class and low- participation. No data on gender, ethnicity, age, disability. HESA students in HEIs – contains high level figures on numbers of students by various personal characteristics – but not detailed enough to make comparisons HESA students in HEIs – contains high level figures on numbers of students by various personal characteristics – but not detailed enough to make comparisons HEIDI – HESA say that this will allow comparisons, but not likely to be available this year. HEIDI – HESA say that this will allow comparisons, but not likely to be available this year. weblinks and weblinks and

11 Faculty Equality Networks What are the 3 or 4 main equality issues in your faculty? For staff/students What kinds of projects would it be useful to work on in a faculty-wide group? E.g. events How often would it be realistic to meet? Are there any opportunities for linking to existing meetings? What would be the benefits of working in a group of this kind?

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