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Chemistry in Everything Find the chemistry!. What does matter look like?

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry in Everything Find the chemistry!. What does matter look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry in Everything Find the chemistry!

2 What does matter look like?

3 Properties of Matter 2 types of properties that describe matter: Extensive Intensive Let’s look at the root of each word.

4 Extensive Property: Property that depends on the amount of matter in a sample Volume Mass

5 Intensive Property: Property that depends on the type of matter in a sample, NOT the amount Temperature Density

6 Identifying Substances Substance – matter that has the same uniform and definite composition Are both of these composed of the same substance?

7 Substances have 2 types of properties… Physical A quality or condition that can be observed or measured without changing the substances composition Chemical The ability of a substance to go through a specific chemical change Can only be observed during a chemical change Help Chemists identify substances

8 And go through 2 types of changes…. Physical Some properties of a material will change, but the composition of the material does NOT Reversible & Irreversible Chemical A change that produces matter with a different composition than the original matter Irreversible Chemical reaction

9 Signs of a Chemical Change Transfer of energy Change in color Production of gas Formation of a precipitate Solid that forms from 2 liquids

10 What is a mixture? A physical blend of two or more components/substances. Is air a mixture?

11 Two Types of Mixtures Homogeneous Heterogeneous A mixture in which the composition of matter is uniform throughout. Solution 1 phase A mixture in which the composition is NOT uniform throughout. 2 or more phases

12 The Kool-Aid man Is he a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture? How many phases does he have?

13 Separating Mixtures Filtration Distillation The separation of a solid and a liquid in a heterogeneous solution. Separating the components of a homogeneous liquid solution. Tap water

14 What are substances and mixtures composed of? Elements The simplest form of matter that has a unique set of properties. Compounds A substance that contains two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion. Can elements be broken down into smaller substances? What about compounds?

15 What happens to the properties of elements when they are combined?

16 Substances vs. Mixtures

17 Law of Conservation of Mass In any physical change or chemical reaction, mass is conserved. Mass is neither created nor destroyed. When an ice cube melts does the liquid have the same mass as the original ice cube?

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