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Cirrhosis Blog Hello my name is Robert and I am here to talk to you about my life!

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1 Cirrhosis Blog Hello my name is Robert and I am here to talk to you about my life!

2 Day 1: Hey guys! It's Robert here on August 5, 2004 it's my 52nd birthday and about 3pm. Can't wait to go partying later this is going to be great! Drink all day and night. Everyone is saying that they are concerned about my drinking problem. It's my birthday, shouldn't they be saying happy birthday not telling me to not drink so much. Like really... I don't drink THAT much, they are just jealous! Maybe I should stop a bit, at least drink a little less because I have been noticing that strange things been happening lately. Hopefully it has nothing to do with me drinking so much because I am not going to stop that! Some odd things I have been noticing are that my skin has been a little yellow.. I don’t know if I'm crazy but I think my eyes are too. I have also been really sick, puking and stuff.... I have been in a lot of pain and I have been loosing a lot of weight. I don't know if these link together at all but I really don't know much about this stuff. But I doubt, drinking has anything to do with it, for all I know it could be just a common cold. Well I'm going to go party it up now so I will talk to you guys later... peace out boys.

3 Day 2: Suuuuup?!?! Robert here on August 12th.. it's about 5pm and I was bored so I decided to catch you guys up with my life. It has been about a week since I made a blog and if you remember last time I was talking about my "drinking problem" and how I wasn't feeling well, well it was getting worse. I started experiencing a poor appetite, swollen legs, vomiting of blood and I wasn't sleeping very well. I decided this was enough and went to the doctor. The first thing he said to me was, "you drink a lot don't you." I was just thinking yup and I'm not going to stop. He said that he wasn't sure what I had but it might me something called Cirrhosis.. whatever that is. He took some blood tests and then sent me to the hospital for a MRI and ultra sound. I don't know much about Cirrhosis, but I did a bit of research and a big cause is alcohol abuse. It is not contagious, and it affects the digestive system. Well I'm going to go research a bit more.. but i will talk to you guys in a bit. Bye!

4 Day 3: Heeey it's Robert again on August 15th and it's about 3am.. so why am I making a blog at this time you might ask? Well I just found out that I do have Cirrhosis! which sucks! I have to stop drinking all together and if it gets worse I might need a liver transplant. He practically told me that Cirrhosis is irreversible scarring to the liver and he can't fix it. He told me to prevent more damage from happening and I can't have any alcohol what so ever. I have to have special Chinese herbs and stuff too. This really sucks. I wish I just listened to everyone when they said to calm my drinking down a bit.. oh well I guess it is to late. Well I'm going to go to sleep talk to you guys later! bye!

5 Day 4: Hello it’s Robert again on August 23, about 7pm. So having Cirrhosis sucks! I found out that men over the age of 40 that have had a lot of alcohol in their life are more likely to get it. But, you can’t usually get it from genetics so that is a good thing. The doctor told be I have to quite drinking all together and prevent more damage from happening. I have to take natural Chinese herbs and stuff too! I am not so stoked about that. If I can’t do this I will have to get a liver transplant. I think I might do this. But when I get my new liver I am still not going to drink a lot. I don’t want this to happen again! Well I’m going to go call the doctor and see if he can get me a liver. Talk to yall soon! Bye!

6 Day 5: Hola amigos it’s Robert here September 4 th, at 2:17pm. So I haven’t posted for a while because I was trying to arrange getting a liver. The doctor said I am very lucky that I have found one in such a short time. Apparently it can take up to a year or more to find one. But, I did! Score! I have an appointment on September 24 th at the hospital. Then I have to stay there for about a week to make sure everything goes smoothly. I don’t really know what to think except that I need to make better choices in the future. Well I’m going to go play some black ops now so peace out my homie G’s.

7 Day 6: Hey! It’s Robert on September 25 th I have no clue what time it is. I just had my liver transplant yesterday. I got it from a man named Omilgo. All I know about him is that he is South African and about 34 years old. Well, whatever I got a liver and no longer have Cirrhosis! I get out of the hospital in about a week and then I will be back on my feet. Trust me, be careful with how much alcohol you consume because you do not want to go through with this. Especially if you are young buys. Don’t make it a habit. The doctors are coming so I have to go. Hope to talk to all of you soon. Have a great day! Robert here signing off!

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