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SAULĖTEKIS Integrated Centre/Valley of Science, Studies and Business: National Centre for Physical and Technological Sciences: routes for scientific cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "SAULĖTEKIS Integrated Centre/Valley of Science, Studies and Business: National Centre for Physical and Technological Sciences: routes for scientific cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAULĖTEKIS Integrated Centre/Valley of Science, Studies and Business: National Centre for Physical and Technological Sciences: routes for scientific cooperation (major project) Gintaras Valušis Manager of the Project, Professor at the Physics Faculty of the Vilnius University, Deputy Director for development at the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology E-mail: 1

2 2 Saulėtekis (Sunrise) Valley at Vilnius -1

3 Saulėtekis (Sunrise) Valley at Vilnius - 2 Vilnius university – largest and oldest Lithuanian university, listed in Times Higher Education QS World Class University ranking Main state research institutes in physical and life sciences Most of the strongest scientific groups (21 out of 32, as identified by Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education) in the field of physical, biomedical and technological sciences Number of spin-off’s generated during last years (Profarma, „Šviesos Konversija“, „Altechna“, „Hortiled“, „Teravil“, „OPS“, „Bitas“, „Baltic Amadeus“, TEV, VTEX, „Tikslieji prietaisai“, „Optida“) 3

4 Sunrise Campus The biggest science and studies concentration in Baltic; the area of 156 ha (62 ha reserved for valley development); 20 000 Vilnius University and Vilnius Technical University students, scientists, teachers (including 750 scientist and researchers); 2,4 ha (two land plots of 1,8 ir 0,6 ha) reserved for business support infrastructure development 4

5 Saulėtekio (Sunrise) Valley Projects Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park Development, I Phase -- IMPLEMENTED National Center for Scientific Communication, under implementation Development of Vilnius University Laser Research Centre: “Naglis” Development of Civil Engineering Centre of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Establishment of National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences 5

6 Strategic goal and objectives strategic goal - to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach, to ensure open access to high quality research infrastructure, to attract the best researchers from around the world. 6 Objectives To develop a common infrastructure of Vilnius University and the Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences; To reinforce laser and light technology R&D facilities; To reinforce material science and nanotechnology, semiconductor physics and electronics R&D facilities.

7 National Centre for Physical and Technological Sciences: Cornerstone of the Valley Laser and light technologies ( Vilnius University, Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology (Institute of Physics, Semiconductor Physics Institute) and Vilnius Gediminas’ Technical University) ) Materials science and nanotechnologies ( Vilnius University, Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology (Institute of Physics, Institute of Chemistry, Semiconductor Physics Institute)) Semiconductor physics and electronics (Vilnius University, Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology (Institute of Physics, Institute of Chemistry, Semiconductor Physics Institute) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University) 7

8 Justification of main topics in R&D activities LASER AND LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES: well - connected with Lithuanian hi-tech industry good international cooperation and networking requires product diversification and market expanding MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY: interconnected with the rest directions (large materials characterization facilities) already established cooperation with industry emerging field of nanotechnology with human resources available SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: large number of internationally distinguished researchers low technological output caused by lack of investment some spin-off companies are already emerging 8

9 Laser and light technologies 9

10 Laser and light technologies - 1 Facilities at Laser Research Centre of the Vilnius University High-power OPA-tunable femtosecond laser facilities Transnational access through LASERLAB EUROPE 10

11 Laser and light technologies - 2 Scientific background – many years experience in parametric processes for coherent light generation 11

12 Laser and light technologies - 3 Laser-induced damage of optical materials 12

13 Laser and light technologies - 4 Materials processing by picosecond and femtosecond lasers Pharos laser is developed by VU spin-off company Light Conversion 13

14 Laser and light technologies - 5 Laser patterning for electronics 14

15 Lasers and light technologies - summary Scientific potential: concentrated in the Department of Quantum Electronics (Vilnius University) and the Institute of Physics (Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology) Since 2001 – open access for foreign scientists (LASERLAB- EUROPE); participation in EU scientific programmes Industrial links: Lithuanian laser companies are the only ones to manufacture in Lithuania world-class research equipment (laser systems, nonlinear optic devices); spin-off’s generating environment Impact of the National Centre: New Joint Centre of Optical Laser Components; New Joint Centre of Processing of Laser Materials New Joint Laboratory of Coherent Light Sources 15

16 Results of laser research and industry Sales -- > 100 mln. LTL (about 30 mln. EUR) in 2009 increase in sales -- > 40% for Light Conversion Ltd in 2009; conventional increase – 15-20%. number of companies – 16; staff – more 400; 10% are doctors of sciences. Lithuanian lasers – about 10% of world laser scientific market Parametric generators from Light Conversion Ltd -- 80% of world market Picosecond sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectrometer from Ekspla – monopolist in the world market. 16

17 Results of laser research and industry Next step – industrial lasers market ! 17

18 Materials science and nanotechnologies 18

19 Materials science and nanotechnologies - 1 Materials structure characterization facilities 19

20 Materials science and nanotechnologies - 2 FTIR microimaging 20

21 Materials science and nanotechnologies - 3 Nanobiotechnology 21

22 Materials science and nanotechnologies - 4 Modelling of nanoagregates 22

23 Materials science and nanotechnologies: summary Scientific potential: concentrated in the Vilnius University, Institute of Physics, Institute of Chemistry, Semiconductor Physics Institute participation in international and EU scientific programmes; bilateral scientific cooperation with EU countries Industrial links: both local (Achema, Vilniaus Ventos Puslaidininkiai (Venta Semiconductors) Lt., state enterprise Lietuvos Monetų Kalykla (Lithuanian Mint) and worldwide (e.g. Toyota Motor Co., Japan; Aixtron AG, Germany, etc.); spin-off’s generating environment: Chromtech Ltd. and Chemeta Ltd. Impact of the National Centre : Confluence of scientific expertise, human resourses and equipment in solving problems in material science and nanotechnology New quality in technological infrastructure 23

24 Semiconductor physics and electronics 24

25 Semiconductor physics and electronics - 1 Advanced semiconductor measurement technology Dynamical holography 25

26 Semiconductor physics and electronics - 2 Photovoltaics Centre facilities in α-silicon 26

27 Centre Semiconductor physics and electronics - 3 Molecular semiconductor engineering 27

28 Semiconductor physics and electronics - 4 Solid state lighting in horticulture Potential applications in growth of: High-quality food Pharmaceutical plants Transgenic plants MOCVD facilities at the Centre 28

29 Semiconductor physics and electronics - 5 Thin-films gas detection systems 29

30 Semiconductor physics and electronics - 6 Terahertz optoelectronics Centre facilities in MBE growth 30

31 Scientific potential: concentrated in the Vilnius University, Institute of Physics, Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University participation in international and EU scientific programmes; bilateral scientific cooperation with EU countries; CERN programmes Industrial links: spin-off’s generating environment: (OPS Ltd, Teravil Ltd, Hortiled Ltd, Tikslioji Sintezė Ltd), local links (Vilniaus Ventos puslaidininkiai (semiconductors) Ltd., Baltic Scientific Instruments Ltd. ) and worldwide (e.g. Samsung Electronics, Aixtron AG, Germany, Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc ); Impact of the National Centre : New technological infrastructure: From new materials to prototypes of devices Semiconductor physics and electronics: summary 31

32 Consolidation of R&D resources on the institutional and simultaneously on the geographical level Development of infrastructure for science-business cooperation National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences studies business Integration of science and studies, transfer of scientific knowledge for students, Skills in working with modern scientific equipment possibility to use modern scientific infrastructure and equipment, availability of intellectual resources science Laser and light technologies Materials science and nanotechnologies Semiconductor Physics and electronics Nuclear physics and environmental research National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences 32

33 Human resources and constituents of the Centre: Constituents of the Centre Dr. (habilitation)Dr. PhD students Researchers techn.staff Total Institute of Physics64592787 Semiconductor Physics Institute238718128256 Institute of Chemistry10851712124 Institute of Materials Science and Applied Research, Vilnius University516211254 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University133702070 Teams from the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University23321249 Teams from the Physics Faculty, Vilnius University62541449 Teams from the Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University142321058 Total7935192225 747 Human resources at the Centre - currently 33

34 Role of the Centre Role in the European scientific space – the Centre is multidisciplinary; coherent mode in skills and knowledge in laser technologies, material science and semiconductor physics and electronics. These features, together with a new technological infrastructure and experimental facilities, will enable to shift the Centre into particular role in East Europe scientific arena and provide export of European scientific tradition into East non-european countries. 34 Role of the Centre in Lithuania – to be a core of knowledge economy and high-tech development. One can mention also strong orientation into needs of local high- tech industry.

35 Acknowlegements Thank you very much for your attention! 35 Leonardo, Pointing Lady

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