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DOCUMENT #:GSC15-GTSC-09 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:4.3 CONTACT(S):Yoichi MAEDA, Chairman of ITU-T SG15 Home Networking in ITU-T Yoichi.

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Presentation on theme: "DOCUMENT #:GSC15-GTSC-09 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:4.3 CONTACT(S):Yoichi MAEDA, Chairman of ITU-T SG15 Home Networking in ITU-T Yoichi."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCUMENT #:GSC15-GTSC-09 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:4.3 CONTACT(S):Yoichi MAEDA, Chairman of ITU-T SG15 Home Networking in ITU-T Yoichi MAEDA, Chairman of ITU-T SG15 On behalf of Convener ITU-T JCA-HN Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

2  TSAG, at its February 2010 meeting, endorsed the continuation of the JCA-HN and appointed Mr. Richard Stuart as Convener along with Mr. Yoshinori Goto as Co-Convener.  Identifying and co-ordinating activity on Home Networking across all the relevant ITU-T Study Groups (ITU-T SGs 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17) and liaising with ITU-R (SGs 1 and 6).  Providing a visible contact point for Home Networking activities in ITU-T, seeking co- operation from external bodies working in the field of Home Networking and enabling effective two-way communication with these bodies. Highlights of Current Activities (1)

3  JCA-HN web site: has been extensively updated.  The JCA-HN along with Q4/SG15 have successfully engaged with a number of external home networking bodies and have obtained their agreement to collaborate with the ITU-T on home networking.  Included in these are: HomeGrid Forum, Broadband Forum, Universal Powerline Association, ITU-R, IEC, NIST, IEEE and others. Highlights of Current Activities (2)

4  ITU-T continues to develop a number of home- networking related, including: G.9960 - The PHY layer for the home network G.9961 - The DLL layer for the home network G.9970 - Co-existence for the home network G.9971 - Requirements of transport functions in IP Home Networks  The JCA-HN continues to encourage co-operation with other home-networking bodies. Strategic Direction

5 G.hnem is a new project which:  will develop a new Recommendation ITU-T G.9955 Home Networking Aspects of Energy Management to complement the G.9960/G.9970 series of Home Networking Recommendations.  will include a narrowband PHY/DLL specification and an upper layer protocol specification, which will consider the work being done in other organizations. There is goal to consent the architecture, PHY and DLL parts of G.hnem at the February 2011 SG15 meeting. Challenges

6  Home Networking is becoming ever more important and will play a vital role in applications to reduce home energy consumption (e.g. smart grid, smart metering) and hence help in the fight against climate change, but at the same time there is a proliferation of solutions.  There must be an increased effort to encourage Home Networking standardization bodies to work together to bring about global solutions. Next Steps/Actions

7 Supplementary Slides

8 List of Questions for HN in ITU-T Question Question Title 8/5Home Networks 4/9Application programming interfaces (API) for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9 5/9Functional requirements for a universal integrated receiver or set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution services 9/9The extension of network-based content distribution services over broadband in Home Networks 12/13Evolution towards integrated multi-service networks and interworking 1/15Coordination of Access Network Transport standards 4/15Transceivers for customer access and in-premises networking systems on metallic conductors 4/16Advanced functions for H.300-series systems and beyond 21/16Multimedia Architecture 22/16Multimedia Applications and Services NOTE – The responsible Question of SG17 needs to be identified.

9 External Home Networking bodies that have agreed to co-operate with ITU-T (1) Organizations ITU-R SG1 & SG6 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 IEC TC100 Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) ATIS HNFG Broadband Forum CE-Powerline Communication Alliance (CEPCA) Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)

10 External Home Networking bodies that have agreed to co-operate with ITU-T (2) Organizations DVB ETSI ATTM HN ETSI TC TISPAN European AVISTA Project DIGITALEUROPE Home Gateway Initiative (HGI) HomeGrid Forum HomePlug Powerline Alliance HomePNA

11 External Home Networking bodies that have agreed to co-operate with ITU-T (3) Organizations IEEE P1901 IEEE P1902.1 IEEE P1903 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - Smart Grid Open PLC European Research Alliance (OPERA) TIA Engineering Committee TR-30 Universal Powerline Association (UPA) UpnP Forum ---

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