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Image Vectorization Cai Qingzhong 2007/11/01.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Vectorization Cai Qingzhong 2007/11/01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Vectorization Cai Qingzhong 2007/11/01

2 What is Vectorization?

3 Image Vectorization Goal convert a raster image into a vector graphics
vector graphics include points lines curves polygons

4 Why Vector Graphics Compact Scalable Editable Easy to animate

5 optimized gradient mesh
Compact input raster image 37.5KB optimized gradient mesh 7.7KB

6 Why Vector Graphics Compact Scalable Editable Easy to animate

7 bicubic interpolation
Scalable original image vector form bicubic interpolation

8 Why Vector Graphics Compact Scalable Editable Easy to animate

9 Editable

10 Why Vector Graphics Compact Scalable Editable Easy to animate

11 Easy to animate

12 Related Work Cartoon drawing vectorization Triangulation-based Method
skeletonization, tracing and approximation Triangulation-based Method Object-based Vectorization Bezier patch subdivision

13 Image Vectorization using Optimized Gradient Meshes
Jian Sun, Lin Liang, Fang Wen, Heung-Yeung Shum Siggraph 2007

14 About the author --- Jian Sun
Lead Researcher, Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research Asia Research interests in stereo matching interactive computer vision computational photography

15 Surface Representation
A tensor product patch is defined as Bezier bicubic, rational biquadratic, B-splines… control points lying outside the surface

16 Ferguson Patch

17 Gradient Mesh Control Point Attributes: 2D position
geometry derivatives RGB color color derivatives

18 Flow Chart Original Initial Mesh Optimized Mesh Final Rendering

19 Mesh Initialization

20 Mesh Initialization Decompose image into sub-objects
Divide the boundary into four segments Fitting segments by cubic Bezier splines Refine the mesh-lines evenly distributed interactive placement

21 Mesh Optimization input image initial rendering final rendering

22 Mesh Optimization To minimize the energy function P: number of patches

23 Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Most widely used algorithm for Nonlinear Least Squares Minimization. First proposed by Levenberg, then improved by Marquardt A blend of Gradient descent and Gauss-Newton iteration

24 Smoothness

25 Smoothness Constraint
Add a smoothness term into the energy which minimizes the second-order finite difference.

26 Vector line guided optimized gradient mesh

27 Vector line guided optimized gradient mesh
Given vector fields Vu and Vv, we optimize

28 More Results

29 More Results

30 THE END. Thank you!

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