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Least Common Multiple, Greatest Common Factor, & Decimals

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Presentation on theme: "Least Common Multiple, Greatest Common Factor, & Decimals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Least Common Multiple, Greatest Common Factor, & Decimals
Math Trivia Least Common Multiple, Greatest Common Factor, & Decimals

2 GCF LCM Addition, subtraction of decimal Division and multiplication of decimals 100 200 300 400

3 100 GCF What is the GCF of 12 and 6? Answer 3 Back to Home

4 100 What is the least common multiple of 7 and 4 Answer 28
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5 100 Answer the following 5.5 +10.2 Answer 15.7 Back to Home

6 100 Answer the following 4.5 x 3.2 Answer 14.4 Back to Home

7 200 What is the Greatest Common Factor of 24 and 36 Answer 12
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8 200 What is the least common multiple of 12 and 15 Answer 60
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9 200 Answer the following 5.9 -1.7 Answer 4.2 Back to Home

10 200 Answer the following 14 ÷ 3.5 Answer 4 Back to Home

11 300 What is the Greatest Common Factor of 48 and 54 Answer 6
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12 300 What is the least common multiple of 50 and 35 Answer 350
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13 300 Answer the following 12.354 Answer 27.793 Back to Home

14 300 Answer the following 12.5 x 8.5 Answer 106.25 Back to Home

15 400 What is the Greatest Common Factor of 72 and 112 Answer 8
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16 400 What is the least common multiple of 18 and 24 Answer 42
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17 400 Answer the following 32.125 Answer 13.88 Back to Home

18 400 Answer the following 25.5 ÷ 5.0 Answer 5.1 Back to Home

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