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What do you see?.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you see?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you see?

2 3 Sociological Perspectives

3 Do Now What makes our world work? What makes our society run smoothly?
What keeps our country stable? Make a list Turn and talk

4 1. Functionalism Functionalism compares society to an organism like the human body. Each part or group has a function or purpose. As long as all parts or groups work/function, society remains stable. If a part or group does not work, we have dysfunction… that’s where the word dysfunctional came from Not this kind of dysfunctional

5 Consensus Functionalist theory states that society is held together by consensus. What are some of the things that we all agree on? Turn and talk.

6 1. Functionalism Everything in society has two types of functions. Neither type is more important than the other. 1. Manifest Function: The obvious function example: a watch’s function is to tell time 2. Latent Function: The hidden or unintended function example: a watch can tell a person’s social status

7 1. Functionalism cont. What are the manifest functions of the following objects.

8 1. Functionalism cont. What are the latent functions of the following objects.

9 2. Conflict Theory This school compares society to a competition for resources. Resources can include: power money respect attention food anything that is desired by 2 sides

10 2. Conflict Theory Examples: Political parties competing for votes.
Different Depts. in a company competing for funding. Kanye competing with his music label for control of what his songs will be about.

11 2. Conflict Theory What are the driving forces behind this conflict?

12 2. Conflict Theory

13 3. Interactionism Examines people’s day-to-day interactions and their behavior in smaller groups A lot of interactions happen through symbols

14 How do we practice sociology?
Study of group behavior through the use of scientific data. Sociologists are social scientists. They observe social behavior, conduct experiments and study how society influences and shapes people and …. How people influence and shape society.

15 The Sociological Perspective
Looking at social life in a scientific, systematic way, rather than depending on common sense explanations found in the media. Ignore the stereotypes and biases and look for deeper reasons why things take place.

16 The Sociological Imagination
The Sociological Imagination helps to understand why we behave the way that we do. What influences your behavior? Culture Geography Social Class Family Friends Media Life experiences, etc…

17 The Sociological Imagination
The ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life. How does society affect you? Poverty Government Crime Education, etc…

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