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Chapter 3 L p -space. Preliminaries on measure and integration.

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1 Chapter 3 L p -space

2 Preliminaries on measure and integration

3 σ-algebra Ω ≠ψ is a set Σis a family of subsets of Ω with Σis called σ-algebra of subsets of Ω

4 measure space Ω ≠ψ is a set μ:Σ→[0, ∞] satisfies Σis aσ-algebra of subsets of Ω (Ω, Σ, μ) is called a measure space

5 measurable function p.1 f:Ω→R is measurable if (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space The family of measurable functions is a real vector space.

6 measurable function p.2 if The family is closed under limit, i.e. is a sequence of measurable functions, which converges pointwise to a finite-valued function f, then f is measurable.(see Exercise 1.1 and 1.3)

7 Exercise 1.1 If f, g are measurable, then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space f+g is also measurable. Hint: for all



10 Exercise 1.3 Let f 1,f 2,… be measurable and (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space and f(x) is finite for each Hint: for all Show that f is measurable



13 indicator function for (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space χ A is the indicator function of A χ A is measurable

14 <W> denotes the smallest vector subspace containing W in a vector space.

15 Simple function p.1 are called simple functions Elements of

16 Simple function p.2 if the right hand side has a meaning, where A simple function can be expressed as are different values and A i = {f =α i }, we define then

17 Simple function p.3 In particular is meaningful if f is simple and nonnegative, although it is possible that

18 Integration for f ≧ 0,measurable For f ≧ 0, measurable,define

19 f +,f - If f is measurable, then f + and f - are measurable

20 Integration for measurable function p.1 For any measurable function f,define if R.H.S has a meaning

21 Integration for measurable function p.2 and is finite if and only if both are finite f is called integrable

22 Integration for measurable function p.3 is integrable f is integrable if and only if

23 limsupA n, liminf A n Ω is a set and {A n } is a sequence of subsets of Ω. Define

24 limA n then we say that the limit of the sequence {A n } exists and has the common set as the limit which is denoted by If

25 A n : monotone increasing then If

26 A n : monotone decreasing then If

27 Lemma 2.1 be monotone increasing, then If (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


29 Lemma 2.2 be monotone decreasing, then If (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


31 Egoroff Theorem Let {f n } be a sequence of measurable function and f n →f with finite limit on (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space then for any ε>0, there is such that μ(A\B)<ε and f n →f uniformly on B



34 Monotony Convergence Theorem Let {f n } be a nondecreasing sequence of nonnegative measurable functions Suppose (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space is a finite valued,then

35 Theorem (Beppo-Levi) Let {f n } be a increasing sequence of integrable functions such that f n ↗ f. Then f is integrable and (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


37 Fatous Lemma Let {f n } be a sequence of extended real-valued measurable functions which is bounded from below by an integrable function. Then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


39 Remark Let {f n } be a sequence of extended real-valued measurable functions and f n ≦ 0. Then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


41 Lebesque Dominated Convergence Theorem If f n,n=1,2,…, and f are measurable functions and f n →f a.e. Suppose that a.e. with g being an integrable function.Then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


43 Corollary If f n,n=1,2,…, and f are measurable functions and f n →f a.e. Suppose that a.e. with g being an integrable function.Then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space


45 5 The space L p (Ω,Σ,μ)

46 For measurable function f, let is called the essential sup-norm of f.

47 Exercise 5.1 Show that


49 Conjugate exponents If are such that then they are called conjugate exponents

50 Theorem 5.1 (Hölder’s Inequality) p.1 If are conjugate exponents, then



53 Theorem 5.1 (Hölder’s Inequality) p.2 More generally, if f 1,f 2, …,f k are functions s.t with then

54 Theorem 5.1 (Hölder’s Inequality) p.3 and


56 Theorem 5.2 (Minkowske Inequality) If f, g be measurable, whenever f+g is meaningful a.e. on Ω then


58 is the family of all measurable function f with From Minkowski Inequjality, it is readily seen that L p (Ω, Σ, μ) L p (Ω, Σ, μ) is a vector space.

59 Theorem L p is a normed vector space with for



62 then if and only if f=0 a.e. on Ω Let

63 then L p (Ω, Σ, μ) is a vector space which consists of equivalent classes of L p (Ω, Σ, μ) L p (Ω, Σ, μ) L p (Ω, Σ, μ) =L p (Ω, Σ, μ)/N w.r.t the equivalent relation ~definded by f~g if and only if f=g a.e. on Ω

64 is a Banach space. Theorem 5.3 (Fisher) L p (Ω, Σ, μ) with norm







71 Theorem then there is a subsequence such that



74 f is called an essential bounded function if Exercise 5.4 L ∞ (Ω, Σ, μ) is a Banach space.


76 Outer Measure

77 Ω ≠ψ: a set μis called outer measure on Ω if

78 μ-M easurable p.1 A subset A of Ω is called μ-measurable if for any i.e. for any

79 Exercise 1.1 Let μ:2 Ω →[0,+ ∞ ] be defined by (μis called the counting measure of Ω and every subset of Ω is μ-measurable. Show that μis an outer measure




83 Exercise 1.2 p.1 Let S be a subset of 2 Ω h aving the following properties:

84 Exercise 1.2 p.2 Define μ : 2 Ω →[ 0, +∞] by What are theμ-measurable subsets of Ω Show that μis an outer measure

85 Define υ : 2 Ω →[ 0, +∞] by What are theυ-measurable subsets of Ω Show that υis an outer measure







92 Exercise 1.3 Suppose μis an outer measure on Ω and then the restriction of μto A denoted byμ ∣ A(B)=μ(A∩B) for Show that μ ∣ A is an outer measure on Ω and every μ-measurable set is also μ ∣ A –measurable.



95 Properties of Measurable sets p.1 Suppose μmeasures Ω. (1) If A is μ-measurable, then so is Ω\A=A c (2) If A 1, A 2 are μ-measurable, then so is A 1 ∪ A 2


97 Properties of Measurable sets p.2 Remark : By induction the union of finitely many μ-measurable sets is μ-measurable. This fact together with (1) implies that the intersection of finitely many μ-measurable set is μ-measurable.

98 Properties of Measurable sets p.3 is a disjointed sequence of(3) If then μ-measurable sets in Ω and


100 is a disjointed sequence of(4) If is μ-measurable. μ-measurable sets in Ω, then



103 Properties of Measurable sets p.4 is a sequence of(5) If μ-measurable sets in Ω, then so are


105 Properties of Measurable sets p.5 sets in Ω, then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure (6) Let Σ be the family of all μ-measurable space.

106 Exercise 1.4 p.1 (i) If is an increasing μ-measurable sets in Ω, then


108 Exercise 1.4 p.2 (ii) If is a decreasing μ-measurable sets in Ω with μ(A 1 )<+∞, then


110 Regular A measure μ on Ωis called regular if for each there is a μ-measurable set such that μ(A)=μ(B)

111 Exercise 1.5 If is a sequence of sets in Ω and μis a regular measure on Ω, then


113 Theorem The family Σ μ of μ-measurable subsets of Ω is σ- algebra and μ=μ ︳ Σμ is σ- additive. i.e. (Ω, Σ μ, μ) is a measure space.

114 Premeasure

115 prem easure If Ω is a nonempty set, G a class of subsets of Ω containing ψ, and τ: G→[0,+∞] satisfy τ(ψ)=0. τis called a premeasure.

116 Outer M easure constructed from τ For a premeasure τ, Define μ:2 Ω →[0,+∞] by Then μ measures Ω and is called the outer measure constructed fromτby Method I.

117 Example 2.1 The Lebesgue measure on R n Let G be the class of all oriented rectangles in R n with ψ adjoined and let τ(I)=the volumn of I if I is an oriented rectangle τ(ψ)=0 the measure on R n constructed fromτ by Method I is called the Lebesgue measure on R n.

118 Exercise 2.1 For ε>0, Let G ε be the class of all open oriented rectangles in R n with diameter <εand τ ε (I)=volume of I for Show that the measure on R n constructed from τ ε by Method I is the Lebesgue measure.

119 Exercise 2.2 p.1 Let μ be the Lebesgue measure on R n (i) Show that μ(I)=volume I if I is an open oriented rectangle.


121 Exercise 2.2 p.2 (ii)Show that every open oriented rectangle is μ-measurable and hence so is every open set in R n ( μ-measurable set is called Lebesgue measurable set in this case.)


123 Exercise 2.2 p.3 (iii) If A and B are subsets of R n and dist(A,B)>0, then μ(A ∪ B)=μ(A)+μ(B)

124 Metric spaces

125 Metric Space Let M be a nonempty set and ρ:MXM→[0, ∞) satisfies ρis called a metric on M (M,ρ)is called a metric space.

126 Example 1 for Metric Space Let M=R n and let

127 Example 2 for Metric Space Let M=R n and let

128 Example 3 for Metric Space Let M=C[a,b] (- ∞<a<b<∞ ) and let

129 Example 4 for Metric Space Let M=C(K), where K is a compace set in R n and let Unless statement otherwise, C(K) will denote the metric space with the metric so defined.

130 Example 5 for Metric Space Let M= L p (Ω, Σ, μ)and let

131 Converge Let (M, ρ) be a metric space. A sequence is said to converge to if for any ε>0, there is such that ρ(x n,x 0 )<ε whenever Since x 0 is uniquely determined, x 0 is denoted by lim n →∞ x n If lim n →∞ x n exists, then we say that { x n } converges in M.

132 Example 3.1 for converge converges if and only if converges uniformly for

133 Cauchy sequence A sequence is called a Cauchy sequence if for any ε>0 there is such that

134 Exercise 3.1 Show that if converges, then is a Cauchy sequence.


136 Complete Metric space A metric space M is called complete if every Cauchy sequence in M converges in M

137 Examples for Complete (1) Let be compact, then is complete. (2) L p (Ω, Σ, μ) is complete.

138 Normed vector space p.1 Let K=R or C and let E be a vector space over K. Suppose that for each there is a nonnegative number associated with it so that

139 Normed vector space p.2 Then E is called a normed vector space (n.v.s) with norm

140 Normed vector space p.3 Then ρ is a metric on E and is called the metric associated with norm Let E be a n.v.s and Unless stated otherwise, for a n.v.s., we always consider this metric.

141 Banach space Both C(K) with K a compact subset of R n and L p (Ω, Σ, μ) are Banach spaces. A normed vector space is called a Banach space if it is a complete metric space

142 Continuous mapping Let M 1 and M 2 be metric spaces with metrics ρ 1 and ρ 2 respectively. A mapping T: M 1 →M 2 is continuous at if for any ε >0, there is δ>0 such that

143 Open and Closed set in a metric space A set G in a metric space is called an open set if there is δ>0 such that The complete of an open set is called a closed set.

144 Exercise 3.2 p.1 Let M 1 and M 2 be metric spaces with metrics ρ 1 and ρ 2 respectively and let T: M 1 →M 2 (1) Show that T is continuous at if and only if for any open set contains an open subset which contains x 0.


146 Exercise 3.2 p.2 (2) Show that T is continuous on M if and only if for any open set is an open subset of M 1.


148 Exercise 3.3 Let O be the family of all open subsets of a metric space. Show that



151 4.Carathéodory measure

152 Carathédory M easure If Ω is a metric space, then a measureμ is called Carathédory measure if whenever

153 Example 4.1 The Lebesgue measure on R n is a Carathédory measure.

154 Lemma 4.1 be an increasing sequence of subsets of Ω and for each n



157 Theorem 4.1 If μ is Carathédory measure onΩ, then every closed subset of Ωis μ- measurable.


159 Borel sets B(Ω) is the smallest σ-algebra of subsets Elements of B(Ω) are called Borel sets of Ω. of Ω that contains all closed subsets of Ω

160 Corollary 4.1 If μ is Carathédory measure onΩ, then all Borel subsets of Ωareμ- measurable.

161 Lebesgue M easure p.1 Ω = R, I: open finite interval of R Define L(A) then L is a Carathédory measure. L is called the Lebesgue measure.

162 Lebesgue M easure p.2 (R, Σ L,L) Similar construction on R n with I replaced by n-dimensional intervals L n is a Carathédory measure. L n is called the Lebesgue measure on R n.

163 Regularity of Measure

164 Regular measure A measure μ on Ωis called regular if for each there is a μ-measurable set such that μ(A)=μ(B)

165 Borel regular measure A measure μ on Ωis called Borel if every Borel set is μ-measurable. It is called Borel regular if it is Borel and for every such that μ(A)=μ(B) there is a Borel set

166 Radon measure A measure μ on Ωis called Radon measure if it is Borel regular and μ(K)<∞ for each compact set K. We already known that Carathéodory measure is Borel.

167 Theorem 6.1 Let μ be a Borel regular on a metric space Ω and suppose is μ-measurable andμ(A)<∞ Then μ ︱ A is a Radon measure.


169 Measure Theoretical Approximation of Sets in R n

170 Lemma 7.1 p.1 Let μ be a Borel measure on R n and B is a Borel set (i)If μ(B)<∞, then for each ε >0 there is a closed set such that

171 Lemma 7.1 p.2 (ii) If μ is Radon measure, then for each ε >0 there is an open set such that






177 Theorem 7.1 Approximation by open and compact sets Let μbe a Radon measure on R n, then (1) For (2) If A is μ-measurable on R n, then





182 Exercise 7.1 p.1 (i)Show that the Lebesgue measure on R n is a Radon measure. (ii) Letshow that there is a G δ set such that L n (H)=L n (A),where L n denotes the Lebesgue measure on R n.


184 Exercise 7.1 p.2 (iii) Let be Lebesgue measure show that there is a F σ set with L n (M)=L n (A).

185 Exercise 7.1 p.3 (iv) Let be Lebesgue measurable show that f is equivalent to a Borel measurable function.

186 Theorem Let μ=L n be the Lebesgue measure on R n, then (1) For (2) If A is Lebesgue measurable on R n, then

187 (A, Σ ︳ A, μ) (Ω, Σ, μ): measure space (A, Σ ︳ A, μ ) is a measure space

188 L p (Ω) L p (Ω, Σ,μ)= L p (Ω) Σ: the family of Lebesgue measurable subsets of Ω μ: the Lebesgue measure

189 C c (Ω) then f is continuous and C c (Ω) is the space of all continuous functions with compact surport in Ω i.e. if is a compact set in Ω

190 Lemma such that Let B be a measurable subset of Ωwith =L p (B)<∞, then for any ε>0, there is


192 Corollary such that Let be a simple function on Ω, then for any ε>0


194 Theorem C c (Ω) is dence in L p (Ω), 1 ≦ p<∞


196 Chapter IV L p space

197 IV 1 Some result for integration which one must know

198 Theorem (Beppo-Levi) Let {f n } be a increasing sequence of integrable functions such that f n ↗ f. Then f is integrable and (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space

199 Lebesque Dominated Convergence Theorem If f n,n=1,2,…, and f are measurable functions and f n →f a.e. Suppose that a.e. with g being an integrable function.Then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space

200 Fatous Lemma Let {f n } be a sequence of extended real-valued measurable functions which is bounded from below by an integrable function. Then (Ω, Σ, μ) is a measure space

201 Theorem IV.3 (Desity Theorem) C c (Ω) is dense in L p (Ω), 1 ≦ p<∞

202 Theorem IV.4(Tonelli) Suppose that and that Then

203 Theorem IV.5(Fubini) p.1 Suppose that and that then for a.e.

204 Theorem IV.5(Fubini) p.2 and that Similarly, for a.e.

205 Theorem IV.5(Fubini) p.3 Furthermore, we have

206 IV 2 Definition and elementary properties of the space L p

207 Exercise 5.1 Show that



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