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Lets Explore our 5/6 Excursion. Petana,Phoebe, Rebecca, Sophie,

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2 Lets Explore our 5/6 Excursion. Petana,Phoebe, Rebecca, Sophie,

3 Us on the bus The bus travel was comfortable and stylish but unlucky Petana and Phoebe were right next to the toilet it smelled so bad, EWW! It took about 2 Hours just from country school Wyee to stylish Sydney. Everyone's first impression was great all you could hear was the noisy town of Sydney very different from peace and quiet of Wyee town.

4 We arrived at the Y Hotel and dropped off our bags for the rest of our trip. We were organised into our rooms. We were allowed to get used to our rooms for a while and had fun. Then we all went back down for our next exhibit. Sydney Y Hotel

5 Lunch at Hyde Park As we left the art gallery we were in the need to have lunch. We found a nice water fountain to have lunch at. We took many photos of the water fountain. At least we had a nice view.

6 Art Gallery Surprisingly, the teachers surprised us by going to the NSW State Art Gallery. As we walked through the doors, Everyone was stunned by the art. Some gave us emotions such as happiness, sadness and humorous. Our favourite part of the Gallery was the cultural section with the combinements exhibit of Japanese and Chinese art and metal work.

7 State Parliament House Peter was first to greet us in State Parliament House. Second To greet us was our local member Greg Piper. We also saw the centre piece of State Parliament House it looked something like an upside down Waratah made of metal squirting out water out of it. We came here to see Question time. We saw the one the only Kristina Keneally.

8 Rocks We arrived at the rocks. We started to explore the old buildings from the first settlers. As we explored the streets we realised the settler were very different from what we build today. The buildings were made out of sand stones and non brick that we use today.

9 Cadman Cottage As we were wondering through the rocks we came to a old little cottage. Some of the kids took photos of the cottage. Some of the teachers took us inside to have a look at the stuff like the pluming and the fire place. The majority of people thought it was interesting, but some people like Petana thought it was plain boring.

10 Garrison Church As we were going to Chinatown for dinner, we stopped at Garrison Church, some people thought it was beautiful, and other people thought it was plain boring, AGAIN!!!! Inside Garrison Church

11 When we went to the Imax Theatre, We saw “Hubble 3D.” The experience was amazing with the 3D included. When the movie started, everyone was reaching out because the 3D effect made stars come out to us.

12 When we got to Chinatown, We got to choose what we want. All of the food there was amazing! We all sat to eat our delicious food. Friends got to together and starting eating. People like Petana and Shay-lee went and buying milkshakes.

13 Manly Shops When we went to manly shops, We were so surprised what was there. Mr.B let us Explore by ourselves. Everyone was attracted to the Smiggle shop that was there. Phoebe was at a Diva shop with Petana. Manly beaches When we went to the beach, we got to go and play on the sand and have lunch. After we went to the shops, we went to the actual Manly beach! Instead of playing on the sand, we all stayed on the stairs except Petana and Rebecca. They played on the sand.

14 At Taronga Zoo, We had to sit on the bus. Then a zoo keeper named Tegan came on the bus and lead us off the bus and sat us down on the seat. When we sat down, we got sticky labels and made name tags. Then we got split up into our Hyde Park Barracks groups. SNAKE!!!!!

15 From the Rocks we walked to Circular Quay where we caught the Ferry. Petana and Amy sat together next to some elderly people. They asked where we came from and what were we doing in Sydney.

16 When we went for our walk across the only Sydney harbour bridge. As we started walk across it was bright and sunny as normal, then we had strong winds tearing through us, and then we were hit by hail, and then torrential rain. Once we got to the other side, everyone was drenched but still laughing. Sydney Harbour Bridge

17 Mr.B Mrs.See Mrs.Weekes Mr.Simpson

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