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Boston College Athletics Department Compliance Office Beginning of the Year Coaches Meeting 2006-2007 Academic Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Boston College Athletics Department Compliance Office Beginning of the Year Coaches Meeting 2006-2007 Academic Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boston College Athletics Department Compliance Office Beginning of the Year Coaches Meeting 2006-2007 Academic Year

2 MEETING TOPICS Structure of Compliance Office Official Visits New Legislation –Playing and Practice –Recruiting

3 MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide guidance to the entire Boston College community with regard to the rules, regulations and standards which mandate integrity and fair play in all our affairs. Above all else, we exist to promote and protect the health and well-being of our Student- Athletes, our Department of Athletics and the Institution.

4 DISTRIBUTION OF PRIMARY DUTIES Jerome P. Rodgers –Development and execution of key initiative for the Compliance Office –Conduct ongoing evaluations of policies and procedures to ensure institutional control –Investigate and process violations –Monitor NCAA Governance –Early Financial Aid Reads Process –Agent Program Carly Pariseau –Recruitment Process (e.g. official visits, transfer recruitment, recruiting logs) –National Letter of Intent –Rules Education Program (e.g. workshops, coaches meetings) –Camps and Clinics –Playing and Practice Season Process (e.g. declaration, practice logs) –Promotional Activities (e.g. media guides, appearances) –Coaching Limitations (e.g. coaching staff limits, football GA’s) Steven Koo –Certification of Continuing Eligibility –Filemaker Pro Database –Scholarship Renewal and Non-renewal Process –Annual Scholarship Projections –Amateurism Issues (e.g. outside competition). –Liaison to: Financial Aid, Registrar, Dining and Housing Sara Sikorski –NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse –Compliance Website –Student-Athlete Employment –Student-Athlete Outside Scholarships/Aid –Varsity Letter Award Program, Team Awards, and Team Banquet

5 Step 1 Recruiting Process Step 2 Enrollment Process Step 3 Academic Progress Step 4 Athletic Competition Orientation & Education Carly Steven Carly Advisory & Interpretation Carly Steven Carly Support Services Sara Carly Jerome Sara Carly/Steven Jerome Sara Steven Jerome Sara Carly Jerome Corrective Action Jerome Gene Jerome Gene Jerome Gene Jerome Gene Direct Control Gene Fr. Leahy Gene Fr. Leahy Gene Fr. Leahy Gene Fr. Leahy Access (Easy to Approach) Guidance (To Show the Way) We Focus on – 1. Our Constituent’s Needs & Wants 2. Value Placement 3. Simplicity & Elegance

6 NEW SERVICES PROVIDED Compliance Manual –Be sure to pick yours up on your way out!!! Updated Compliance Website –New look launched in September… Professional Sports Panel –Helping your student-athletes take the next step. Weekly Compliance Question via Email –A hot topic each week

7 OFFICIAL VISIT POLICY Boston College will conduct all recruiting activities in accordance and in compliance with all conference, University, NCAA, state and federal rules and regulations –Coaches are responsible for: selecting student hosts that will follow official visit policies and provide a positive experience for the recruit. for instructing assistant coaches and student hosts about what types of behavior and activities are appropriate and inappropriate. –Prospects are required to read and sign a Prospect Instruction and Agreement Form prior to initiating the visit. –Student hosts are required to read and sign a Student Host and Agreement Form prior to receiving host money.

8 OFFICIAL VISITS All forms must be turned in at least 2 business days prior to the start of the visit –Approval Form (new form – see Compliance Manual) –Meal Plan Form (new form – see Compliance Manual) –Ticket Request –Game Day Parking Request Student Host and Prospect Forms –Must be turned in within 5 days of the completion of the visit. –Failure to turn in is a violation of recruiting policy –Student Host must sign form even if not providing entertainment money Parking –Visitor pay for parking is in effect 2am Monday through 5pm Friday (weekends free) –Still Working out the process for visits that start prior to Friday 5pm…

9 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Playing and Practice Proposal 2005-131-B – Out of Season Activities – Sports other than Football –Intent: To specify that all athletically related activities outside the playing season are prohibited one week prior to the beginning of the final examination period through the conclusion of each student-athlete's final exams; To specify that more than four student-athletes from the same team may be involved in skill-related instruction with their coaches from September 15 through April 15 and that no more than four student- athletes from the same team may be involved in skill-related instruction with their coaches at any one time in any facility during the remainder of the academic year. –Effective Date: August 1, 2006

10 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Proposal 2005-72 – Tryouts – Competition Against Prospects –Intent: In all sports, to prohibit an institution's varsity team from competing against an established outside team that includes high-school prospects, except for permissible foreign tour competition, exempted contests against a foreign team in the United States, and the United States national team. It is permissible to participate in events that include prospects. However, it is not permissible for scores of prospects to be compared to scores of student-athletes. Effective Date: August 1, 2006

11 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Proposal 2005-155 – Tryout Events – Host Institution –Intent: To prohibit an institution from hosting or sponsoring a tryout camp, clinic, group workout or combine event at any location. –Effective Date: August 1, 2006 Proposal 2005-151 – Limitations on Number of Evaluations – Scholastic and Non-scholastic Activities – Football –Intent: In football, to prohibit coaches from evaluating at specified events at any time; further to prohibit an institution from hosting activities devoted to testing the agility, flexibility, speed and strength of prospective football student-athletes. (No Combines!) –Effective Date: August 1, 2006

12 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Proposal 2005-77-B – Coaching Limitation – Sports other than Football – Recruiting Functions –Intent: In sports other than football, to specify that all recruiting coordination functions shall be performed by head or assistant coaches. Only the coaches that count against your permissible number of coaches are permitted to conduct contacts and evaluations, make phone calls and generate correspondence. Non-Coaching Staff Members (i.e., Director of Ops, Volunteer Coaches, Student Assistant Coaches) are only permitted to disseminate and collect correspondence. They can also receive phone calls but are not permitted to make phone calls (exception – permissible to call prospects that have signed an NLI for the purpose of pre-enrollment issues.) –Effective Date: August 1, 2006

13 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Educational Column – Recruiting – General Correspondence and Attachments –Attachments to general correspondence may only include information that is not created for recruiting purposes, except for items that are specifically permitted as printed recruiting material (e.g., questionnaires). Examples of what is not permissible to create: –Newsletters –Comic Strips –Puzzles

14 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Educational Column – Recruiting – General Correspondence and Attachments (con’t) –What does this mean? Anything that is created can not be an attachment on email or regular mail. Anything that is available on the website can not be sent as an attachment.

15 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Educational Column – Recruiting – General Correspondence and Attachments (con’t) –FOR NOW!!!! There has not been an interpretation that regulates the actual correspondence. Permissible to include these things in the body of a letter. What constitutes a letter? –Must include a heading, at least 3 lines of text, and a signature. »We need to be able to make the argument that your correspondence is a letter

16 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Dear Abby, MEET THE EAGLES SUZY VOLLEY Is this letter permissible? –NO There is no body to the letter that makes it a letter. THE BASICS Nickname: Suz Birthday: 1/1/86 Hometown: Springfield, MA Position: Libero Height: 5’5” Class: Junior Pets: None Major: Physical Education CAREER HIGHLIGHTS 2005 All-Conference 2005 Academic All- American 1000 Digs in a Season Team high GPA – 4.00 Keep an eye for our next “Meet the Eagles”. Coach P.

17 NEW LEGISLATION & INTERPRETATIONS Recruiting Dear Abby, The season is in full swing here. We are preparing for our first competition and are itching to get out there and show what we can do. Today I would like to start to introduce you to our team…. MEET THE EAGLES!!!!! SUZY VOLLEY Is this letter permissible? –Yes There is an intro, a body and a signature. What about the picture? –Still permissible to have color pictures in correspondence as long as it is on letterhead or in the body of email. THE BASICS Nickname: Suz Birthday: 1/1/86 Hometown: Springfield, MA Position: Libero Height: 5’5” Class: Junior Pets: None Major: Physical Education CAREER HIGHLIGHTS 2005 All-Conference 2005 Academic All- American 1000 Digs in a Season Team high GPA – 4.00 Keep an eye for our next “Meet the Eagles”. Good Luck on Friday. Coach P.

18 QUESTIONS???? Please sign the Certification for Compliance Don’t forget your new Compliance Manual!

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