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1 Public Perceptions of the Security Sector and Police Work in Yemen A Yemen Polling Center Survey Major Findings January 30, 2013 funded by the European.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Public Perceptions of the Security Sector and Police Work in Yemen A Yemen Polling Center Survey Major Findings January 30, 2013 funded by the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Public Perceptions of the Security Sector and Police Work in Yemen A Yemen Polling Center Survey Major Findings January 30, 2013 funded by the European Union

2 2 Please cite as follows: Yemen Polling Center (2013): Public Perceptions of the Security Sector and Police Work in Yemen. Major Survey Findings. Sanaa: YPC.

3 3 Objectives To better understand the nature of Insecurity in Yemen; Local security provision; Non-state actors; Attitudes of the public towards the police; and Gender-related security issues in order to provide input on necessities & opportunities of security sector reform. Yemen Polling Center

4 4 Methodology Field work conducted between November and December 2012 Target sample: 2000 respondents. Actual sample: 1990 respondents Yemenis aged 18+ Even number of male and female respondents Yemen Polling Center

5 5 Demographics of the sample Yemen Polling Center

6 6 Governorate Ibb11.1% Abyan2.0% Sana'a City9.5% Al-Baydha’3.0% Taiz12.1% Al-Jawf2.0% Hajja7.5% Al-Hudaida11.1% Hadhramawt5.0% Dhamar7.0% Shabwa2.5% Sa’da3.0% Sana'a4.5% Aden3.0% Lahj3.5% Marib1.0% al-Mahweet2.5% Al-Mahra.5% Amran4.5% Al-Dhali’2.5% Rayma2.0% Total100.0% Yemen Polling Center

7 7 In regard to the education you completed, which of the following phrases describes it best, if any? Yemen Polling Center

8 8 What is your employment situation? Yemen Polling Center

9 9 What do you think about the current situation in Yemen, is it going in the right direction or the wrong direction? Yemen Polling Center

10 10 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Economy Yemen Polling Center

11 11 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Jobs Yemen Polling Center

12 12 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Fighting Corruption Yemen Polling Center

13 13 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Security Situation Yemen Polling Center

14 14 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Human Rights Yemen Polling Center

15 15 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Women’s Rights Yemen Polling Center

16 16 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Public Services Yemen Polling Center

17 17 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Anti-Terrorism Efforts Yemen Polling Center

18 18 I am going to list some issues and I would like you to tell me whether it is getting better or getting worse: Political Situation Yemen Polling Center

19 19 In your opinion, are these institutions active in your area in a positive way, active in a negative way, neither positive nor negative, or not active at all? Yemen Polling Center


21 21 How do you evaluate the general security situation in your area? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

22 22 In comparison to one year ago, how do you evaluate the security situation in this area? Has it improved or has it deteriorated? Yemen Polling Center

23 23 In comparison to one year ago, how do you evaluate the security situation in this area? Per governorate Yemen Polling Center

24 24 How safe do you personally feel? Yemen Polling Center

25 25 How safe do you personally feel? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

26 26 How safe do you feel traveling outside this area? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

27 27 In reality, who ruins security in this area? (open question, record one answer) Yemen Polling Center

28 28 In reality, who ruins security in this area? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

29 29 In reality, who brings security to this area? (open question, record one answer) Yemen Polling Center

30 30 In reality, who brings security to this area? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

31 31 What phenomena in this area pose the greatest threats to your personal security? (open question, record one answer) Yemen Polling Center

32 32 To protect yourself and your family, what procedures do you rely on? (open question, record 1 answer) Yemen Polling Center


34 34 Are the following institutions part of the police or not? Yemen Polling Center

35 35 Right now for administrative issues (IDs & birth certificates) you have to go to a police station. In the future, would you prefer to keep it as it is now or to have it to another place outside the police station? Yemen Polling Center

36 36 Is there a police station in this area? Yemen Polling Center

37 37 Is there a police station in this area? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

38 38 Would you feel more or less secure if there were… Yemen Polling Center

39 39 In your opinion, are the police in this area active in a positive way, active in a negative way, neither positive nor negative, not active at all? Yemen Polling Center

40 40 In your opinion, are the police in this area active in a positive way, active in a negative way, neither positive nor negative, not active at all? By governorate Yemen Polling Center


42 42 To what extent do you think the police treats the following groups fairly? Yemen Polling Center

43 43 How much confidence do you have in the police? Yemen Polling Center

44 44 Confidence in police by respondents who said that the police is not active in their area at all Yemen Polling Center

45 45 In your opinion, what is the reason for the general lack of confidence in the police? (open question, record 1 answer) Yemen Polling Center

46 46 In the past twelve months, have you or a member of your family been offered help by a police officer in a positive way when you needed assistance? Yemen Polling Center

47 47 In your opinion, what is the level of corruption in the following institution: Yemen Polling Center

48 48 In the past twelve months, have you or a member of your family been asked for bribes? (respondents who had interacted with the police in the past twelve months) Yemen Polling Center

49 49 By whom were you asked for a bribe? Sample Size: 317 Yemen Polling Center

50 50 What were you asked to give? Sample Size: 310 Yemen Polling Center

51 51 What were you asked to give a bribe for? Sample Size: 277 Yemen Polling Center

52 52 Do you think that wages paid to regular police officers are… Yemen Polling Center

53 53 If the police were better paid by the government, do you think they would be less corrupt? Yemen Polling Center

54 54 How do you evaluate the outer appearance of the police officer(s) you interacted with? (respondents who stated that they had dealt with the police in the past) Sample Size: 405 Yemen Polling Center

55 55 In the last 2 years, have you visited a police station… Yemen Polling Center

56 56 What was your overall impression of the police station? (respondents who stated that they had visited a police station in the past two years) Sample Size: 486 Yemen Polling Center

57 57 Do you think the police should be prohibited from chewing qat/smoking shisha while on duty? Yemen Polling Center


59 59 Have you or any member of your household been the victim of a crime in the past two years? Yemen Polling Center

60 60 What was the most significant crime? (open question) Sample Size: 204 Yemen Polling Center

61 61 Have you reported it to the police? Sample Size: 204 Yemen Polling Center

62 62 Why did you not report it to the police? Yemen Polling Center Sample Size: 52

63 63 How satisfied were you with how the police addressed the issue? (respondents who reported the issue to the police only) Sample Size: 52 Yemen Polling Center

64 64 Have you ever called 199 for help? Yemen Polling Center

65 65 On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 meaning 'very unsatisfied' and 5 meaning 'very satisfied', how satisfied were you with the help you received? Sample Size: 50 Yemen Polling Center


67 67 Reporting a Crime (Female Respondents Only) Would you report a crime alone? If there were a women’s unit in the police station closest to you, would you report a crime alone? Yemen Polling Center

68 68 Would you allow your wife/daughter/ female relative to report a crime alone? If there were a women’s unit in the police station closest to you, would you allow your wife/daughter/female relative to report a crime alone? Reporting a Crime (Male Respondents Only) Yemen Polling Center

69 69 In general, do you support the idea of having female police officers in Yemen? Yemen Polling Center

70 70 Why do you support it? Yemen Polling Center

71 71 Why do you not support it? Yemen Polling Center

72 72 Yemen Polling Center


74 74 In general, when a problem or security incident occurs in this area, which actor deals with it first? Yemen Polling Center

75 75 In general, when a problem or security incident occurs in this area, which actor deals with it first? By governorate Yemen Polling Center

76 76 In general, should security rest in the hands of the state alone? Yemen Polling Center

77 77 Yemen Polling Center In this area specifically, should security rest in the hands of the state alone? By governorate

78 78 What should the police involve non-state actors in? (read out answers, code 1) Yemen Polling Center

79 79 For the following groups in your area, do you want the police to seek their assistance in resolving security issues: Community Groups / NGOs Yemen Polling Center

80 80 For the following groups in your area, do you want the police to seek their assistance in resolving security issues: Popular Committees Yemen Polling Center

81 81 For the following groups in your area, do you want the police to seek their assistance in resolving security issues: Tribal Shaykhs Yemen Polling Center

82 82 For the following groups in your area, do you want the police to seek their assistance in resolving security issues: Other Powerful People in the Area Yemen Polling Center

83 83 Are there any private prisons in this area? Yemen Polling Center

84 84 Are there any private prisons in this area? Per governorate Yemen Polling Center

85 85 Who maintains such private prisons? Per governorate Yemen Polling Center

86 86 Conclusions Security sector reform in Yemen needs to take into account the country‘s regional and social diversity Security provision in Yemen by the police must involve non- state actors in most regions, but such involvement should be complementary to the work of state institutions Police in Yemen must work to enhance ist professionality in order to gain the trust of the people Police reform in Yemen has to take into account the special security interests of women and girls by employing more women in the police force so that these can cater to the special security interests of women according to the Yemeni social context Yemen Polling Center

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