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MANEUVER AND MOBILITY SUPPORT OPERATIONS TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Describe and plan MMSO operations at company level in support of a maneuver.

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3 TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Describe and plan MMSO operations at company level in support of a maneuver commander, a MP Bn or MP Bde. CONDITIONS: In a classroom, given a presentation on the MMSO function, FM 3-19.1, and 3-19.4. STANDARD: Identify the roles and missions of MP in the MMSO function IAW FM 3-19.1 and FM 3-19.4; and achieve at least a 70% on the written test.

4 SAFETY, RISK AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Safety Requirements: None Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Considerations: None Evaluation: None

5 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Describe and discuss MMSO operations and submissions. CONDITIONS: Given a lecture, discussion and current reference materials. STANDARD: Discuss employment of MP in support of MMSO.

6 Military Police Functions Maneuver and Mobility Support Operations Support River Crossing, Breaching Operations, Passage of Lines Straggler Control and Dislocated Civilian Route Reconnaissance/Surveillance MSR Regulation Enforcement Reconnaissance Operations Area Damage Control Base/Air Base Defense Response Force/TCF Operations Critical Site, Asset, High-Risk Personnel Sec. Force Protection/Physical Security Antiterrorism Police Intelligence Operations Support Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Police Information Assessment Process Active and Passive Role Information Collection and Dessemination Joint, Interagency, Multinational Coordination Law and Order (L&O) Operations Law Enforcement Criminal Investigations US Customs Operations Related Law and Order Training Internment and Resettlement Operations EPW/CI Handling U.S. Military Prisoner Handling Populace and Resource Control (PRC) Dislocated Civilian FM 3-19.1 PAGE 3-1


8 Route Reconnaissance and Surveillance Information assists PMO develop the Traffic Control Plan Priority Intelligence Requirements reported Route damage or blockage information is provided to the Engineers Information on enemy activity is quickly reported through the company to the RAOC and Rear CP a directed effort to obtain detailed information on a specified route and all terrain from which the enemy could influence movement along that route

9 ROUTE RECONNAISSANCE REPORT Hasty (Minimum) Overlay and DA Form 1248 (Road Reconnaissance Report) Deliberate Overlay and other forms as required DA Form 1711-R (Engineer Recon Report) DA Form 1248 (Road Reconnaissance Report) DA Form 1249 (Bridge Recon Report) DA Form 1280 (Tunnel Recon Report) DA Form 1281 (Ford Recon Report) DA Form 1282 (Ferry Recon Report)

10 DA Form 1248

11 Route Reconnaissance

12 Reconnaissance Symbols

13 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Identify and discuss the staff sections and officers responsible for traffic control planning at the theater, corps and division level. CONDITIONS: Given a lecture, discussion and current reference materials. STANDARD: Identify the planning requirements that each staff level is responsible for.


15 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION AND CONTROL PLANNERS Theater Army Highway Traffic Division (HTD) Corps Transportation Officer (CTO) Corps Movement Control Center (MCC) Corps Highway Traffic Division (HTD) Theater Army Movement Control Agency (TAMCA) Division Transportation Officer (DTO) Corps/Division Provost Marshal (PMO)

16 DIVISION/CORPS PMO Determines priorities of MP operations with CO Tasks MP assets to meet mission priorities Advises the CO on the employment of MP Coordinates MP missions with the rear CP

17 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Identify and discuss the planning documents used to implement MMSO on the battlefield. CONDITIONS: Given a lecture, discussion and current reference materials. STANDARD: Identify the documents used to facilitate MMSO.

18 PRODUCTS General route information (effects of weather, obstructions, route class.) Traffic information (density, volume and need for patrols) Designated MSRs and ASRs Formulated by CTO/DTO; PMO refines plan based on MP reconnaissance patrols or engineer recons Developed by the PM and implements the Traffic Circulation Plan Final product designates TCPs, mobile patrols, route signing, and any special circulation control measures

19 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Discuss MP employment of basic and special circulation and control measures. CONDITIONS: Given a lecture, discussion and current reference materials. STANDARD: Identify the special circulation and control measures used in support of MMSO.

20 MSR Regulation and Enforcement Keep the MSRs open for re-supply operations through basic and special control measures Enforce MCC/HTD, DTO and PMO plans Route classifications – Open - No authorization required – Supervised - Columns must have movement credits – Dispatch - Must have movement credits – Reserved - Set aside – Prohibited - No traffic allowed


22 Traffic Control Post Monitor/assist traffic authorized on MSR Route security at critical junctions Reroute traffic Gather/report intel Pass information Assist stragglers/refugees

23 Mobile Patrol Most versatile MP unit Information provider –Battle Command –CCIR

24 Temporary Route Signs Guide Warning Confirmation Confidence Countdown Regulatory Hazard Special

25 Route Signing Guidelines Use minimum number to be specific Urban areas require more signs than rural areas Night routes require more than day routes Inform drivers to follow a common route when two signed routes converge Signs should only be visible from direction of approach and seen from a reasonable distance Consider Lighting Conditions Same height One meter from road One side of road Tilt forward

26 MANEUVER AND MOBILITY SUPPORT OPERATIONS SPECIAL CONTROL MEASURES Holding Areas Roadblocks Checkpoints Defiles Straggler Posts Straggler Collection Points

27 MANEUVER AND MOBILITY SUPPORT OPERATIONS HOLDING AREA Selection Criteria Allows for tactical dispersion Has easy entry and exit to MSR Surface supports vehicle movement Good cover and concealment Offers good defenses

28 MANEUVER AND MOBILITY SUPPORT OPERATIONS Roadblocks and Check Points Force Protection Stability Operations Support Operations Tactical Uses

29 MANEUVER AND MOBILITY SUPPORT OPERATIONS Defiles Usually squad task Site selection Communications is key

30 ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Describe and discuss how MP Units support and the control measures used during river crossing operations. CONDITIONS: Given a lecture, discussion and current reference materials. STANDARD: Discuss and identify employment of MP in support of and control measures used during river crossing operations.


32 BRIDGE CROSSINGS Caution & Risk Hasty, Deliberate & Retrograde

33 DIVISION OF FORCES Assault Follow-up forces Support forces Combat Service Support

34 Crossing Control Measures The area on the enemy side of the obstacle that is large enough to accommodate the majority of the crossing force, to permit defense of the crossing sites. It provides a base area for continued attack. The outer limits of the bridgehead, tied to the right and left flanks of the crossing front The length of the river line in the zone of the crossing force. It contains one or more crossing areas. A designated area that facilitates control of units crossing the obstacles. It contains one or more crossing sites.

35 Locations along the obstacle where the crossings are actually made. Waiting areas for convoys designated to cross the river. Located to facilitate re-routing of traffic to alternate crossing areas, if needed. Space for vehicles to halt and disperse Located within and beyond the Traffic Regulating Lines Help prevent congestion when used along roads to bridges and raft sites Crossing Control Measures

36 River Crossing Overlay

37 ENGINEER REGULATING POINTS (ERP) Located near or within - Staging area - Holding area - Crossing sites Ensure vehicle weights do not exceed capability of crossing means

38 TRAFFIC CONTROL HEADQUARTERS Authority to plan, schedule, route and monitor traffic Co-located with crossing force HQ MP rep assists in MP utilization and passes info to PM staff Allots routes and timing; preps movement tables Prepares traffic circulation plans Monitors traffic movement

39 MOVEMENT PLAN OVERLAY Annex to Division OPORD Includes movement overlay with traffic circulation details Lack of fully distributed plan intensifies need for MP representatives at Traffic Control HQ.


41 Straggler and Dislocated Civilian Control Returns separated soldiers to their units Responsibility of Cdr’s, G1 and PMO Straggler categories – Injured – Uninjured – Attempting to avoid return

42 Prevent unauthorized movements Provides Security at Collection Points Diverts Refugees to non-essential areas or routes Screen for infiltrators, escaping enemy forces and agents Enforce curfews, pass system, restrictions and priority movements Straggler and Dislocated Civilian Control

43 Information provided to soldiers and users of the road net Mission is accomplished in all measures on a continual basis Straggler and Dislocated Civilian Control

44 STRAGGLER POSTS Locations planned by PM Operations section for likely routes of flow Transfers are made using available transportation Joint operations may be required for stragglersfrom other friendly forces

45 STRAGGLER COLLECTION POINTS Formed in mass-straggler situations Normally operated by an MP squad Transportation assets may be requested from the MCC or MCO


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