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Computational Geometry Piyush Kumar (Lecture 10: Robot Motion Planning) Welcome to CIS5930.

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Presentation on theme: "Computational Geometry Piyush Kumar (Lecture 10: Robot Motion Planning) Welcome to CIS5930."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational Geometry Piyush Kumar (Lecture 10: Robot Motion Planning) Welcome to CIS5930

2 Reading Chapter 13 in Textbook David Mount’s Lecture notes. Slides Sources Lecture notes from Dr. Bayazit Dr. Spletzer, Dr. Latombe. Pictures from the web and David Mount’s notes.

3 Robots Real WorldFiction

4 Robot Motion Planning Free space Obstacles

5 Robot Motion Planning Work Space : Environment in which robot operates Obstacles : Already occupied spaces of the world. Free Space : Unoccupied space of the world.

6 Configuration Space OR C-space Helps in determining where a robot can go. Modelling a robot  Configuration: Values which specify the position of a robot  Geometric shape description

7 Motion Planning Given a robot, find a sequence of valid configurations that moves the robot from the source to destination. start goalobstacles

8 Configuration Space Configuration: Specification of the robot position relative to a fixed coordinate system. Usually a set of values expressed as a vector of positions/orientations. Configuration Space: is the space of all possible robot configurations.

9 Configuration Space Example reference point x y  robot reference direction workspace – 3-parameter representation: q = (x,y,  ) – In 3D? 6-parameters - (x,y,z,  )

10 Configuration Space X Y A robot which can translate in the plane X Y A robot which can translate and rotate in the plane x Y C- space: 2-D (x, y) 3-D (x, y, ) Euclidean space: Courtesy J.Xiao

11 C-Space q1q1q1q1 q2q2q2q2 q = (q 1,q 2,…,q 10 )

12 Configuration Space /Obstacles Circular Robot

13 C-Obstacles  Convex polygonal robot

14 Minkowski Sum  A  B = { a+b | a  A, b  B }   

15 Minkowski Sums  3D Minkowski sum difficult to compute  Many Applications  Configuration Space Computation  Offset  Morphing  Packing and Layout  Friction model

16 Configuration Obstacle  Only for robots in 2d that can translate.  CP = { p | R(p) ∩ P ≠ Null } 

17 C-Obstacles Lemma : CP = P  (-R)  Lemma : CP = P  (-R)   Proof: Show that R(q) intersects P iff q є P  (-R).  q є P  (-R) iff there exists p є P and (-r) є (-R) such that q = p – r  R(q) intersects P iff there exists r є R and p є P such that r+q = p. Equivalent

18 An illustration

19 Computing Minkowski sum  For a given convex polygonal obstacle (with n vertices) and a convex footprint robot (with m vertices), how fast can we compute the CP? O(m + n) Idea: Walk.

20 Complexity of Minkowski Sums?  Can we bound the complexity of the minkowski sum of disjoint convex obstacles with n vertices in the plane?  Naïve bound?  Triangulate the obstacles : O(n) edges.  Minkowski sum of R with triangles = O(nm)  Complexity of the union? O((nm) 2 )?

21 Pseudodisks: Defn.  A set of convex objects {o1,o2,…,on} is called a collection of pseudodisks if for any two distinct objects oi and oj both of the set theoretic differences oi\oj and oj\oi are connected.

22 Lemma 1  Given a set of convex objects {T 1, T 2,…, T n,} with disjoint interiors and convex R, the set {T i  R | i = 1..n } is a collection of psedodisks. Proof: On the chalkboard

23 Lemma 2  Given a collection of pseudodisks with n vertices, the complexity of their union is O(n).  Why?

24 Planning approaches in C-space  Roadmap Approach:  Visibility Graph Methods  Cell Decomposition Approach  Potential Fields  Many other Algorithms…

25 Visibility Graph in C-space start goal Each path in c-space from s to t represents a viable move from s to t of the Robot in the original space.

26 Visibility Graph in C-space start goal Each path in c-space from s to t represents a viable move from s to t of the Robot in the original space. Computation time?

27 Vis Graph in higher dimensions? Will it work?

28 Cell Decomp: Trapezoidal Decomp. GOAL START 1 3 2 4 5 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 6 1) Decompose Region Into Cells

29 Cell Decomp: Trapezoidal Decomp. 1) Decompose Region Into Cells GOAL START 1 3 2 4 5 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 6 2) Construct Adjacency Graph

30 Cell Decomp: Trapezoidal Decomp. GOAL START

31 Cell Decomposition: Other approaches UniformQuadtree

32 Potential field approach  The field is modeled by a potential function U(x,y) over C  Motion policy control law is akin to gradient descent on the potential function

33 Next Class  Final Review: Q&A session.

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