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Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Existing Demand Response Programs Kurt Castleberry Director, Operating Committee Support May 24, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Existing Demand Response Programs Kurt Castleberry Director, Operating Committee Support May 24, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Existing Demand Response Programs Kurt Castleberry Director, Operating Committee Support May 24, 2007

2 Time of Use Rates Note: Demand (MW) is non-concurrent.

3 Optional Interruptible Service Rider

4 Experimental Energy Reduction Program (EER)- Experimental Energy Reduction Program (EER)- provides an economic incentive to qualified customers to release EAI from its obligation to supply during periods of highly volatile market prices, or when supply is severely constrained. Completely voluntary EER features: The program hours are from 2PM - 6 PM CDT, the 4 hour "super peak”. The Customer must participate all 4 hours and at the same pledged demand during each hour (minimum pledge is 150 kW). Entergy’s posted price will be the same for all 4 hours. Market Replacement Charges (penalties at a rate of 2X posted prices) apply to each kW that is below 90% of the pledged demand, measured during each hourly interval. There are Maximum Energy Reduction Payments of 130% of pledged demand. The customer receives no further credit after surpassing 130% of their pledged energy reduction. Participation: No participation in 2005-2007 2003 Participation: 112 customers on EER, 37 MW

5 Completely voluntary, MVER’s criteria to participate include:  Participants must deliver at least 1 MW of curtailable load at each participating site *  Appropriate metering must be in place for monitoring and verification of hourly load data  A customer may participate in MVER via: Submitting a successful bid under MVCO, or Signing an enabling agreement under MVE prior to daily bidding  The same load can not be served under another interruptible tariff and MVER simultaneously  A customer can participate in both MVER programs, but the same load can not be in both simultaneously Participation:  No participation in 2005-2007  2003 Participation: 31 customers on MVER, 136 MW Market Value Energy Reduction (MVER) - * Under MVCO, sites that can provide  500 KW of curtailable load may aggregate within the same jurisdiction as long as at least 1 MW total is provided. Under MVE, each site is treated independently and must be able to deliver  1 MW of curtailable load.

6 DataLink is a load management and reporting tool which can be accessed anytime and anywhere via a convenient web interface. Customer can Optimize his energy consumption decisions with actionable data Enable his internal energy management staff to make informed decisions View and analyze his energy use for any single site or facility grouping you choose Monitor consumption for excess usage Set alarm features to notify him of excess use or power outages Tailored for Commercial and Industrial customers, Entergy Arkansas has 7 accounts with 9 meters utilizing this tool.

7 Educational Programs ENsight Website -  Residential energy use, appliance and lighting calculators  “Libraries” of energy information for Home & Business  Links to Federal Tax Credits, State programs, Energy Star Energy Star® partnership  Provide information to customers on Energy Star® programs  Expanded Change a Light program for 2007 C&I  Benchmarking provided through “Powerful Solutions Online” – electronic newsletter and research tool  Seminars for energy managers provided by EAI staff Seminar in July, 2007 will focus on Motor Efficiency Low Income commitment  Presentations and events including weatherization for low income customers throughout year

8 Broadband over Power Lines Emerging technology Enables two-way high speed communications via existing power lines BPL technology could provide communications network to enable  real-time pricing tariffs  customer demand response programs  remote switching to support load control EAI evaluating various applications of the technology on two distribution circuits in Little Rock

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