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To get us thinking about color, get out a piece of paper and write down what you think are the answers to the following questions: 1. Which color stimulates.

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Presentation on theme: "To get us thinking about color, get out a piece of paper and write down what you think are the answers to the following questions: 1. Which color stimulates."— Presentation transcript:

1 To get us thinking about color, get out a piece of paper and write down what you think are the answers to the following questions: 1. Which color stimulates faster breathing and heart rate? 2. What color of room makes people more productive? 3. What color helps weight-lifters lift heavier weights? 4. Which color causes people to lose energy? 5. What color of car is the most popular with car thieves? 6. What color can improve vision? 7. What color can cause you to lose your appetite? 8. What color stimulates appetite? 9. What color enhances concentration? 10. What color of room causes babies to cry more often? 11. What is the most relaxing color? 12. What color should you wear to a job interview? 13. What is the most romantic color? 14. What color of room do people lose their temper more in? 15. What color is most associated with royalty, wealth and luxury?

2 COLOR MY WORLD Beginning to Understand Color Basics

3 There will be a quiz on this presentation! Good news: you can use your notes! (So, take good notes!)

4 Learning about color is interesting. For example, stare at the white dot for a minute.

5 Now, look at the blank white screen below. What happens? Do you know why that happens? You will soon!

6 Why is knowing about color important when you are creating art?  Color sets the mood for the artwork. Imagine how different the mood of this piece would be if it was in reds and oranges.

7  Color draws the eye and adds interest.

8 Color is a lot of fun!

9 First, do you know what a primary color is? Secondary? Tertiary?  three primary colors three primary colors

10 Let’s talk about some color vocabulary you should know:

11 Saturation, intensity or chroma:  The brilliance or purity of the color

12 Neutrals and semi-neutrals(mix complementary colors to get these): Neutral Semi-Neural

13 Basic Color Schemes:  Monochromatic

14  Complimentary

15  Analogous

16 See if you can name the color scheme used in the following art works: COMPLIMENTARY


18 What color scheme did this artist use?

19  How about this one?

20 This color scheme?


22  Last one ….

23 Awesome, now lets get started using color!

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