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INTERTANKO Council Meeting Singapore, October 2010 Environmental Committee Update Image Courtesy of NORDEN AS.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERTANKO Council Meeting Singapore, October 2010 Environmental Committee Update Image Courtesy of NORDEN AS."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERTANKO Council Meeting Singapore, October 2010 Environmental Committee Update Image Courtesy of NORDEN AS

2 Alignment Mission Primary Goal Guiding Principles Committee Objectives INTERTANKO COMMITMENTS Environmental Committee Model Policy Issues Reporting Items Joint WG / initiatives with other committees

3 INTERTANKO MISSION Provide Leadership to the Tanker Industry in serving the World with the SAFE, ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND AND EFFICIENT seaborne transportation of oil, gas and chemical products

4 INTERTANKO PRIMARY GOAL Lead the CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of the Tanker Industry’s Performance in striving to achieve the Goals of: Zero Fatalities Zero Pollution Zero Detentions

5 INTERTANKO Overarching Priorities Continue to develop and promote best practices in all sectors of our industry, with tanker owners and operators setting an example for others to note and even to follow; Work towards being even more of a positive and proactive influence with key stakeholders, developing policies and positions, engaging with policy and decision makers. And acting as a catalyst in enabling the industry to speak with one voice; Continue to profile and promote the oil and chemical tanker industry, communicating its true role, its social value and its strategic importance as a dynamic force in enabling commerce; Continue to concentrate on the provision of key services to our Members with customized advice, assistance and access to information, and enabling contact and communication between Members and with other stakeholders.

6 Policy Issues Ballast Water Management Port Reception Facilities Garbage Management Ship Recycling Greenhouse Gas Emissions Biofouling Reporting Items Ship Strikes with Cetaceans Marine Noise Pollution Liaison with Environmental Organisations Environmental Performance

7 General Objectives Objective: Provide guidance and best practice on oil and chemical pollution prevention measures Objective: Provide guidance and best practice to further enhance the environmental performance of the tanker industry Objective: Promote the environmental performance of the tanker industry Objective: Engage in the development of environmental legislation

8 Challenges: –Compliant systems for the Convention and regional legislation (i.e., USA, NY, CA x1000 beyond IMO) –Installation of treatment systems that have not been tried and tested on a larger scale. –Integrity of type approval process (i.e., credibility of testing laboratories Objective: Encourage the sharing of information on ballast water treatment systems and the results of on-board installations Objective: Encourage the establishment of uniform industry best practice based on the principles of the IMO Convention. Ballast water management

9 Activities State of the Membership Survey (Technical and Policy) –Information sharing on technology under consideration by the tanker industry –Feedback for IMO Review Group (MEPC 62) on availability of larger scale systems Review IMO type approval guidelines (G8, G9) for loopholes. Proposed INTERTANKO position –Regional regulations above and beyond IMO requirements should provide Ballast water reception facilities

10 Challenges: Availability and adequacy of reception facilities as required Objective: Urge stakeholders to comply with the provision of adequate reception facilities at all oil and chemical ports and terminals Port reception facilities

11 Activities INTERTANKO led PRF Forum –Encourage the wider provision and use of reception facilities; –Increase knowledge of reception facilities and associated procedures. INTERTANKO Website, linked to IMO GISIS List facilities with alleged inadequacy reports Promoting the good ports/facilities Discussing compulsory discharge policy in line w/ proposed EU legislation –Operational practicality, and the need for a transparent fee mechanism (possible abuse of the scheme by ports) –Advantages: level playing field; minimise waste; less incineration; move towards zero discharge

12 Garbage management Challenge: Uniform interpretation of international (IMO) and regional rules Objective: Develop and contribute to uniform international practices for the management of garbage

13 Garbage Management Activities : Best practice - Participated in development of draft ISO Standard on waste handling. Recommend use by members once finalized Issues / Interpretations, ex. Maintenance waste – Soot handling – Trace heavy metals Legislation: – Participated in IMO WG on recent revisions to Marpol Annex V. Guidelines to be developed accordingly for the Implementation of Marpol Annex V and revision of the garbage management plan – Assist members w/ compliance

14 Challenges: Adhering to sound ship recycling practices prior to the Hong Kong convention coming into force (earliest possibly 2013) –Using safe and environmentally sound facilities –Ship Recycling (HSE) Plan –Minimising Hazardous Materials prior delivery –Inventory of Hazardous Materials (aka Green passport) Objective: Promote the use of ship recycling facilities which have proven health, safety and environmental protection standards, as per those specified in the Hong Kong Convention. Ship recycling

15 Activities Share information on ‘better’ facilities (website) Clearinghouse on recycling facilities striving to meet the HK Convention standards, based on information from ship owners Watching brief over action in Europe –European Commission continue to consider how to enforce legislation in relation to ship recycling

16 Greenhouse gas emissions Challenge: Determining what actions to take in minimizing CO2 emissions prior to legislation Objective: Promote the sharing of information on operational and technical options for reducing GHGs from tankers

17 Greenhouse gas emissions Activities Proactive assessment of the implementation of the IMO SEEMP –Gather feedback on implementation and consider providing guidance for a harmonized approach by INTERTANKO members and an update of the TEEMP. Alignment with similar OCIMF TMSA requirements Share experiences with effective energy efficiency practices

18 Biofouling Challenge: Striving for practicality and avoiding duplication in IMO Guidelines Achieving a balance between invasive species vs energy efficiency issues Addressing regional issues w/ hull management Objective: Contribute to the development of practical and uniform international guidelines and best practices on the management of ships’ biofouling

19 Biofouling Activities IMO Guidelines Assessment, Review and Commentary – Providing input on current IMO Guidelines due to be completed in 2011 – Guidelines to regulations? Maintain principle that ports MUST allow hull management operations in their waters

20 Environmental Performance Challenges: Striving for and demonstrating continual improvement in minimizing our impacts Objective: Contribute towards the development and use of common environmental performance indicators. Activities: Defining performance indicators (joint ISTEC/EC WG) Collecting data and benchmarking Capturing lessons learned (Website)

21 Ship strikes with cetaceans (Marine Mammals) Challenge : Voluntary adherence with guidelines is low, e.g., due to charter party. Activities: Raise awareness through news articles –USA – speed restrictions and speeding fines! 26% compliance out of 28,000 vsls –Consider supporting mandatory application of speed reduction

22 Marine noise pollution Activities Watching brief Full review of the IMO Technical Guidelines for Ship-Quieting to be delivered and considered by the Committee at its next meeting

23 Environmental Organisations Challenges: Maintaining a positive and proactive influence with stakeholders. Objective: Liaise and cooperate with international environmental organisations in order to work towards common objectives Objective: Promote the environmental performance of the tanker industry Activities WWF International – conducting a review on the effectiveness of class green notations. The Committee has agreed to peer review this work World Ocean Council – general support for the principle established by the WOC

24 Concluding Remarks Environmental Committee Priorities: Continuously enhance our understanding on environmental issues and participate in an informed manner; Represent members on environmental and legislative issues directly effecting the tanker industry; Proactively develop environmental policies for INTERTANKO to follow up at IMO and elsewhere; Establish effective dialogue with stakeholders.

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