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INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 1 INGAS 24 months meeting Brussels, 27&28 of October 2010 General.

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Presentation on theme: "INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 1 INGAS 24 months meeting Brussels, 27&28 of October 2010 General."— Presentation transcript:

1 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 1 INGAS 24 months meeting Brussels, 27&28 of October 2010 General Assembly Coordinator Staff presentation

2 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 2 Agenda of the 24 month meeting – Brussels 27 & 28 October 2010 Agenda – Day 1 – October the 27 th Diamant, Brussels 9:00 – 13.00 Separate SP meetingsSP (Sub projects) Room “Fleming” – SPA1 Room “Koch” – SPA2 Room “Newton A” – SPA3 Room “Newton B” – SPB0 Room “Newton C” – SPB1 Room “Planck” – SPB2 13.00 - 14:00 Lunch (Catering = coffee break and lunch in Room “Marconi”) 14:00 – 16.30 General Assembly(Room “Edison”)All partners - General issuesCoordinator - Organizational information PM (Project Manager) -Administrative proceduresCoordinator 16:30 End of Day 1 General Assembly

3 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 3 Agenda of the 24 month meeting – Brussels 27 & 28 October 2010 Agenda – Day 2 – October the 28 th Diamant, Brussels Room “Newton BC” 08:30 Plenary session: Introduction and agendaCoordinator & Project Officer - SP A1 presentation CRF - SP A2 presentation AVL - SP A3 presentation FEV 11:00 Coffee break (Room “Vesalius”) 11:15 Plenary session - SP B0 presentation EON-RUHR - SP B1 presentation CRF - SP B2 presentation DAI 13:30 Lunch (Room “Vesalius”) 14:30 End of the Meeting (GA) Room “Planck” 14:30 –16:00 Debriefing with CGCG (Core Group)

4 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain Detailed agenda for day 2 – October the 28 th (1/2) 8:30 – 8:40Project Officer & Coordinator: Introduction 8:40 – 9:20SPA1 : CRF, Gerini and TU Graz, Skalla 9:20 – 10:00SPA2 :DAI+CONTI, Fuerhapter for project overview and the engine HW ; Siemens, Hoege for injector development; DAI+PoliTo + Conti, Fuerhapter for combustion development progress. 10:00-10:40SPA3: SAPT, Maria Holstrom for EATS related topics and FEV; Hüchtebrock for general issues and engine related topics 10:40-11:00Coffee Break (Room “Vesalius”) 4

5 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain Detailed agenda for day 2 – October the 28 th (2/2) 11:00-11:40SPB0: E.ON Ruhrgas  choice of limit gases, study on H2 embrittlement of steel tanks, WTT; GDF SUEZ  Results of the simulations on the influence on gas composition on engine operation; JBRC  Results of experimental and model investigation on gas composition influence; MEMS  feasibility study and development of a gas quality sensor. 11:40 – 12:20SPB1: General overview of SP-B1 (Storer) Progress regarding the development of the Advanced storage vessels and their experimental validation (Limke) Progress regarding the development of the advanced storage system components (valves and pressure regulator) (Kiener) Progress in the development of the advanced storage assembly and its integration on the demonstrator vehicle (Storer) General conclusions regarding progress, open issues, etc (Storer) 12:20 – 13:15SPB2: DAI (Weibel) Introduction ECOCAT (Kallinen) Catalyst development UNISTUTT (Rink) HEX Development AVL (Certic) Engine test bench activities DAI (Weibel) Conclusions 13:15 – 13:30Discussion 5

6 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 6 News from the coordinator’s staff General overview positive reviewers feedback –First year completed with positive reviewers feedback –Approved new amendment –Approved new amendment that takes into account PO & reviewers requests, revision of some WPs and responsibility and new beneficiaries (OPEL & SAPT instead of GMPT-G & GMPT-S) –The financial assessment for the first reporting period has been received

7 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 7 Cost statement for Period 1 The first year approval iter was : –On line submission of Cost Statement by each partner – end of November 2009 end of January 2010 –Collection of signed Cost Statement by each partner – end of January 2010 –Release of all original documentation to PO – mid of February 2010 –Requests of explanation by PO and feedback by partners – from March to June 2010 from July to September 2010 –Further changes requested and occurred by some partners, not previously scheduled - from July to September 2010 –Approval by PO – October 2010

8 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 8 Reporting to submit within 60 days of the end of the second year.Periodic Report  to submit within 60 days of the end of the second year. It shall comprises: DoW amendment 2 –An overview, including a publishable summary, of the progress of the work towards the objective of the project and the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with DoW amendment 2 and that actually carried out explanation of the use of the resources – new deadline 5 th of November 2010 –An explanation of the use of the resources – new deadline 5 th of November 2010 Financial Statement to implement in FORCE website (mandatory) – new deadline 5 th of November 2010 –A Financial Statement (Form C) from each beneficiary, (accompanied by an audit certificate when the cumulative funding request threshold of 375.000 Euro is reached) to implement in FORCE website (mandatory) – new deadline 5 th of November 2010 Today statusToday status –Form C uploaded (draft + final) = 13/30 –Explanation of the use of the resources = 5/30

9 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 9 Reporting - Periodic Report The Periodic Report for each period shall regroup, in one single report, both technical report and financial reporting.The Periodic Report for each period shall regroup, in one single report, both technical report and financial reporting. It shall consists of sections described as follows –Front page –Table of contents with pagination, followed by the following sections: 1.Publishable summary 2.Projects objectives for the period SP by SP 3.Work progress and achievements during the period (SP by SP) 4.Deliverables and milestones tables 5.Project Management 6.Explanation of the use of the resources 7.Financial statements – Form C and Summary financial report (signed original sent in parallel by post) 8.Certificates (signed original sent in parallel by post)

10 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 10 Reporting – Periodic Report 1. Publishable summary Every SP leader is in charge to prepare the publishable summary of its Sub Project (max. 2 pages) –This section should be of suitable quality to enable direct publication by the Commission. This report should include a summary description of the project objectives, a description of the work performed on 2 nd year of the project, a description of the main results achieved so far, the expected final results and their potential impact and use. Welcome appropriate diagrams, photographs and so on… Every SP leader is in charge to prepare the publishable summary of its Sub Project (max. 2 pages) 2. Project objectives for the period This paragraph will be prepared by the Coordinator (max. 3 pages) –Overview of the project objectives for the reporting period in question, as included in Annex I of the GA. These objectives are required so that this report is a stand-alone document. The report should include a summary of recommendations from the previous reviews (if any) and indicate how these have been taken into account. This paragraph will be prepared by the Coordinator (max. 3 pages)

11 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 11 Reporting – Periodic Report 3. Work progress and achievements during the period For each Sub Project the report should provide the following information: –A summary of progress towards objectives and details for each WP –Highlight clearly significant results –If applicable, explain the reasons for deviations from Annex I and their impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning –If applicable, explain the reason for failing or achieving critical objectives and/or not being on schedule and explain the impact on other tasks as well as on available resources –A statement on the use of resources, in particular highlighting and explaining deviations between actual and planned man-months per work package and per beneficiary in DoW is mandatory –If applicable, propose corrective actions This document will be prepared collecting all the “24 month report partner input” merged at SP level by the SP leader (max. 20 pages for each SP)

12 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 12 Some examples of deviations First year Man Months planned Man Months used Status Partner A109OK Partner B1018 To justify! Partner C103 To justify!

13 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 13 Risk of high deviations First year Man Months planned Man Months used Risk Partner B1018 Payment for P2 will be provided if the Commission (also upon receipt of the reviewers comments) will accept the reasons for the strong deviation from the original planning. Otherwise activity surplus will be questioned and in case, rejected. This would mean that we all made wrong activity estimations in DoW Partner C103 If all deliverables have been released on time, this deviation means that a saving of 7 MM has been reached and the budget was highly overestimated. Cumulated unspent budget turns out to be lost budget and…would mean that we all made wrong activity estimations in DoW

14 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 14 Periodic Report 4. Deliverable and milestones tables SP leader responsibility

15 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 15 Periodic Report 5. Project management  Section to summarize management of the consortium activities during the period  Consortium management tasks and achievements  Problems which have occurred and how they were solved or envisaged solutions  Changes in the consortium if any  List of projects meetings, dates and venues  Project planning and status  Impact of possible deviations from the planned milestones and deliverables, if any  Any changes to the legal status of any of the beneficiaries  Development of the project website if applicable  Use of foreground and dissemination activities during this period SP leader max. 2 pages  To prepare this section, every SP leader will write a short description (max. 2 pages) of the management of its SP as requested in the template “24 month report partner input”

16 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 16 Periodic Report 6.Explanation of the use of the resources each beneficiary  It provides an explanation of personnel costs, subcontracting and any major costs incurred by each beneficiary, such as the purchase of important equipment, travel costs, large consumable items etc. linking them to work packages. Table 3.1 Personnel, subcontracting and other major cost items for Beneficiary (NR) for the period 01/10/2009 - 30/09/2010 Company short name CRF Item descriptionAmountExplanations Number of Man Months45 Personnel costs€ 244.605,3 Subcontracting Travel 1225,5 Registration fee to the Turin kick off meting for Novella Paolo, 20&21 Nov08 Travel 2€ 1.223,0 Ticket, accommodation and registration fee for Andrea Gerini to 6 month meeting in Prague 25&26 May 2009 Travel 3 Consumables€ 1.212,0Reference gas for preliminary test Materials€ 3.149,4Engine spare/prototype parts Consumables€ 23.251,0HW&SW tools to operate with Multiair ECU Remaining costs SPA1 WPA1.1 - base engine specifications and air path model development; prototype parts build-up; Set-up and delivery of the CNG engine devoted to IFP experimental activities. WPA1.2 - prototype ECU HW specifications and CNG dedicated SW development; Realization of first prototype ECU for experimental activities at the engine test bench. WPA1.4 - preliminary test on mule vehicle to support catalyst development.

17 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 17 Periodic Report 6.Risk of not satisfactory explanation of the use of the resources Case 1: No explanation or limited to WP or deliverables code reference –Reviewers require written explanation and likely a meeting to understand major costs exposed with an additional delay to approval 2 nd year budget (several months) Case 2: Too much details (list of people vs MM involved in the project w/o explanation of activities carried out by these technicians) When the clarification is not accepted the relevant cost will be rejected. –List of people vs MM is not requested, on the contrary it’s mandatory to explain technical activities performed in a very short version as well as to give details of occurred expenses (consumables, equipment), otherwise reviewers could ask further clarification and likely a meeting to understand major costs exposed with an additional delay to approval 2 nd year budget (several months). When the clarification is not accepted the relevant cost will be rejected. Case 3: Missing names of meeting participants and/or names of travelers and why Moreover w/o these justifications these exposed costs will not be funded. –Reviewers require written document with details of names of meeting participants and/or names of travelers and the content of meeting and purpose of travel with an additional delay to approval 2 nd year budget (several months). Moreover w/o these justifications these exposed costs will not be funded.

18 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 18 Periodic Report 7. Financial statements – Form C and Summary financial report –A separate financial statement will be submitted from each beneficiary (if Special Clause 10 applies to your Grant Agreement, please include a separate financial statement from each third party as well) together with a summary financial report which consolidates the claimed Community contribution of all the beneficiaries in an aggregate form, based on the information provided in Form C (Annex VI) by each beneficiary. –When applicable, certificates on financial statements shall be submitted by the concerned beneficiaries according to Article II.4.4 of the Grant Agreement.

19 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 19 Periodic Report 7. Financial statements – Form C and Summary financial report -Mandatory use of FORCE for form C electronic submission -Access via EU Portal with ECAS password -Beneficiary has only access to his own Form C -Coordinator has access to all Forms C -Each beneficiary is enabled to upload his own financial data (Form C) -Each beneficiary will make electronic submission of his own form C to the coordinator Coordinator approves and submits form C of the Consortium to the Commission electronically and send signed papers as well. -As soon as coordinator has submitted the Form C of the Consortium to the Commission, each beneficiary will be able to print and have signed in original the final version of its own Form C -Paper version printed from FORCE has to be sent to the Coordinator signed in original, right after the coordinator has closed the reporting session)

20 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain Action list 24 months periodic report Explanation of the use of the resources is mandatory A statement of deviations between actual and planned man-months & budget per work package and per beneficiary is mandatory If the above documentation will not be provided If the above documentation will not be provided or not be accepted by the the relevant cost will be rejected Commission, the relevant cost will be rejected Form C It must be implemented in FORCE websiteIt must be implemented in FORCE website 20

21 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 21 Second YEAR Reporting deadline 24 month report partner input SP leader Coordinator & Project Manager FinalReport Technical & management report Financial Statement Explanation of use of resources & Form C upload on FORCE Form C submission to Commission by Coordinator Deadline 28 October 2010 Feedback by Coordinator Staff 5 November 2010 9 November 2010 Deadline 30 November 2010 12 November 2010 20 November 2010 Revised Form C upload on FORCE Paper version printed from FORCE has to be sent to the Coordinator signed in original via first class express courier 15 December 2010

22 INGAS General Assembly, Brussels, 27&28 October 2010 INGAS INtegrated GAS Powertrain 22 Next meeting Main items DateDurationPlace 30 months SP meetings General Assembly CG meeting 25 th & 26 th of May 2011 2 days Oulu c/o ECOCAT (Finland)

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