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Published byLeo Glenn Modified over 9 years ago
1 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas SM HIGGS SEARCHES AT THE TEVATRON Nikos Varelas University of Illinois at Chicago CTEQ Meeting, Jefferson Lab Nov 2005
2 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Introduction EW Constraints on the Higgs Mass Data Samples – Tevatron Run II Strategy for SM Higgs Searches Understanding the background processes Z bb W+Jets Z+Jets (Z+b)/ (Z+jet) Wbb Production Low Mass SM Higgs Searches: WH and ZH Associated Production High Mass SM Higgs Searches: H WW * WH WWW * Prospects & Summary Outline
3 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Guidance from EW Fits Direct searches by LEP on SM Higgs Boson: m H > 114.4 GeV (95% CL) Indirect limit from fits to precision EW measurements from LEP-SLC-Tevatron m H < 206 GeV (95% CL) using previous m t =174.3 3.4 GeV (Run I+II) Latest value: m t =172.7 2.9 GeV (Run I+II) Expected value: m H = 98 +52 −36 GeV Run II will provide stringent constraints to SM Higgs M t ~ 2 GeV with ~2 fb -1 M W < 30 MeV (currently 59 MeV – Run I combined) Light Mass Higgs favored Tevatron (future): m t =1.5 GeV, M W =30 MeV
4 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Fermilab TeVatron - RunII Main Injector & Recycler Tevatron Chicago p source Booster pp p p pp 1.96 TeV CDF DØ Run IIa 2001-2006 E CM = 1.96 TeV ~ 1.3 fb -1 Run IIb 2006-2009 E CM = 1.96 TeV ~8 fb -1 Run I 1992-1996 E CM = 1.8 TeV ~120 pb -1 (0.63 TeV ~600 nb -1 )
5 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Data Sample Tevatron performs according to design Record peak luminosity ~ 1.6 x 10 32 Record integrated luminosity ~ 21 pb /week Data samples presented here: 2002-2004 ( 400 pb ) Detector data collection efficiency 85-90% Expected luminosity to each experiment ~8 fb -1 by the end of 2009 We Are Here
6 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas SM Higgs Production and Decay ProductionDecay Search strategy: M H <135 GeV associated production WH and ZH with H bb decay Backgrounds: Wbb, Zbb, top… M H >135 GeV gg H (or WH) production with H WW * decay Backgrounds: WW/WZ production… Excluded at LEP
7 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Low Mass SM Higgs Searches WH e( ) bb ZH (ee/ ) bb Measurements rely on b-tagging Lepton identification + Missing-E T resolution Dijet mass resolution and light/b-jet calibration Z bb Understanding of backgrounds W/Z + heavy-flavor/light jets B Impact Parameter Decay Length Hard Scatter (Signed) Track b-tagging Based on signed impact parameter resolution Jet Lifetime Impact Parameter algorithm Based on decay length resolution Secondary Vertex Algorithm
8 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Z bb Dijet invariant mass of ~86K events Only two jets in the events (veto other jets with E T 10 GeV) Jets must be back-to-back ( 3.0) Both jets have a secondary vertex b-tag The background shape is computed using untagged data passing the same selection The Z bb shape is simulated with PYTHIA The two shapes are fit to the data (blue points) Fit results are shown in red Statistical errors only
9 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas (W( e ) + n jets) Based on 127 pb -1 Jets E T > 15 GeV, | |<2.4 Cone Alg, R cone = 0.4 Electrons P T > 20 GeV, | |<1.1 W’s Missing E T > 30 GeV Veto Z mass region Backgrounds (3-40%) QCD W , top, Z multiple pp interactions Theory: Alpgen+Herwig (+Detector Simulation)
10 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas (Z/ * ( ee) + n jets)/ Z/ * Based on 343 pb -1 1,646 Z+jets events Selection: Jets E T > 20 GeV, | |<2.5 Midpoint Alg, R cone = 0.5 Electrons P T > 25 GeV, | |<1.1 Z’s 75 < M ee < 105 GeV Background (2-5%) Final cross section ratios are corrected at the hadron level Good agreement with Theory: MCFM (NLO up to Z+2 partons) ME-PS (MADGRAPH + PYTHIA with matching) ALPGEN+PYTHIA (+Detector Simulation) (CTEQ5L) 1 st Jet 2 nd Jet 3 rd Jet
11 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas (Z+b)/ (Z+jet) Analysis combines Z ee and channels Based on 180 pb -1 3,458 Z+jets events Selection: At least one Jet: E T > 20 GeV, | |<2.5 2 Electrons/muons: P T > 15 GeV, | |<2.5/2.0 Z mass cut Apply sec. vertex b-tag 42 events with 1 tag 8.3 events from QCD background Measure inclusive ratio to cancel many systematics Z+heavy flavor is background to ZH Z+b probes the b-quark PDF b-PDF is important for hb and single-top production Measurement: (Z+b)/ (Z+j) = 0.021 0.004(stat) 0.002(sys) Good agreement with NLO QCD: 0.018 PRL (94), 161801 (2005)
12 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Search for W(e )bb Production Dominant bkgd for WH Based on 382 pb -1 Selection: 2 Jets: E T > 20 GeV, | |<2.5 1 electron: P T > 20 GeV, | |<1.1 Missing E T > 25 GeV b-tag: JLIP (Jet Lifetime Probability) 153 events with 1 b-tag 13 events with 2 b-tags Expect 4.29 ± 1.03Wbb 0.14 ± 0.03WH 5.73 ± 1.45WZ, tt, W/Z+jets, single top, multijets Total 10.2 ± 2.4 events Observe 13 95% CL upper limit: (Wbb) 4.6pb for b-jets with p T b 20 GeV, | b | 2.5, and R bb 0.75
13 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas From Wbb to WH Based on 319 pb-1 Selection (e and channels): 2 Jets: E T > 15 GeV, | |<2 1 electron or muon: P T > 20 GeV, central Missing E T > 20 GeV b-tagging: Secondary Vertex
14 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas WH Limits DØ previous Wbb/WH Result – 174 pb -1 PRL (94), 091802 (2005) In the absence of a signal, 95% C.L. limits are set on Higgs boson production cross section times branching ratio to b- quarks
15 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Z( )H( bb) Search (1) An important channel for low-mass Higgs search Large B(Z ) ~ 20% Trigger on events with large missing H T H T is defined as the magnitude of the vector sum of jets’ E T Analysis was based on 261 pb -1 Selection: 2 Jets: E T > 20 GeV, | |<2.5 Missing E T > 25 GeV Veto events with isolated tracks (p T 8 GeV) To reject leptons from W/Z H T = |p T (jets)| < 200 GeV To reject tt events Reduce “instrumental” backgrounds Jet acoplanarity (dijet) < 165 Use various missing energy/momentum variables Form asymmetry variables Jet1 Jet2 ETET HTHT P T trk P T.2 trk P T trk = – | p T (trk)| … tracks P T,2 trk = – | p T (trk in dijet)| … tracks in jets
16 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas No b-tagDouble b-tagSingle b-tag Z( )H( bb) Search (2)
17 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Mass (GeV) Window 105 [70,120] 115 [80,130] 125 [90,140] 135 [100,150] Data4322 Acceptance (%)0.29 0.070.33 0.080.35 0.090.34 0.09 Total bkgd.2.75 0.882.19 0.721.93 0.661.71 0.57 Expected limit (pb) Limit @95% C.L. (pb) 8.5 Wjj/Wbb32 Zjj/Zbb31 Instrumental16 Top15 WZ/ZZ6 Bkgd. composition (%) Z( )H( bb) Search (3) 2 b-jet tags using JLIP
18 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Z( )H( bb) Search (4) Analysis was based on 289 pb-1 Selection: 2 Jets: 1 st jet E T 40 GeV, 2 nd jet E T 20 GeV Missing E T > 70 GeV At least 1 b-tag Blind analysis technique Control Regions: QCD + heavy flavor EWK, Top, and QCD Signal Region: Veto events with leptons Missing E T and 2 nd leading jet are not in parallel Cut optimization is performed in this region based on MC simulation before looking at the real data Higgs mass: 120 GeV Bkgd: 4.36 events QCD: 11.4% Top : 20.5 % EWK: 18.2 % Mistagged light flavor : 50 % Observe: 6
19 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas High Mass SM Higgs Searches gg H WW * ℓ + ℓ - B(H WW * ) 0.9 for m H 160 GeV WH WWW * Fermiophobic higgs enhances B High B(h WW * ) for m h 100 GeV Measurements rely on Lepton identification + Missing-E T resolution Understanding of backgrounds WZ & WW production
20 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas gg H WW * ℓ + ℓ - (1) Selection: 2 high-p T leptons + E ̸ T ee, , & e combined Veto on Z and energetic jets Low ( M H /2) dilepton inv mass Opening angle between leptons is useful discriminating variable Two leptons tend to move in parallel due to spin correlation of Higgs boson decay products W+W+ e+e+ W-W- e-e- n WW Cross Section Measurements (pb) DØ: (25 evts) CDF: (17 evts) NLO Theory: 12-13.5 pb DØ: PRL (94), 151801 (2005) CDF: PRL (94), 211801 (2005) Bkgd: Z/ *, WW, ZZ, WZ, t t, W/Z + j, QCD
21 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas gg H WW * ℓ + ℓ - (2) Maximum likelihood limit on the ll distributions for m H =140-180 GeV DØ Analysis based on ~320 pb -1 Number of expected events for M H =160 GeV: 0.68 ± 0.01 H WW * 12.3 ± 0.3 Diboson Production 2.8 ± 0.9 W+jet/ 4.0 ± 0.7 Z/ * 0.47 ± 0.03 Top 0.2 ± 0.1 multijets Total 19.7 ± 1.2 events Observe 19 CDF Analysis based on ~360 pb -1 Number of bkgd events for M H =160 GeV: 0.58 ± 0.04 H WW * 9.79 ± 1.03 WW 13.78 ± 1.24 Total bkgd Observe 16 *BR(H → WW) < 3.7pb For M H =160 GeV DØ: Submitted to PRL hep-ex/0508054
22 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Search for associated Higgs production with W where the H WW * Selection: 2 like-sign high-p T leptons Veto events with a 3 rd high-p T lepton Significant E ̸ T WH WWW* ℓ ± ℓ’ ± qq’ (1) DØ Analysis based on ~370 pb -1 Data: 1/3/2 events for ee/e / channels bkgd: 0.70 ± 0.08 for ee 4.32 ± 0.23 for e 3.72 ± 0.75 for CDF Analysis based on ~190 pb -1 Data: 0 events bkgd: 0.95 ± 0.61(stat) ± 0.18(sys) SM Higgs (160 GeV) expected to be ~0.03 evts
23 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas WH WWW* (2) CDF: 190 pb DØ: 370 pb
24 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Where we Stand Today
25 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas 2006 2009 LEP SM Higgs Search Prospects Tevatron Higgs Sensitivity Group: Initial Report: hep-ph/0010338 (2000) Updated in 2003 in the low Higgs mass region: Fermilab-PUB-03/320-E WH l bb ZH bb Improvement due mainly to sophisticated analysis techniques and better detector understanding Near term: expect at least doubling of analyzed data for Spring ’06 conferences Long term: reaching ~8 fb-1 by 2009 Detector upgrades in Spring 2006 (Si (DØ), trigger/DAQ (DØ, CDF))
26 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas How do we Compare to HSS-03? Dijet mass window DØ Analysis (PRL ‘05) 174 pb -1 WH e bb [85,135] Prospective Study (‘03) normalized to 174 pb -1 and to WH bbe [100,136] Ratio Prospective DØ Analysis R=0.72 Dijet mass resolution14 ± 1 %10 %R=0.71 Signal events (S)0.0490.145R=3.0 Background evts (B)1. 071.76R=1.6 S/ B 0.0450.11R=2.4 We are missing a factor 2.4 in sensitivity for this WH(e) channel. A factor of 50 is needed to reach SM expectations for ~115 GeV higgs (or ~450 fb of luminosity!)
27 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas So How Do We Get There? Use forward electrons (+30%), Better EM-ID (+30%) Higher b-tagging efficiency (+40%) Layer-0 upgrade, NN b-tagger Improved di-jet mass resolution (+40%) Better calorimeter calibration, use Cal-Track jets We can reach the expected sensitivity by Summer’06 Additional factors not included in WH sensitivity: 3 (leptons) * 2 (experiments) * 2.5 (channels) * 1.8 (NN-selec) * 12 (lumi 2fb -1 ) = 324 = 18 2 Combining both factor 2.4*18 =43 consistent with 50 needed to reach SM expectations for ~115 GeV Higgs
28 CTEQ Meeting @ JLab Nikos Varelas Summary Tevatron accelerator complex and experiments are performing well Higgs searches using 400 pb of Run II data show no deviation from SM bkgd expectations Good understanding of W/Z+jets processes Expect improved analyses and limits by Spring ’06 based on ~ 1 fb of data Sensitivity to m H 114 GeV starts with 2 fb Exclusion up to m H ~ 180 GeV with 8 fb Very exciting short and long term future prospects with a lot of hard work ahead
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