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Manufacturing Mr. O’Rourke

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1 Manufacturing Mr. O’Rourke
Mass Production Manufacturing Mr. O’Rourke

2 What is Mass Production?
The production of large amounts of standardized products, including and especially on assembly lines. Assembly line- A process in which parts are assembled in an optimal order to create a finished product. Developed by the Ford Motor Company who implemented it into the creation of the Model-T.

3 Jigs Devices that hold and move a work-piece in relation to a tool. Often they are designed as carriages that slide. Jigs act as a guide for the tools that cut and shape the wood, and they are ideal for repetitive tasks.

4 Fixtures Stationary devices that hold the wood in a set position in relation to a tool. Some of the more typical examples of fixtures are fences -- such as a ripping fence on the table saw.

5 Use on Machines Works with: Table Saw Chop Saw Drill Press Sanders
Various Hand Tools A jig SLIDES, and a fixture GUIDES.

6 Benefits Keeps Parts Consistent Eliminates User Variation Faster Safer

7 “Push” Manufacturing Producer pushes product toward consumer
Product is pushed from one step to the next: Manufacturing step 1,2,3etcstorageMarketing Very wasteful: inventory=Wasted $$

8 “Pull” Manufacturing AKA Lean Manufacturing Starts with demand
Nothing goes on to next step until it is required Eliminates waste and inventory

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