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2217 – Motor system Somatic – striated muscle Autonomic – smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands Upper and lower motor neurons (final common path) Segmental.

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Presentation on theme: "2217 – Motor system Somatic – striated muscle Autonomic – smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands Upper and lower motor neurons (final common path) Segmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 2217 – Motor system Somatic – striated muscle Autonomic – smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands Upper and lower motor neurons (final common path) Segmental (reflexes) and suprasegmental control Pyramidal vs ‘extrapyramidal’ systems

2 Reflexes

3 Descending Pathways Pyramidal system Extrapyramidal system –basal ganglia, thalamus –red nucleus –subthalamic nuclei –substantia nigra –reticular formation –vestibulo-spinal? –tecto-spinal? –cerebellum?

4 Pyramidal Tracts Pyramidal cells in the primary motor cortex A major tract in primates Mainly for fine motor control Homunculus in primary motor cortex

5 From cortex (only about 50% from primary motor cortex) Passes through the posterior limb of the internal capsule in somatotopic order Passes through cerebral peduncles Sends branches off to bulbar nuclei (both ipsi and contra) At pyramids 85% cross midline 50-55% end in cervical cord 5-10% direct on motor neurons Damage effects not as bad as might be expected from its size cortico- bulbar cortico- spinal

6 Extrapyramidal pathways Tectospinal Rubrospinal Reticulospinal Vestibulospinal

7 Extra-pyramidal tracts Tegmento-spinal(7) Rubro-spinal(8) Medial long. Fasc.(10) Tecto-spinal(9) Reticulo-spinal(6,5) Vestibulo-spinal(4)

8 The basal ganglia

9 Basal Ganglia

10 “Striatum” Caudate Putamen Globus pallidus Basal ganglia = caudate nucleus and lenticular (lentiform) nucleus Lenticular nucleus = Globus pallidus + putamen

11 Kandel et al


13 Basal ganglia problems Involuntary movement at rest Hypokinesia A “mask” like face Rigidity Typical of Parkinson’s disease Treated by L-Dopa Experimentally by fetal grafts (stem cell grafts ??) Globus pallidus, subthalmic nucleus lesions

14 Cerebellum



17 Cerebellar Movement Disorders Dysmetria - over-reaching (test by touching your nose) DISTANCE Disdiadochokinesia - disjointed movement, poor timing (touch fingers in order) TIMING Dyssynergia - disjointed force (touch examiner’s finger) FORCE Ataxia - poor coordination (all the above) Clonus - contraction in response to stretch Paresis - weakness, partial paralysis

18 Movement deficits associated with large cerebellar lesions Disruption of spatial accuracy and temporal coordination of movements



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