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Boots and Grips (Get a Grip). Introduction Boots –High quality boots promote both comfort and safety –Look for boots with soles made of Vibram™, Thermoplastic.

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Presentation on theme: "Boots and Grips (Get a Grip). Introduction Boots –High quality boots promote both comfort and safety –Look for boots with soles made of Vibram™, Thermoplastic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boots and Grips (Get a Grip)

2 Introduction Boots –High quality boots promote both comfort and safety –Look for boots with soles made of Vibram™, Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), rubber or oarprene Grips –Over-the-shoe traction aids can provide additional slip resistance –Lightweight, fit over all types of shoes and are effective in snow, ice, oil, grease and free- standing water 2 Appropriate footwear is key for your safety

3 Opportunity 3 Why is this so important?

4 Action Understand that slips, trips and falls can happen anytime, anywhere, at home or at work: –Slip related incidents are due mainly to inadequate grip between footwear and walking surfaces –Risk increased when surfaces are covered by water, mud, frost, slush, snow or ice –Falls may result in bruises, pulled or strained muscles, joint injury, fractures, head trauma or even death 4 How do we protect ourselves?

5 Recommendations Allow plenty of time to get to your destination, wear proper footwear, and watch where you are walking. Pay extra attention to boots and grips. For more information on the safest boot soles, check out our optional boot catalog. For more information on over-the-shoe traction aids, and what type of grips would work best in your area, please contact your safety department. 5 What’s next?

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