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Published byJulian Barnett Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to QCD and perturbative QCD ELFT Summer School, May 24, 2005
Three lectures: Symmetries exact approximate Asymptotic freedom renormalisation group β function Basics of pQCD fixed order Resummation Should be understood by everybody, so will be trivial
When you measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it, but when you cannot express it in numbers your knowledge about is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind. Lord Kelvin
Field content Quark fields: qf f=1,…,6 B=1/3 qf mf
2 3 4 5 6 qf u d s c b t mf ~5MeV ~7MeV ~100MeV 1.2GeV 4.2GeV 174GeV mf running masses (see later) at =2GeV, approximate values; Nf is the number of light quarks (e.g. 3) Gluon fields: Aɑ ɑ=1,…,8
The QCD Lagrangian QCD is a QFT, part of the SM
The SM is a gauge theory with underlying SUc(3) SUL(2) UY(1)
The Classical Lagrangian
are the SU(Nc) generators with algebra: fundamental representation: adjoint representation:
The Classical Lagrangian
Colour factors (like eigenvalues of J2): in the fundamental representation: in the adjoint representation: source of non-Abelian nature: gluon self coupling Note: in lattice QCD
Exact symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
Quantum effects may violate (e.g. scale invariance, axial anomaly) Continuous: local gauge invariance (suppress flavour and Dirac indices) The covariant derivative transforms as the field itself
Exact symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
Almost supersymmetric: massless QCD for one flavour SUSY Yang-Mills : q transforms under the fundamental, under the adjoint representation of SU(Nc) Advantageous in deriving matrix elements
Exact symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
The quark mass term is, the gluon mass term is not gauge invariant Discrete: C, P and T in agreement with observed properties of strong interactions (C, P and T violating strong decays are not observed) Note: additional gauge invariant dimension-four operator, the -term: Conventional normalisation violates P and T (corresponds to EB in electrodyn.) is small (<10-9 experimentally), set =0 in pQCD
Approximate symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
Related to the quark mass matrix Introduce: …and from Dirac algebra: Let: Eigenvector of 5:
Approximate symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
The quark sector of the Lagrangian can be written: would not work if gluons were not vectors (in D) the left- and right-handed fields are not coupled LChir is invariant under UL(Nf) UR(Nf) the group elements can be parametrised in terms of 2 Nf2 real numbers:
Approximate symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
This symmetry acts separately on left- and right-handed fields: chiral symmetry Has vector subgroups SUV(Nf) UV(1) The axial transformations do not form a subgroup Chiral symmetry is not observed in the QCD spectrum, it is spontaneously broken to SUV(Nf) UV(1)
Chiral perturbation theory
In QCD it is believed that the vacuum has a non-zero VEV of the light-quark operator This quark condensate breaks chiral symmetry because it connects left- and right-handed fields The SSB of chiral symmetry implies the existence of Nf2-1massless Goldstone bosons The light quarks are not exactly massless the chiral symmetry is not exact, the Goldstone bosons are not massless: pseudoscalar meson octet The mf are treated as perturbation PT
Topics of QCD (T=0) Low-energy properties (<GeV)
High energy collisions (>GeV) Perturbative Non-perturbative PT (light quark masses) Jet physics Sum rules, lattice QCD
Approximate symmetries of the classical Lagrangian
Choose Weyl representation: two-component Weyl spinors helicity eigenstates if m=0, g=0 Define
Asymptotic freedom At the heart of QCD Nobel prize 2004
Consider a dimensionless physical observable R=R(Q), with Q being a large energy scale, Q any other dimensionful parameter (e.g. mf) set mf =0 (check later if R (mf =0) is OK) Classically dimR = 1 In a renormalized QFT we need an additional scale: renormalization scale R = R (Q2/2) is not a constant: scaling violation the „small” parameter in the perturbative expansion of R, s() also depends on the scale choice
Asymptotic freedom But is an arbitrary, non-physical parameter (LCl does not depend on it) physical quantites cannot depend on Let t = ln (Q 2/2), (s) =
Asymptotic freedom To solve this renormalization-group equtaion, we introduce the running coupling s(Q 2): If 2 =Q 2 et = 1, the scale-dependence in R enters through s(Q 2) All this was non-perturbative yet
The function in perturbation theory
We solve in PT (we analyse the validity of PT a little later) known coefficients:
The function in perturbation theory
if s(Q 2) can be treated as small parameter, we can truncate the series, keep the first two terms: with LO: if t: Relation between s(Q 2) and s( 2) if both small Q 2 0 s(Q 2) 0: asymptotic freedom (sign!)
The function in perturbation theory
The running coupling resums logs: if R = R1 s+O(s2) R2 s2 gives one less log in each term NLO (b10):
QCD A more traditional approach to solving the renormalization-group equation: introduce indicates the scale at which s(Q 2) gets strong LO (b00, bi=0): NLO (b10): The two solutions differ by subleading terms that are important in present day precision measurements
The running coupling
The quark masses Assume one flavour with renormalized mass m: yet another mass scale m is the mass anomalous dimension, in PT: R is dimensionless
The running quark mass To solve this renormalization-group equtaion, we introduce the running quark mass m(Q 2): the derivative terms (if finite) are suppressed by at least an inverse power of Q at high Q 2 dropping the quark masses is justified only IR-safe observables can be computed
The running quark mass All non-trivial scale dependence of R can be included in the running of mass and coupling: Solution: c/b > 0 the running mass vanishes with the running coupling at high Q 2
2 hard photons in CMS
4 muons in CMS
4 muons in CMS
Basics of Perturbative QCD
Vast subject – only give the flavour Will use a specific example: 2→2 scattering has one free kinematical parameter, the θ scattering angle The differential cross section for The total cross section below the Z pole on the Z pole
The total hadronic cross section
LO: the hadronic cross section is obtained by counting the possible final states: With q = u,d,s,c,b R =11/3=3.67 and RZ =20.09 The measured value at LEP is RZ =20.79±0.04 The 3.5% difference is mainly due to QCD effects: Real virtual gluon emission
NLO: real gluon emission
Three-body phase space has 5 independent variables: 2 energies and 3 angles Integrate over the angles and use yij = 2pi·pj/s scaled two-particle subenergies, y12+y13+y23=1 The real contribution to the total cross section: Divergent along the boundaries at yi3 = 0: Unphyisical singularities - quarks and gluons are never on (zero) mass shell: Breakdown of PT Divergent when E3→0 (soft gluon), or θi3 →0 (collinear gluon)
NLO: the real and virtual contribution in d 4
To make sense of the real contribution, we use dimensional regularization: Has to be combined with the virtual contribution The sum of the real and virtual contributions is finite in d = 4: (same for RZ)
The total hadronic cross section at O(αs3)
The total cross section can be computed more easily using the optical theorem Satisfies the renormalization-group equation to order αs4
The total hadronic cross section at O(αs3)
The total hadronic cross section at O(αs4) (non-singlet contribution)
Jet cross sections Typical final states in high energy electron-positron collisions 2 jets 3 jets
Modelling of events with jets
Production probability pattern: 2jets : 3jets : 4jets ~ O(αs0) : O(α s1) : O(α s2) ⇒ jets reflect the partonic structure
Jet cross sections We average over event orientation ⇒ |M2|2 has no dependence on the parton momenta NLO corrections: Cannot combine the integrands (like for σtot)
The subtraction scheme
Process and observable independent solution Made possible by the process-independent factorisation properties of QCD matrix elements
The subtraction scheme
The approximate cross section: = I(ε) |M2|2 with universal factorisation:
The subtraction scheme
The integrated approximate cross section:
Parton showers and resummation
The universal factorisation can be used to describe parton showers (neglecting colour correlation of soft emissions and azimuthal correlations of gluon splitting - not transparent in the simple example considered here)
General picture of high-energy collisions
R at low energies
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