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How to Find Your Way Around… SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 1. You can play the PowerPoint, and find the Test here EXAMPLE COURSE.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Find Your Way Around… SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 1. You can play the PowerPoint, and find the Test here EXAMPLE COURSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Find Your Way Around… SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 1. You can play the PowerPoint, and find the Test here EXAMPLE COURSE

2 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 2. You can minimise this column and make the main page bigger by clicking this icon. Click it again to bring it back. EXAMPLE COURSE

3 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING 3. Always click this ‘Home’ icon to save your progress and log off. This is very important! EXAMPLE COURSE

4 Health & Safety - Principles SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING COURSE OBJECTIVES On completion of the Health & Safety Principles section, you will understand the: basic concepts and practices, required for Health & Safety, in the workplace. COURSE OBJECTIVES On completion of the Health & Safety Principles section, you will understand the: basic concepts and practices, required for Health & Safety, in the workplace. What is Health & Safety? All of us engage with health & safety matters all of the time. To a lesser or greater extent we all carry-out assessments of whether an activity or article is safe for us to undertake or use, be it, crossing the road or sitting on a chair. When we are at work a variety of laws and regulations govern what we do, and how. Health & safety is no different! Health & Safety Definition Health & Safety has been defined as: "a condition free from risk of injury or threat to our health and well-being." This is not a natural state for us to be in! Everything we do, or do not do, carries some level of risk with regard to injury or threat to health and well-being. Some of these are immediate, others are cumulative and longer-term. Health & Safety Definition Health & Safety has been defined as: "a condition free from risk of injury or threat to our health and well-being." This is not a natural state for us to be in! Everything we do, or do not do, carries some level of risk with regard to injury or threat to health and well-being. Some of these are immediate, others are cumulative and longer-term. Health & Safety Law The main piece of law governing Health & Safety is: The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This Act defines responsibilities and duties for all people at work and provides a system for other Health & Safety law (Regulations) to fit into.

5 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Health & Safety Act - Section 2 Section 2 of the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASWA) states: "It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare at work of all his employees." (It should be noted that all Acts of Parliament use the male gender, except when talking specifically and only about women.) This tells us that our employer is responsible for our health, safety, and welfare when we are at work. Health & Safety Act - Section 3 Section 3 of HASWA states: "It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety." This tells us that our employer is also responsible for the health and safety of anyone affected by anything they do which is part of work. This includes client visitors, contractors, delivery people, clients, patients, or service-users, local residents, visitors from other workplaces. In summary, our employer is responsible (when we are at work) for our health, safety, and well- being, and also for the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by our work. However, as employees we have responsibilities, too.

6 SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Health & Safety Act - Section 7 Under HASWA all employees have certain responsibilities. Section 7 states: "It shall be the duty of every employee while at work a. to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; b. as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with." This is similar to employers sections two and three, but for employees. We must look out for our own health & safety, and also for the health & safety of anyone who may be affected by the work we do. However, we are required to co-operate with our employer in anything they have to do for health & safety, too. It is important to note that section 7a relates to ACTS or OMISSIONS. What we don't do is the same as what we do, under law. We are responsible! Health & Safety Act - Section 8 The final section of HASWA to mention here is section 8. This states: "No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions." If something is provided for our health & safety NO-ONE can use it except in the way it was supposed to be used and for the task it was provided for. The section applies to everyone! As can be seen from these sections, the basis of Health & Safety law is that we all look-out for the health & safety of one another and ourselves when we are at work. We have a duty of care to one another, whether employer or employee. The production of, and compliance with, policies and procedures comes under this, as does training and education. Along with the duty of care is the duty of employees to co-operate with the employer in what the employer does for health & safety.

7 Now You need to take the Test. SEPT - MANDATORY TRAINING Please click the ‘Test’ icon in the left column, and then click for Questions. EXAMPLE COURSE Remember to click the ‘Home’ icon when you finish the Test to save your results

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