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Post Registration Career Framework Masters in Clinical Practice Masters in Advanced Practice.

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1 Post Registration Career Framework Masters in Clinical Practice Masters in Advanced Practice

2 Expert Practice Specialist Practice Generalist Practice Novice Practice

3 Service Need Analysis Education/ Development On-going Competence Review/ Revalidation Role Evaluation New Staff Recruitment Development Need Analysis Workforce Skill-mix Analysis Competence Assessment Advanced Practice Role Expectations Agreed Advanced Practice Post Established Education/ Development Competence Assessment Existing Staff Non- Advanced Practice Roles

4 Support Worker – level 1 Registered Practitioner – level 5 Assistant Practitioner – level 4 Senior Support Worker – level 3 Support Worker - level 2 More Senior Staff – level 9 Consultant Practitioner – level 8 Advanced Practitioner – level 7 Senior Practitioner – level 6 SCN/CQI Project Advanced Practice Toolkit Early Clinical Career Fellowships Consultant NMAHPs Clinical Academic Careers Scottish initiatives to support the Nursing Career Framework ‘Effective Practitioner’ Flying Start NHS SCOTLAND

5 Pre-registration degree level preparation 5 6 7 8 9+9+ Level WIDE ENTRY GATE Consolidation of practice Careers in: generalist/ specialist clinical posts, academic and teaching posts. Continued education in 4 ‘pillars’: Clinical/Professional Practice Leadership and Management Facilitated Learning & Development Research Registration Careers in consultant, senior and strategic level roles, senior clinical academic and academic/research posts. Continued education in 4 ‘pillars’ plus (where appropriate) Strategic service development Corporate skills/responsibilities Overview of the career framework Graduate and post graduate level study Post graduate to doctorate level study Advanced Practice Careers in advanced generalist/ specialist roles, ward manager posts, management, education and research posts. Continued education in the 4 ‘pillars’ Career Advice WALES



8 Health and Wellbeing Elements ; public health mental health promotion, community development, health education, health protection, health screening and so on. Current workforce context; likely to include some aspects of practice nurse roles, maternal and child care, health visiting and occupational nursing services and include community development initiatives such as Sure Start Future workforce characteristics, competencies and attributes; community development activity, tackling inequalities, delivery of ‘wellness’ care, screening and health education knowledge of population demographics and epidemiology

9 Elective, Urgent and Critical Care Elements would be currently recognised as elective surgery, critical interventions crisis intervention, rapid response and emergency care Current workforce context; Likely to include accident and emergency nursing, some aspects of treatment room nurses, day procedure, acute care at home teams (ACAHT), general medical wards, mental health intensive and high dependency care, critical maternity intervention Future workforce characteristics, competencies and attributes; technological know how, safety and quality practices, early recognition capacity and critical intervention skills.

10 Continuing Care and Support elements would be currently recognised as the care of children with complex needs, end of life care, severe and enduring mental illness, chronic disease management, dementia services and challenging behaviours. Current workforce context; Likely to include palliative care nurses, respiratory nurse specialists, community psychiatric nurses, cognitive behavioural therapists, stroke nursing services and district nursing services Future workforce characteristics, competencies and attributes; self-care promotion, technological application, co-ordination of care, information management, end of life care and so on



13 Masters in Clinical Practice Masters in Advanced Practice Available to practitioners across the breadth of clinical practice experience (exit with SPQ) Available to practitioners working at Advanced Level Skills escalator approach Linked to workforce planning Allow employers to develop local solutions to meet training and development needs- experiential learning Learning outcomes matched to patient need

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