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IMN’s Fourth Annual California Municipal Finance Conference IMN’s Fourth Annual California Municipal Finance Conference April 3, 2006 Steve Heminger Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "IMN’s Fourth Annual California Municipal Finance Conference IMN’s Fourth Annual California Municipal Finance Conference April 3, 2006 Steve Heminger Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMN’s Fourth Annual California Municipal Finance Conference IMN’s Fourth Annual California Municipal Finance Conference April 3, 2006 Steve Heminger Executive Director Bay Area Toll Authority

2 3 Bay Area Transportation Basics  > 4.5 million cars  > 25 transit agencies with 4,500 buses, railcars and ferries  20,000 miles of local streets and roads  1,400 miles of highway  300 miles of carpool lanes  Eight toll bridges

3 4  Bay Area drivers made an estimated 21 million trips  Length of average trip increased 25.6 minutes in 1990 to 29.4 minutes in 2000  Recent dip in traffic congestion is recession-related Traffic Congestion Persists

4 5  2 million more people and jobs by 2030  Daily regional trips grow from 21 million to 28 million  Length of average trip increased 25.6 minutes in 1990 to 29.4 minutes in 2000 – over 31 minutes by 2030 2030 Travel Trends

5 6 Top 3 corridors with increase in daily trips:  116% increase in daily trips over I-680/Sunol Grade between Alameda and Santa Clara counties  90% increase on I-580 corridor between Alameda and Central Valley counties  68% increase on Routes 12 & 29 from Napa and Solano counties Commuters Crisscross Region

6 7 Making the Down Payment Projected 25-Year Revenues for Financially Constrained Element  $118 billion spending plan is primarily focused on maintaining and operating the existing transportation system

7 8 More Potholes Ahead  $16.7 billion in roadway maintenance costs  $10.6 billion in revenues available as down payment  Results in $6.1 billion shortfall Strengthen Prop. 42  Strengthen Prop. 42 to ensure gasoline tax revenues are directed to transportation The Problem is Bigger than Prop. 42 Alone.  Years of neglect have left our transportation system in a state of disrepair.

8 9 Keep Trains and Buses Humming  $16.7 billion in transit capital costs  $13.4 billion in revenues available as down payment  Results in $2.8 billion shortfall Back to the Voters  The largest single shortfall is at BART, which the voters of that special district will need to help address Promote efficiency  Consider institutional and functional transit consolidation measures that improve efficiency

9 10 State Highways Showing their Age  $14 billion in State highway maintenance costs  $7 billion in revenues available as down payment  Results in $7 billion shortfall MTC Supports more SHOPP Funding  Delays in maintenance will increase cost of roadway repairs  However, directing more funding to SHOPP addresses repair needs, but leaves less State funding for expansion projects  State Infrastructure Bond could bring money into the STIP and repay past loans

10 11 Squeezing Better Mileage from Existing Network  $742 million needed to deploy Regional Operations Program  $329 million in revenues available as down payment  Results in $413 million shortfall Freeway Performance Initiative  Install and operate traffic monitoring systems, ramp metering and traffic signal timing to improve traffic flow  Implement real-time communications systems to clear incidents quickly  Provide commuters travel- time reliability to make their lives better

11 HOT Network Delivers Carpool Lanes and Congestion Insurance  HOV lanes shave 15-20 minutes off peak commutes, offering commuters a way to beat congestion  Express buses use HOV lanes to bypass traffic and provide faster, more reliable service  HOT lanes introduce pricing element into highway use by giving solo drivers option to pay to bypass congestion Regional HOT Lane Network  I-680 Smart Carpool Lane implementation set for 2009 start-up  MTC and Caltrans to lead Regional HOT Lane Analysis during 2006

12 13 Moving Goods to Market  Over 37 percent of Bay Area economic output is manufacturing, freight transportation, and warehouse and distribution businesses  80 percent of freight movement occurs on freeway corridors, especially I-880, U.S. 101 and I-80 corridors, followed by rail and air cargo  Port of Oakland facilitates maritime freight movement, but is increasingly constrained due to congestion problems I-880 Corridor Improvements  Deploy ITS and operational strategies I-580 Corridor Improvements  Truck climbing lanes; inland rail/barges; truck toll lanes I-80 Corridor Improvements  I-80/680 interchange US 101 Peninsula  Operational improvements Southern Gateway  SR 152/156 improvements

13 14 Transit Expansion Needed to Meet Regional Population and Job Growth Projections  $13 billion program with 85% non- federal funding  MTC adopted TOD policy in July 2005 Resolution 3434: Bay Area’s Vision for Transit Expansion  MTC Resolution 3434 identifies nine new rail extensions, express buses, ferry service, and enhancements to existing rail and bus corridors  Success of these transit investments depends on many factors, including supportive land uses

14 15 Enhancing Livability by Connecting Transportation And Land Use  Nearly 2 million people and 1.4 million jobs to be added to Bay Area  Partnerships amongst regional and local agencies needed to facilitate integration of transportation and land use  Joint Policy Committee formed to coordinate regional planning efforts and pursue implementation of the Smart Growth Vision, which was adopted in 2002 Provide More Land-Use Planning Funds to Partners  MTC provides local planning funds through T-PLUS and TOD policy  A key ingredient to better mobility is adequate housing in the right places.

15 16

16 17 Capital Program Encompasses 3 Plans RM1  $2.3 billion of projects approved by voters in 1988  Includes projects for Bridge System and other transportation improvements RM2  $1.5 billion of projects approved by voters in 2004  36 transit and bridge/transportation projects in Bay Area  BATA is not required to fund cost increases for RM2 projects  RM2 operating transfers to MTC capped at 38% and subordinate to debt service Seismic Retrofit Program  Response to 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake  $8.7 billion plan funded by toll dollars and State sources

17 18 RM1 Capital Plan

18 19 RM1 Capital Plan: New Carquinez Suspension Bridge

19 20 RM1 Capital Plan: New Benicia – Martinez Bridge Project

20 21 SRP Capital Plan: Component/Status

21 22 SRP Capital Plan: SF-Oakland Bay Bridge

22 23 SRP Capital Plan: East Span Skyway

23 24 SRP Capital Plan: East Span Skyway

24 25 SRP Capital Plan: East Span SAS Superstructure

25 26 SRP Capital Plan: SAS Superstructure Contract  2 bids received on March 22, 2006  Joint venture of American Bridge & Fluor Corp. apparent low bid of $1.434 billion  Total contract cost now estimated at $1.767 billion  Contract provides for project completion in March 2013  SRP Capital Plan includes $989 million funded program contingency for risk factors

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