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English Job Interview Questions

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1 English Job Interview Questions
For your own self: You should write down the answers and think about these questions.

2 Popular HR Questions Tell me about yourself?
Why do you want this job? (your dream job) Why should we hire you? What is your major achievement? What do you consider yourself good at doing?

3 Popular Questions What do you look for in a manager?
What do you look for in a subordinate? What have you read recently that has taken your interest? What motivates you? In what environment do you work best?

4 Popular Questions When were you most happy at work?
How have you changed over the past five years? How do you work in a team? Describe a time when you felt you were doing well. Where do you see yourself going in the next five years?

5 Popular Questions Set 2 What kind of difficulties do you expect to encounter in your first job? How did you get your last job? What will you do if you don’t get this job? When do you plan to retire? What training courses have you been in?

6 Popular Questions Describe a time when you felt you were doing well.
What motivates you? Do you like to work in a team or on your own? Have you been coached on job interviews? What sort of person are you socially?

7 General Tips Be friendly to all the staff Don’t check your phone
Don’t drink the water Think happy thoughts Eye contact and nodding * ANY EXTRA TIPS TO SHARE WITH CLASS

8 General Tips Arrive early Have good posture Stay calm Smile Be honest
* Learn how to tell a good story. After interviewing 200 people, I have a short memory

9 What Employers Want Hard worker who will not cause trouble
Loyal worker who will not change jobs An employer who will contribute more than they get paid Someone who is creative and smart (Not as important for entry positions) Someone who can follow orders (Korea?)

10 What Employers Want Someone who is attractive (important?)
Someone who is funny Someone they would like to work with Someone who will fit into the company culture * Any special advice from an employer’s view?

11 Popular Questions for Graduates
Why did you go to this university? How have your studies been funded? Why did you choose your major? What have you contributed to your university? How will your studies help your work?

12 Graduate Questions What have you enjoyed the most at college?
What is your strongest/weakest subject? Describe your ideal employer. Tell me something about your ambitions? Where do you see yourself 5 to 10 years down the road?

13 Graduate Questions How much do you know about our organization?
Do you know anyone who works for us? What do you think you have to offer? How much are you prepared to work? How long will you stay at our company?

14 Graduate Questions How would your friends describe you?
How would your professors describe you? What newspaper do you read? Why? Besides your degree, what else have you gained from your university? Tell me a little about our family.

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