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Nitrogen cycle Biogeochemistry October 17, 2005 Maria Moskalenko, Gretchen Miles, Emily Paduano, Jaconette Mirck Biogeochemistry October 17, 2005 Maria.

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1 Nitrogen cycle Biogeochemistry October 17, 2005 Maria Moskalenko, Gretchen Miles, Emily Paduano, Jaconette Mirck Biogeochemistry October 17, 2005 Maria Moskalenko, Gretchen Miles, Emily Paduano, Jaconette Mirck

2 Outline  Background Information on N  Papers:  Kaiser, 2001. The Other Global Pollutant  Agriculture: fertilizer & food  Mitsch, 2001. Reducing N loading to Gulf  Mississippi River-hypoxia  Solutions to N-pollution  Driscoll, 2003. N Pollution in Northeast US  Atmospheric Inputs  Estuaries  Models  Discussion  Background Information on N  Papers:  Kaiser, 2001. The Other Global Pollutant  Agriculture: fertilizer & food  Mitsch, 2001. Reducing N loading to Gulf  Mississippi River-hypoxia  Solutions to N-pollution  Driscoll, 2003. N Pollution in Northeast US  Atmospheric Inputs  Estuaries  Models  Discussion


4 Nitrogen Forms, Phases and Oxidation States ** * NO x, greenhouse gases


6 Nitrogen the other global pollutant (Kaiser, 2001)  Essential element for growth/primary production  Surplus nitrogen = pollutant  Sources:  Fertilizer  Fossil fuels  Results in various problems:  Algal bloom  Greenhouse gas  Ozone  Essential element for growth/primary production  Surplus nitrogen = pollutant  Sources:  Fertilizer  Fossil fuels  Results in various problems:  Algal bloom  Greenhouse gas  Ozone

7 Solutions  Increase requirements for fossil fuels  Smaller cars  Hybrids  Eat less meat to reduce food of live stock  Less manure  Food control, precise amino acid ratio  Reduce runoff  Increase price of fertilizer  Increase requirements for fossil fuels  Smaller cars  Hybrids  Eat less meat to reduce food of live stock  Less manure  Food control, precise amino acid ratio  Reduce runoff  Increase price of fertilizer

8 Reducing Nitrogen Loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River Basin: Strategies to Counter a Persistent Ecological Problem -Mitsch, et al. 2001

9 Problems  Anthropogenic Additions of N to aquatic systems cause  Increased Productivity  Eutrophication  Hypoxia  Fish Kills  Anthropogenic Additions of N to aquatic systems cause  Increased Productivity  Eutrophication  Hypoxia  Fish Kills

10 Sources  Agriculture  Waste Water  Draining Wetlands  Agriculture  Waste Water  Draining Wetlands

11 Drained wetlands converted to agricultural land

12 Solutions: Controlling N in Miss. River Basin  Modifying Agricultural Practice - use less fertilizer - apply fertilizer in spring - account for N sources present  Riparian and Wetland Buffers - effective nitrogen sinks due to high levels of denitrification  Modifying Agricultural Practice - use less fertilizer - apply fertilizer in spring - account for N sources present  Riparian and Wetland Buffers - effective nitrogen sinks due to high levels of denitrification

13 Example of Riparian Buffer

14 Solutions cont.  Urban & Suburban Non-point Source Control  Point Source Control  Controls on Atmospheric NO x  Mississippi River Diversions  Urban & Suburban Non-point Source Control  Point Source Control  Controls on Atmospheric NO x  Mississippi River Diversions

15 Creation of Wetlands

16 Benefits of Reducing Nitrogen Levels in the Mississippi River Basin  Predicted 40% reduction of nitrogen loading to the Gulf through implementation of these practices  In addition to reduced hypoxia - reduced river pollution - reduced wetland loss - improved river ecosystems - improved control of floods  Predicted 40% reduction of nitrogen loading to the Gulf through implementation of these practices  In addition to reduced hypoxia - reduced river pollution - reduced wetland loss - improved river ecosystems - improved control of floods

17 Northeast U.S. Brief History  Population Changes  Land Use Changes  Capacity of 2 nd Growth Forests for N-retention  Population Changes  Land Use Changes  Capacity of 2 nd Growth Forests for N-retention

18 N-pollution Sources in Northeast U.S. (Driscoll et al. 2003)  Atmospheric N Sources  Food Imports  Fertilizer & Farming Practices  Feed Imports  Wastewater Effluent  Mycorrhizae & Legumes  Atmospheric N Sources  Food Imports  Fertilizer & Farming Practices  Feed Imports  Wastewater Effluent  Mycorrhizae & Legumes

19 Problems  Acidic Deposition  Ground Level Ozone Formation  Coastal Eutrophication  Acidification & Overfertilization N-enrichment  Forest (N-saturation)  Freshwater (high flow)  Acidic Deposition  Ground Level Ozone Formation  Coastal Eutrophication  Acidification & Overfertilization N-enrichment  Forest (N-saturation)  Freshwater (high flow) Smog in LA & Chicago

20 Wet Deposition and Emissions a: nitrate, sulfate, b: nitrate & ammonium, c: sulfate, nitrate, chloride

21 Ozone Formation  For Formation: NO x & VOC’s (volitile organic compounds)  Or NO from soil + Oxygen  VOC’s were thought to be limiting factor  Automobile VOC’s are regulated  VOC’s are also produced naturally (isoprene)  In Northeast U.S. we now believe that NO x regulates O 3 formation  Ground Level O 3 in many U.S. cities exceeds National Ambient Air Quality Standards  For Formation: NO x & VOC’s (volitile organic compounds)  Or NO from soil + Oxygen  VOC’s were thought to be limiting factor  Automobile VOC’s are regulated  VOC’s are also produced naturally (isoprene)  In Northeast U.S. we now believe that NO x regulates O 3 formation  Ground Level O 3 in many U.S. cities exceeds National Ambient Air Quality Standards

22 Solution: Reductions in N Management Options:  Coastal Watersheds  Wastewater Treatment Plants  Agriculture  Atmosphere  Fossil fuel electric utilities  Transportation  Agriculture Management Options:  Coastal Watersheds  Wastewater Treatment Plants  Agriculture  Atmosphere  Fossil fuel electric utilities  Transportation  Agriculture

23 Purpose of Modeling  Models were run to test proposed management options and determine their effectiveness  Atmospheric Model: PnET-BGC  Estuary Loading: WATERSN  Models were run to test proposed management options and determine their effectiveness  Atmospheric Model: PnET-BGC  Estuary Loading: WATERSN

24 Conclusions Estuary: Major N-source Wastewater effluent: Add biotic N-removal to wastewater treatment practices Atmosphere: Source Specific Control (due to numerous sources) Estuary: Major N-source Wastewater effluent: Add biotic N-removal to wastewater treatment practices Atmosphere: Source Specific Control (due to numerous sources)

25 Discussion Topics  Ecotechnology  Phytoremediation  Willow Project  Theoretical Models vs. Real Life Problems?  Lifestyle Changes  No Meat = No Nitrogen  SUV’s, Hybrids,Public Transportation, Walk, Bike  Other Effects of N  Purely Atmospheric take on N- Aerosols  Ecotechnology  Phytoremediation  Willow Project  Theoretical Models vs. Real Life Problems?  Lifestyle Changes  No Meat = No Nitrogen  SUV’s, Hybrids,Public Transportation, Walk, Bike  Other Effects of N  Purely Atmospheric take on N- Aerosols

26 Willow Applications  Set-aside arable land  Bio-remediation of contaminated soils, like brownfields (phytoremediation)  Nutrient and waste management systems  Windbreaks/snow fences  Buffer zones for clean water  Set-aside arable land  Bio-remediation of contaminated soils, like brownfields (phytoremediation)  Nutrient and waste management systems  Windbreaks/snow fences  Buffer zones for clean water Incorporating willow biomass crops into riparian buffers produces clean water and renewable energy (Salix Maskiner 2000)

27 Soil Conservation Very little soil erosion once the crop is established Negligible N leaching from established willow plantings, even with large applications nitrogen (Adegbidi 1999, Aronsson et al. 2000). One year old coppcie growth

28 Nitrogen Movement Trial with organic amendments with nitrogen loads ranging from 200 – 1,880 TKN kg/ha (Adeigbidi 1999)

29 Aerosols GCEP 2004 Orientation Presentation by Jeff Gaffney What??? Aerosols absorb or scatter light Ecological Effect Photosynthesis

30 The End

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