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9 - 2 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point 9 - The HACCP Philosophy 3 Prevented Eliminated Reduced to safe levels If significant biological, chemical,

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2 9 - 2 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

3 9 - The HACCP Philosophy 3 Prevented Eliminated Reduced to safe levels If significant biological, chemical, or physical hazards are identified at specific points in the flow of food, they can be:

4 9 - 4 Proper foodhandling procedures Hazard and risk analysis Monitoring techniques Record keeping HACCP ensures safe food through a combination of:

5 A HACCP system helps you: 9 - 5 Identify food and procedures most likely to cause foodborne illness Develop procedures to reduce the risk of foodborne-illness Monitor procedures to keep food safe Verify that the food served is consistently safe

6 Prerequisite Programs Proper personal hygiene practices Supplier selection and specification programs Proper facility- design practices Proper cleaning and sanitation programs Appropriate equipment- maintenance programs Image courtesy of Hobart Corporation 9 - 6

7 7 Menu Customers Equipment Processes Operations A HACCP plan must be specific to a facility and its:

8 9 - 8 Principle 1: Conduct a Hazard Analysis Principle 2: Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs) Principle 3: Establish Critical Limits

9 9 - 9 Principle 4: Establish Monitoring Procedures Principle 5: Identify Corrective Actions Principle 6: Verify that the System Works Principle 7: Establish Procedures for Record Keeping and Documentation

10 9 - 10 Process of identifying and evaluating a potential hazard associated with a food item, in order to decide what must be addressed in the HACCP plan Principle 1:Conduct A Hazard Analysis

11 9 - Where Hazards Can Occur 11

12 9 - Group Food By How It Is Processed 12

13 9 - 13 A critical control point is the last step where you can intervene to prevent, control, or reduce the growth of microorganisms before the food is served to customers. Principle 2:Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs)

14 9 - 14 Minimum and maximum limits the CCP must meet to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a hazard to an acceptable limit Principle 3:Establish Critical Limits

15 9 - 15 Measurable Based on scientific data, food regulations, and expert advice Appropriate for the food and equipment in the establishment Clear and easy to follow Critical limits must be:

16 9 - 16 Monitoring lets you know that critical limits are being met Principle 4:Establish Monitoring Procedures

17 9 - 17 How to monitor the CCP When and how often to monitor it Who will monitor it Equipment, materials, or tools needed to monitor it Establish directions that specify:

18 9 - 18 Corrective actions are predetermined steps taken when food doesn’t meet a critical limit Principle 5:Identify Corrective Actions

19 9 - 19 Verify that: Selected CCPs and critical limits are appropriate Monitoring is alerting you to hazards Corrective actions are adequate to prevent foodborne illness Employees are following established procedures Principle 6:Verify That The System Works

20 9 - 20 Proper records allow you to: Document that you are continuously preparing and serving safe food Identify when procedures need to be modified Principle 7:Establish Procedures For Record Keeping And Documentation

21 9 - 21 What prerequisite programs should be in place prior to implementing a HACCP program?

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