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Please take a minute and write your child a quick note. Leave these on the desk for them to read tomorrow morning.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take a minute and write your child a quick note. Leave these on the desk for them to read tomorrow morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take a minute and write your child a quick note. Leave these on the desk for them to read tomorrow morning.


3 Thrilled to be starting my 18 th year as an elementary teacher with your child. This is my 6 th year at Olive Chapel, welcome aboard!

4 SAIL Philosophy Our class will follow the school wide SAIL expectations: S - show safety A - act responsibly I - impress with respect L - listen to learn We are a PBIS School this means we focus on setting positive tones

5 Our school day begins as close to 8:45 as possible, thank you for helping your child be on time. In the cottage, your child is assigned to a team and a specific partner for the nine week quarter. The teams are rewarded positive points for modeling the SAIL philosophy. If your child is going to out sick, please email me, this will serve as their note..

6 8:45 - 9:15 Math Problem of Day 9:20 - 9:50 Team Time (will begin second quarter) Right now we are doing current events or math pretests for grouping 9:50 – 11:30 English Language Block Read Aloud, Daily 5 (Read to Self and Work on Writing) Literature Circles Meet and Writing 11:35 - 12:05 Lunch 12:15 - 1:15 Math with either Mrs. Stauffer or Mr. Tussey – grouping is based on pretest and observations 1:25 – 2:10 Specials 2:15 - 3:05 Social Studies or Science 3 ½ week rotations 3:15-3:43 Recess

7 We are building reading stamina, goal is for students to read for 30 minutes using strategies they will learn in 4 th grade. Most literature circle reading and written responses should be completed in class

8 Fluency of Multiplication is critical for math success! Quarterly Standards Quarter 1 – Whole numbers and place value, Adding and subtracting whole numbers, Factors, and Strategies for multiplication Quarter 2 – Strategies for division, Multiplicative comparisons, Problem solving with operations, lines and angles, Relationships between circles and angels, 2D figures, and line symmetry Standards for Quarter 3 and 4 Are not yet posted – fractions are taught in 3 rd quarter, very important in 5 th grade

9 Each Quarter will focus on different types of writing styles and skills 1 st Quarter Personal Narrative 2 nd Quarter Informational Writing and Researching 3 rd Quarter Expressing an Opinion 4 th Quarter Using your Opinion to Persuade Others

10 Topics Covered Animal Studies Magnetism and Electricity Earth Materials Landforms

11 Focus is on our wonderful state Quarter 1 – History of NC Quarter 2 - Government Quarter 3 - Economics Quarter 4 - Culture, Geography, and Environmental Literacy ***Past, Present, and Future of Apex

12 Students Need to: Read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night Correct any papers in the Friday Folder that say please correct these are due by Tuesday All homework is listed on class webpage This usually involves Math, Edmodo, and reviewing of notes.

13 These will be sent to you for the quarter Changes this year: Mrs. Marshallsea is now track 1 New music teacher (Ms. Perrone) is track 3 Coach Vetter track 2 and Coach Roberts Track 4 Science Enrichment teacher (Mrs. Starrett) is track 3

14 Each Student will keep a log in their binder of specific words they are misspelling such as; their, there, they’re. We may use Words their Way spelling program. I’m still looking to see if there is a need in our class.

15 Vocabulary is key in 4 th grade Students will have math, science, and social studies vocabulary. We don’t want memorization, but application. While completing literature circle expectations, they will be exposed to many new. Try and expand your child’s vocabulary as much as possible.

16 All 4 th graders will Dress to Impress and head to downtown Raleigh to hear the NC Symphony perform. Date TBA April 10 th Wilmington, NC Beach trip Self Guided tour of Battleship and educational activities at Fort Caswell Payments will be due in November around $80. Much more info will be sent home

17 4 th Grade Clubs Chess Club – more info to follow Landlubbers Running Club – more info to follow Audition for Clipper Chorus – refer to letter sent home on 7/18 Junior Tar Heels - Social Studies Club will meet two days a month after school from 3:45-4:30. (Day will be announced shortly)

18 Volunteer Opportunities Math Support Either with Mr. Tussey or Mrs. Stauffer working with small groups. This does not need to be each week. This will be for enrichment or remediation. Might not be with your own child. Literature Circle Facilitator Parent will need to complete book club reading outside of school and then join your group one day per week for 30 minutes to discuss reading. All resources will be given to you.

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