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4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models João Fradinho Oliveira* Animating Scanned Human Models Dongliang Zhang** Bernard Buxton* Bernhard Spanlang*

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1 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models João Fradinho Oliveira* Animating Scanned Human Models Dongliang Zhang** Bernard Buxton* Bernhard Spanlang* * Department of Computer Science, University College London ** CAD/CAM Center Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

2 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 1 - Feature extraction/segmentation 2 - Building the skeleton 3 - LOD to reduce computation 4 - Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing 5 - Motion capture DEMO & Acknowledgements Overview Background Conclusion

3 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 1 - Feature extraction/segmentation 2 - Building the skeleton 3 - LOD to reduce computation 4 - Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing 5 - Motion capture DEMO & Acknowledgements Overview Background Conclusion

4 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models Standard layered approach Control skeleton + skin e.g. [Sun W et al.] Layered Animation of Captured Data, Animation and Simulation99 Control skeleton has BVH hierarchy Motivation to create skeleton automatically Background Medial axis, Convex Hull Library Control skeleton

5 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 1 - Feature extraction/segmentation [Dekker et al.] Building Symbolic Information for 3D Human Body Modelling Range Data Proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and modelling, IEEE Computer Society Octree/horizontal slices

6 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 1 - Feature extraction/segmentation Projected contour approach /local maxima Slice approach (binning, changes in Depth) 6 groups of centroids2 levels/phases of feature extraction

7 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 2 - Building the skeleton centroids centroids + landmarks closest centroids to landmarks skeleton

8 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 3 - LOD to reduce computation 135 099 triangles ---------------------------- 4999 triangles 67595 vertices -------------------------------- 2535 vertices

9 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing Use skeleton + bisector planes, for skin mapping Volume queries, user placement of separation planes A - Select triangle closest to endpoints of skeleton B - Select connected triangles that are behind separation planes

10 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing

11 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing Bi-sector separation plane Landmark constrained separation plane

12 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing STEP 1 – select connected triangles after plane & below small vertical offset of landmark e.g. smallest edge length of model /will also work with a zero offset in all models

13 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing STEP 2 – select connected triangles above the vertical offset of the landmark & behind the landmark constrained plane

14 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing mapped skin result

15 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing W = u Rigid transformation vs Soft transformation Mapping parameters/ vertex attributes

16 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 4 – Mapping skin to skeleton/surface growing Two-link structure Multi-link structure [Weber J.] Run-Time Skin deformation, Game Developers Conference 2000 More on deformation constraints:

17 4th February 2003 Animating Scanned Human Models 5 - Motion capture DEMO & Acknowledgements Hamamatsu Photonics UK Prof. Mel Slater, EPSRC grant GR/M46082/01 (UK) Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian (Portugal) Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia (Portugal), JNICT/PRAXIS XXI

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