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Sandringham Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning.

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1 VCAL @ Sandringham Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

2 Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning This certificate: Prepares students for work and TAFE training Classes at school 3 days a week, Wednesday at TAFE and Friday at work Learning is hands on and related to life and work

3 Literacy (English) Numeracy (Maths) Work Related Skills VETPersonal Develop’t VCE subject Projects include: Newspaper text, Film as text, Issues, RACV Radio transmissions Literacy skills Topics include: Moving out, renting, Basic tax, buying and running a car, Numeracy skills, ICT Or General Maths Options: Part-time work School Based Apprentice’p Work placement All students attend a WRS class once a week. Examples: Building Hospitality Sport & Rec Plumbing Com Services Electrotech’y Music Automotive Hair & Beauty Retail Electives: 2012 Food and Me Boot Camp Express Yourself Building Projects The Beat ICT (comp extra PD unit for Yr 11) 2013 Supercoach Boot Camp My Melbourne Show me the $ Building Projects Electives: 2012 Ag & Horticulture D&T Wood Bus Man PE Visual Com & Design 2013 Ag & Horticulture D&T Wood Studio Arts OES Visual Com & Design

4 My Melbourne Students negotiate community projects with their teacher- SynFM, Fernhill Hostel, Sacred Heart Mission, Woodworking, Coaching. Supercoach Coach Students learn the basics of coaching- develop training program and present coaching session plans for their team. Boot Camp A fitness and personal challenge unit designed to push boundaries. Activities include sand sprints, hill sprints, longer runs, bay swims, circuits and boxing. Personal Development Electives You are required to select one unit of PD each semester

5 Personal Development Electives cont… Express Yourself Students are introduced to the world of art and take an active role within it. Using the combined skills of drawing, painting, ceramics and graphics, students crate artworks that express their own view of the world. Insights, emotions, stories, opinions and hopes are just some of the motivations students will draw upon for artistic Inspiration. Food and Me Students learn the essentials about hygiene, menu planning, nutrition, economical meals, They cook every week and enjoy eating the scrumptious food they prepare.

6 Building Projects Students design and build projects negotiated with their teacher- wood, metal. Show me the money A practical unit that teaches students financial life skills and covers things such as superannuation, financial portfolios, renting, loans, mortgages, stock market. The Beat Personal Development Electives cont.

7 ICT Compulsory additional PD units for all Yr 11 students (Intermediate). Students learn essentials such as web development, Internet search engines, software applications, graphics, and animation. The aim is to equip students with personal and workplace ICT skills to improve their employability. PD Electives cont.

8 VCE Units Available Visual Communication & Design Design & Technology Wood Studio Arts A range of tasks including 2d & 3d illustration, tattoo design, advertising & event posters, logo design, house design, stencils and public mural art. Students work in a range of methods including drawing, digital design, spray painting. Students use wood materials to build a product. They develop a folio which shows all stags in planning and possible design options. Factors influencing the design process are considered, including the relationship between materials & design, and how designs can be structured in a practical way. A practical, creative and fun unit that incorporates all mediums- drawing, ceramics, digital photography and video. Students research artists’ practices and document the design process of their work.

9 VCE Units Available Business ManagementPE Small Business Management focuses on the general business environment with a particular interest in small business management-planning, financing, managing and evaluating. All students are required to operate a school- based short-term business as part of their assessment. A fun and practical subject to introduce students to basic concepts of physical activity. Students learn about fitness, training,skill acquisition and basic coaching.

10 VCE Units Available Outdoor & Environmental Studies Ag & Horticulture Students participate in a range of outdoor recreation activities in the natural environment to experience the natural environment. Activities include: snorkeling, windsurfing, swimming, surfing, bushwalking, camping, bike riding, sea kayaking and rock climbing. Students are introduced to the general principles of growing plants. Students investigate, manage and operate an enterprise involving vegetable production.

11 VCAL Vis Com Art Mural in the Canteen

12 VET Units Available The full range of VET studies is available See the course handbook for descriptions.

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