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Approx driving time: 20 hours. Preliminary Plans for Ardeche July 2013 By camping in the Ardeche, costs will be reduced. The trip could run with 4 adults.

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2 Approx driving time: 20 hours. Preliminary Plans for Ardeche July 2013 By camping in the Ardeche, costs will be reduced. The trip could run with 4 adults and 7 pupils and would travel overnight in the school minibus.   The group would be aimed at year 9 + 10 as these have the most experience in outdoor activities. Some of year 8 could be used as a reserve group. Estimate of Overall Expenses Travel + Activities £3,000 Food£1,200 Passports + E111 £200 Other activities £400 Total £4,800   If pupils are charged up to £400, then it could be expected that the school would collect around £1,400.   A group passport could be used to reduce costs and preparation time.   Clubs for Young People have indicated they could receive a grant for approx. £1,000-£2000. Clubs for Young People would attend the trip, therefore less RHS staff would be required eg. Only 2 or 3). Day 1 Road Trip! Leave in VW minibus because it has air-con, we’ll need it!

3 Day 2 Put up tents, relax by the river.

4 Day3 Local walk exploring the area. Buy an ice cream in French before an afternoon at Devil’s Bridge.

5 Day 4 Experience the French Go-Ape. Beware! The stages will get harder until they are very scary! You will be lucky if the staff are willing to come on with you.

6 Day 5 + 6 Paddle down the most beautiful river in the world.

7 Warning! It will be so hot you may want to jump in! As featured in a Top Gear

8 Day 7 Local walk and more sun bathing.

9 Day 8 Via Ferrata – (a rock climbing Go-Ape) When you need a break relax by the river.

10 Day 9+10 Drive back home.

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