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Spring 2013 Student Opinion Survey (SOS) Take it Seriously… YOUR OPINION COUNTS!!!

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1 Spring 2013 Student Opinion Survey (SOS) Take it Seriously… YOUR OPINION COUNTS!!!

2 Every three years, all SUNY Community Colleges, including GCC, administer the Student Opinion Survey to gather and act upon feedback from students on their satisfaction with a wide variety of college services and programs. The Student Opinion Survey (SOS) Take it Seriously… Your Opinion COUNTS!

3 SOS feedback has resulted in many improvements over the years including: – Construction of the Student Union – Addition of Smart Classrooms and Labs – Improvements in Online Services – Enhancements to Athletic Facilities, Food Service, and Bookstore Processes.

4 Who is Completing the SOS at GCC? Take it Seriously… Your Opinion COUNTS! 1,000 Genesee students (full- and part-time) from 63 Randomly Selected classes; In career and transfer programs; At the Batavia campus and at campus centers

5 The Student Opinion Survey (SOS) Take it Seriously… Your Opinion MATTERS! What were the results from the last SOS (Spring 2010)? Following results based on scale of One lowest and Five highest.

6 Satisfaction with College Services Students rated 34 services Overall, students were satisfied Average scores ranged from 3.3 to 4.2 1 Very Dissatisfied 5 Very Satisfied 3 Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied 4 Satisfied 2 Dissatisfied

7 College Services High Scores!! Web & E-Mail 4.2 Availability Online Courses, Services4.2 Online Ease of Use4.1 Library Resources4.1 Library Services4.1 Library Facilities4.1 Buildings & Grounds4.1 Registration Process4.1 Classrooms4.0 Availability of Computers4.0

8 Satisfaction with Academic Experiences Students rated satisfaction with 32 academic experiences Overall, students were satisfied Average scores ranged from 3.4 to 4.1 1 Very Dissatisfied 5 Very Satisfied 3 Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied 4 Satisfied 2 Dissatisfied

9 Quality of Instruction4.1 Class Size4.1 Website ease of use4.1 Clarity of Instruction4.0 Website Information Provided4.0 Faculty Respect for Students4.0 Academic Experiences High Scores!!

10 Frequency of Academic Experiences Considered 11 items (How often have you…) Wide range (Avg. scores range from 1.7 to 4.3) Overall, students reported more than occasional frequency with most items 1 Never 5 Very Frequently 3 Occasionally 4 Frequently 2 Rarely

11 Frequency of Academic Experiences Most Frequently Gone to Class with Readings and Assignments Completed 4.3 Worked Hard to Meet Instructor's Expectations 4.3 Had to Think Critically to Complete Assignments4.2

12 Perceived College Contribution to Growth & Learning Considered 16 items (How much did GCC contribute to your ability to…) Students felt GCC made moderate contributions to Growth and Learning Average scores ranged from 2.6 to 3.8 1 No Contribution 5 Very Large Contribution 3 Moderate Contribution 4 Large Contribution 2 Small Contribution

13 College Contribution to Growth & Learning Greatest Contribution College contributes most to : Acquiring Knowledge & Skills Needed for Career 3.8 Acquiring Knowledge & Skills to Further Academic Study 3.5 Acquiring Information, Ideas, & Concepts3.5 Understanding Personal Goals & Values3.5

14 Comparative Strengths GCC ranked #1 in 6 areas across ALL Participating SUNY Community Colleges Comparative Strengths GCC ranked #1 in 6 areas across ALL Participating SUNY Community Colleges

15 GCC Ranking #1 in 6 Areas  Computer Support Services  Internet Access (including wireless)  Campus Center – Student Union  Security Services  Faculty Used Innovative Technology to Aid Learning  Using Computers & Information Technology Effectively SOS 2010 - Students’ Choices Matter!

16 Spring 2013 Student Opinion Survey (SOS) Take it Seriously… YOUR OPINION COUNTS TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS FOR ALL!!!

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