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Chapter 15 Advertising Strategy. The Nature of Advertising Promotes goods, services and ideas using mass media. Product advertising Direct-action advertisement.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 Advertising Strategy. The Nature of Advertising Promotes goods, services and ideas using mass media. Product advertising Direct-action advertisement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Advertising Strategy

2 The Nature of Advertising Promotes goods, services and ideas using mass media. Product advertising Direct-action advertisement Institutional advertising Promote organizational image Stimulate product category demand Goodwill

3 Advertising execution and evaluation Advertising execution and evaluation Marketing strategy Marketing strategy Specific advertising objectives Specific advertising objectives Advertising budget Advertising budget Creative strategy Creative strategy Media selection Media selection Advertising production Advertising production Planning and developing Advertising Campaigns

4 The Creative Strategy The Appeal – What should be said What the product/service offers Why customer should buy the offer Sex appeal Lifestyle compatible Problem solving Themes Positioning

5 The Creative Strategy Execution of Appeal Need to consider: Spokesperson Emotional tone Situation Creative platform – style of how the message is delivered.

6 The Creative Strategy Execution of the appeal 1. Story line 2. Product uses 3. Problem solutions 4. Slice of life 5. Demonstration 6. Comparative advertising 7. Testimonial 8. Lifestyle 9. Fear 10. Humour 11. Sex Appeal 12. Jingle

7 Animation Originally only used by firms with a small advertising budget Use has increased due to computer graphics technology. Rotoscoping. Clay animation. Some Web sites to explore Http:// Http://

8 Humor Appeal

9 Dramatization/ Fear Appeal This ad reminds people of the dangers of overexposure to the sun.

10 Media Selection Television Radio Transit Billboard Internet Magazines Newspapers Direct Mail Alternate Media – shirts, caps, fax, yellow pages, self-run ads, movies, free-standing road signs, carry- home menus, pop displays Reach: a measure of the percentage of people in the target market exposed to the ad campaign in a given period Frequency: a measure of how many times the average person in the target market is exposed to the message

11 Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness Concept testing – pre advertising efforts Focus groups commonly used Post-testing Advertisements Measuring brand recall and recognition Measuring changes in attitudes about a product Generating inquiries about the products Sales/visits – pre vs. post advertising affects.

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