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The Transit “T” Craig Lamothe UPA Transit Project Manager City of Minneapolis City of Lakes Innovative Choices for Congestion Relief.

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Presentation on theme: "The Transit “T” Craig Lamothe UPA Transit Project Manager City of Minneapolis City of Lakes Innovative Choices for Congestion Relief."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Transit “T” Craig Lamothe UPA Transit Project Manager City of Minneapolis City of Lakes Innovative Choices for Congestion Relief

2 GOAL Provide an attractive alternative to paying congestion prices or sitting in traffic OBJECTIVES Improve speed / reliability of transit Enhance appeal / convenience of transit Increase capacity of transit Transit Goal & Objectives

3 Increase average operating speed through downtown Minneapolis Increase top operating speed from 35mph to 50 mph by replacing bus-only shoulders (BOS) with HOT & priced dynamic shoulder lanes (PDSLs) Eliminate delay and daily uncertainty for NB Hwy 77 buses with a transit advantage Implement ITS technologies Lane guidance system Transit Signal Priority (TSP) system Improve Transit Speed/Reliability

4 Improve the passenger waiting experience with new shelters and enclosed stations Provide timely information about bus arrival times, congestion conditions and parking availability through multiple media types Offer an economic incentive to make more trips by transit during the most congested times Enhance Transit Appeal/Convenience

5 Build more park & ride spaces at new or expanded lots Buy new buses and operate additional express service Increase bus throughput through downtown Minneapolis Widen sidewalks to provide adequate space for transit customers and pedestrians Increase Transit Capacity

6 Regional Transitways Plan I-35W BRT Cedar Ave BRT Regional Park & Ride Plan Access Minneapolis Plan ITS projects currently planned or under consideration ICM Bus arrival time Congestion condition Lane guidance Signal priority Advance Existing Projects

7 Budget $32,166,000 Construct double-lane contra flow bus lanes Sidewalks Lighting Landscaping City of Minneapolis City of Lakes

8 Budget $11,000,000 Construct two Cedar Ave. BRT transit stations with Park & Rides Construct two Cedar Ave. BRT station stops

9 Budget $5,300,000 Implement lane guidance system for shoulder running buses on Cedar Ave.

10 Budget $2,100,000 Construct Cedar Ave. BRT transit station with Park-and-Ride

11 Budget $2,000,000 Construct a left turn lane with a special traffic signal as a transit advantage for northbound buses

12 Park & Ride Blaine - Budget $10,500,000 Add approximately 500 spaces in a new parking structure on land adjacent to the existing park & ride at I-35W & 95 th Ave in Blaine

13 Park & Ride Roseville - Budget $7,200,000 Add approximately 400 spaces of structured parking in new Twin Lakes development at I-35W & Cty Rd C in Roseville

14 Park & Ride Lakeville - Budget $9,500,000 Add approximately 500 spaces of structured parking at I-35W just north of Cty Rd 50 in Lakeville

15 Budget $22,394,000 Purchase 26 buses Install bus shelters on Marquette & 2 nd Avenues BeforeAfter

16 Real time conditions Park & Ride locations and availability traffic conditions HOT travel times Internet / Telephone

17 Transit signal priority (TSP)

18 Dynamic fare pricing

19 UPA Transit Project Overview $54,809,000Park & Rides, buses, shelters, customer information systems Metro Transit $2,000,000Bypass lane/ramp for transitMn/DOT $2,100,000Transit Station w/ Park & RideDakota County $5,300,000Lane guidance systemU of M $11,000,000Transit stations, station stops, Park & Rides MVTA $32,166,000Double bus lanes in downtownCity of Mpls. $107,375,000(Federal + Local Match)TOTAL BudgetProjectUPA Partner

20 Craig Lamothe 612.349.7690 City of Minneapolis City of Lakes Innovative Choices for Congestion Relief

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