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How to meet New Year in different countries. The very first Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas. As he left, he left his adopted poor family golden apples.

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Presentation on theme: "How to meet New Year in different countries. The very first Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas. As he left, he left his adopted poor family golden apples."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to meet New Year in different countries

2 The very first Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas. As he left, he left his adopted poor family golden apples in the shoes before the fireplace.

3 December 5 from Spain by ship arrives Belgian Father Claus - St. Nicholas. It rides on a horse, wearing a miter and white episcopal robes. He is accompanied by the servant - the Moor, who is bag with gifts and rods for varmints.

4 German children, breaking any toy, folded debris into the fire, and dumped the blame on Mr Nimanda ("No") - a prototype of Santa Claus.

5 In France, two of Santa Claus: one is called "Grandfather January" - Lane - Noel, walks with a staff and wears a broad hat. He brings gifts to children in the basket. Second call-scow. This bearded old man wears a fur hat and warm ground cloak. In his crate hidden rods for naughty and lazy children.

6 In Sweden, two of Santa Claus: stooped old man with gnarled nose - and a dwarf Yultomten Yulnissaar. Both under New Year visiting homes and and leave gifts windowsills.

7 In Italy, besides Santa Claus - Babbo Natale, the obedient children Befana comes a fairy godmother. She flies through the chimney and gives gifts to children. Tricksy gets coal from the evil witch Befana.

8 Finnish Santa Claus - Yollupukki lives in Lapland and happy to answer children's letters. He wears a high conical hat, long hair and red clothes. his surrounded by gnomes in peaked caps and capes.

9 In Norway, children get gifts Nisse - cute little brownies. Nisse wear knitted caps and enjoy delicious.

10 In the U.S., Canada, UK and Western Europe it name is Santa Claus. He is dressed in a red jacket, trimmed white fur and red trousers.

11 On his head - red cap. Santa Claus smoking a pipe, travels through the air and on the deer enters the house through the chimney. Children leave it under the tree milk and cookies.

12 Only the Russian Santa Claus have a family. Wife - Winter and granddaughter - The Snow Maiden.

13 In Russia, the Christmas tree was introduced by Peter 1. He commanded 1 January 1700 all homes decorate fir (juniper or pine) branches from samples set in the arcade.

14 We - the tree. And where there is not? In Vietnam, it is substituted by a branch of peach. In Japan, a pine branch attached bamboo and plum branches.

15 Thank you!

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