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2014-15 Studio Art Daily Plans Jan 5-9 Ms. Livoti.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15 Studio Art Daily Plans Jan 5-9 Ms. Livoti."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15 Studio Art Daily Plans Jan 5-9 Ms. Livoti

2 Monday 1-12 Aim: How can you continue to apply a grid to your project paper and reference photo? Do Now: complete practice grid from Friday’s class. HW: Due Friday 1/16- Magazine portrait drawing project See website for detailed steps!

3 Grid Method Same number of boxes on each paper, except boxes on drawing paper may be larger than the reference photo to scale up to the correct size. Look for clear edges and shapes. Use areas where light values meet dark values to find an edge. Go box by box and draw in all the info instead of drawing across many boxes at once. Use paper to hide parts of your drawing so you can focus. Draw grid lightly so it can be erased easily.


5 Tuesday 1-13 Aim: How can you begin to draw within the grid on your final copy paper? Do Now: List an important tip for working within a grid HW: Due Friday 1/16- Magazine portrait drawing project See website for detailed steps!

6 Wed 1-14 Aim: How can you draw in a very detailed area within the grid? Do Now: Watch the Chuck Close video. What does he say is the main reason why he began using grids for creating his artwork? HW: Due Friday 1/16- Magazine portrait drawing project See website for detailed steps!


8 Thurs 1-15 Aim: How can you continue to draw within your gridded portrait? Do Now: explain how you are using the design principle of proportion within your project HW: Due Friday 1/16- Magazine portrait drawing project See website for detailed steps!

9 Friday 1-16 Aim: How can you complete drawing within your grid? Do Now: Swap your sketchbook and leave a positive and an improvement comment in the sketchbook. HW: Tuesday 1/20 is a project assessment day for the portrait drawing portion of the project.

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