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Future career project “a local government employee” (地方公務員) 14213015 2 年 M 組 008 稲川みちの.

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Presentation on theme: "Future career project “a local government employee” (地方公務員) 14213015 2 年 M 組 008 稲川みちの."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future career project “a local government employee” (地方公務員) 14213015 2 年 M 組 008 稲川みちの

2 Introduction A public employee The natural public servant The local government employee The topic of this presentation 〈 To do governmental, wide work 〉 ・ the ministry of Foreign Affairs (外務省) ・ the National Tax Administration Agency (国税庁) ・ The national Diet Library ( 国会図書館 ) 〈 To do local, specific work 〉 ・ Supervising the local events ・ management of local-Tax and Family registration ・ maintenance of Local infrastructure

3 Purpose & Significance of research project ☆ I’m Interested in the “interactive” (双方向の) “tangible” (成果が目に見えやすい) work 【 local government employee 】 Back ground Not take into consideration ※ it is alright a new graduate, a member of society, all generation One’s duty “Activation of city” →one not only do clerical work, but also cooperation with another type of job →There are so many opportunity to have to do with each areas of citizen ForFor the benefit of city ⇔ a private enterprise ⇔ The natural public servant ~ why I research local civil servant? ~ ~ purpose of the project ~ ☆ To turn my eyes on the career expect the field of administration

4 Research question Reason: I would see what I should do now and have a wide view for my own future career →RQ① “I select what kind of career of public employee, and collect the information about the contents of the work” Reason: I have little information on the qualification(examination) →RQ② “What the qualification I need to be a local government employee”

5 Date collection & Analysis ☆ What should we do to obtain qualification? ①The kind of career of local civil servant ②the classification ( 区分 ) of duties ③the contents of the examination 【 the points of making decision 】 ① ①Which cities I apply for? ② Administrative divisions of japan( 都道府 県) An ordinance-city( 政令指令都市) Within the 23 wards of Tokyo( 東京23区) City hall( 市役所) Regular government service( 一般職系職 種) Technical service( 技術系職種) qualification/ silence( 資格免許系職種) 文系職種 公安系職種 ②which duty I choose? 【3 points of obtaining qualification 】 ③ ③which subject I need? social science ( 社会科学 ) Cultural science ( 人文科学) Natural science (自然科学)

6 Date collection & Analysis ①the kind of career of local civil servant Level of the test /careers after adaption Work place Local government employee High-level civil servant ( 地方上級) Intermediate-level civil servant (地方中級) Administrative divisions of japan ( 都 道府県) An ordinance-city ( 政令指令都市) Within the 23 wards of Tokyo ( 東京23区) City hall ( 市役所 ) 【 What difference between them? 】 I’m interested in !

7 Date collection & Analysis ③The contents of the examination A preliminary examination (1 次試験) Liberal test ( 教養試験) Specialized test ( 専門試験) Second test (2 次試験) An essay-type examination ( 論述式テスト) An-oral examination ( 面接テスト) ?

8 Date collection & Analysis Liberal test ( 教養試験) ☆ General knowledge branch 一般知能分野: literally interpretation( 文章理解 )Settle of figure( 数的処理) ☆ General knowledge branch 一般知識分野: social science( 社会科学 )Cultural science( 人文科学 )Natural science( 自然 科学 ) Current event( 時事 ) Specialized test( 専門試験 ) ☆ Subject of administration 行政系科目 : Administration (行政学) Politics (政治学) Social science (社会学) International relations (国際関係) ☆ Subject of law 法律系科目 : Constitution (憲法 ) administrative law( 行政法 )civil law( 民法 )The commercial law( 商法 )criminal law( 刑法 ) labor law( 労働法) ☆ Subject of economy 経済系科目 : Microeconomics/Macroeconomics( ミクロ・マクロ経済学 ) Public finance( 財政学 ) Business administration( 経営学 )Accounts( 会計学 ) quotation Copyright(c) JITSUMUKYOIKU-SHUPPAN Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. Retrieved by

9 Date collection & Analysis ②The qualification( 区分 ) of duties “regular government service( 一般職系職種) ”,“Technical service( 技術系職 種) ”,“qualification/ silence( 資格免許系職種) ”,“ 文系職種, 公安系職種 ” ※ classification is based on where the self -governing body( 自治体) one is work and which the job one should be engaged. Mitaka City hallMusasino city hall regular government service( 一般職系職種) ○High-level regular government service ( 一般事務上級) ○Regular government office work ( 一般事務) Technical service ( 技術系職種) ○a civil engineer ( 土木技術) ○a civil engineer ( 土木技術) An architect ( 建築技術) qualification/ silence ( 資格免許系職種) ×○a hygienist ( 保健士) 公安系職種 ×× 文系職種 ×× ☆ EXAMPLE 〈 The recruitment 26year of coalification of Mitaka city and Musasino city 〉 I’m interested in !

10 Date collection & Analysis ☆ The “personality”( what extent one person match to the job) Which need to be a public employee " Job specific knowledge" “Computer or IT skills, different software“ “Capacity of analysis and synthesis" "communication abilities" "Team working ability"

11 Date collection & Analysis One’s duty : section of family register/tax matters, welfare/preservation of health, environment, infrastructure… Job rotation 10 years A good point of career Develop one’s career by one’s own will For example… ○ A subsection chief test ○ development and appointment for woman’s career program 【 Job study and training 】 ( 2 years) Accounting, Draw up document, Presentation, Excel, Time management… Business administration ! ☆ Yokohama city hall

12 Individual concerns for Research Findings Two means of license personality Qualification (knowledge) license Develop one’s career by one’s own will Theoretical knowledge Soft skill Hard skill The knowledge to pass the examination

13 Research findings Two years after graduation The second grade, I have to do three things. First thing is that I get a real the liberal test( 教養試験 ) and specialized test( 専門試験 ) and take the test as a trial. Second thing is that I apply to Z 会. I am going to apply the course which takes 6month’s term. First and second thing had better to be hurried so I finish these by the end of the year. Third thing is that I take an internship. I want do this during the spring vacation. The third grade, I have to do the study for the test. At the same time, I study accounting. (My school seminar study accounting, and I am interested in it.) The fourth grade, I take test. For the local civil servant-test, many city hold the end of 6month, 7month, and 9month.

14 Reference 【 Website 】 ① The National Personnel Authority website (人事院ホームページ) 人事院事務総局総務課広報情報室 (2011) . The National Personnel Authority website (人事院ホームページ). Retrieved from ② Personnel commission of Tokyo metropolitan government website( 東京都人事委員会ホームページ ) 東京都人事委員会事務局任用公平部総務課庶務( 2014 ). Personnel commission of Tokyo metropolitan government website( 東京都人事委員会ホームページ ) . Retrieved from ③ Information of a public employee website "koumuwin ! " (公務員試験情報サイト “Koumuwin ! ” ) Ruby( 管理人ハンドルネーム ) . Koumuwin !. Retrieved from ④ Z 会 website 株式会社Z会.Z 会 website. Retrieved from ⑤ 大原 website O-hara(1997) .大原 website. Retrieved from 【 BOOK 】 ⑥ 公務員試験 学習スタートブック 受験ジャーナル編集部( 2014 ). 公務員試験 学習スタートブック. ja p an. 実務教育出版 ⑦ 地方公務員になりたい! [ 市役所 ] 受験ジャーナル編集部( 2013 ). 地方公務員になりたい [ 市役所 ] . japan. 実務教育出版 ⑧ 地方公務員になりたい! [ 都道府県・政令市等 ] 受験ジャーナル編集部( 2013 ). 地方公務員になりたい [ 都道府県・政令指令都市 ] . japan. 実務教育出版 【 Journal 】 ⑨LOCAL CIVIL SERVANTS' SKILLS ANALYSIS Raboca,H.M. Carbunarean,F. Jimborean,O.D.(2013). LOCAL CIVIL SERVANTS' SKILLS ANALYSIS. Paper presented at the, 6 59-66. Retrieved from ⑩Explaining global satisfaction by facets of job satisfaction: the Japanese civil servant study Tatsuse,T. & Sekine,M.(2011).Environ Health Med.Explaining global satisfaction by facets of job satisfaction: the Japanese civil servant study.(16),133-137.doi:10.1007/s12199-010-0173-y ProQuestDocuments-2014-10-29 ⑪Sex differences in physical and mental functioning of Japanese civil servants: Explanation from work and family characteristics Michikazu,S.Tarani,c.Pekka,M,Michael,M.(2010).Social science & Medicine.Sex differences in physical and mental functioning of Japanese civil servants: Explanation from work and family charactaristics.2091-2099.1-s2.0-S0277953610006957-mainNONE

15 conclusion RQ1“I select what kind of career of public employee, and collect the information about the contents of the work” I would like to be Local civil servant. ↓ I would like to work at city hall ↓ City hall’s work need many communication skill or knowledge RQ2“What the qualification I need to be a local government employee” Keep studying to pass the test ! ( in the terms of contrary, the qualification not have to do with one’s school background, age, and so on ! ) ↓ For me, Liberal test and specified test is important.

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