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What if? Professor Paul Clarke. Are we in the midst of the sixth mass extinction? David Wake and Vance Vredenburg 2008 There have been five mass extinctions.

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Presentation on theme: "What if? Professor Paul Clarke. Are we in the midst of the sixth mass extinction? David Wake and Vance Vredenburg 2008 There have been five mass extinctions."— Presentation transcript:

1 What if? Professor Paul Clarke

2 Are we in the midst of the sixth mass extinction? David Wake and Vance Vredenburg 2008 There have been five mass extinctions leading to profound loss of biodiversity Based on the CURRENT extinction rates amongst amphibians an event of similarly catastrophic nature is now under way The history of the previous mass extinctions are being uncovered just as we begin to realise that we are causing another

3 Defining action We are deciding…which evolutionary pathways will remain open and which will forever be closed. No other creature has ever managed this, and it will unfortunately be our most enduring legacy. Elizabeth Kolbert 2014

4 What could Universities do?

5 Institutional Alignment of mission principles & ethics Operational Sustainable procurement: through carbon, social, environmental, economic activism Pedagogic Curriculum: content, process and product What could Universities do?


7 Coffee – institutional, operational, pedagogic? 2.25 billion cups are consumed per day 2 nd most traded global commodity Can this be a direct example of Institutional Alignment of mission principles & ethics? Operational Sustainable procurement: through carbon, social, environmental, economic activism? Pedagogic Curriculum: content, process and product?

8 Through the happycoffeebean project we align developments… Institutional Alignment of mission principles & ethics? Designing the next generation ethical trade framework – trust, transparency, traceability improved lives, improved product development, improved environment Operational Sustainable procurement? economic: enhanced payback for farmers and communities through a transparent process of trade and infrastructure development social: creating cooperative and resilient networks environmental: ecosystem knowledge through permaculture training Pedagogic Curriculum: content, process and product? Training and education programmes Sharing of best practice Embedded, real life experiences for students

9 Successes and breakthroughs? Institutional Alignment of mission principles & ethics? Operational Sustainable procurement: through carbon, social, environmental, economic activism? Pedagogic Curriculum: content, process and product?

10 How does this play out in our daily work? How much coffee is consumed in your university per year? How much of it is completely traceable, transparent and directly connected to farmers and communities with whom you could begin to build long-term supportive relationships? Coffee Take-Aways… We can help you to… a)Implement – use at strategic special events, gatherings, visiting guests, graduation days etc. b)Build ‘own brand’ – securing your name on a reliable process and using this to push your organisational message on sustainable practices c)Demonstrate through example that principles, ethics and practices of ethical trade can already be embedded into the procurement system d)Integrate across all curriculum subject areas an example of an ethical value chain in progress – practical problem based learning e) Participate in a multi-University project to help to build the model together

11 Asks We are building a school in Parabong Uganda We need help! Institutional – Working with the community to align mission principles & ethics to practical life Operational – Sustainable procurement: through every aspect of the development Pedagogic – Curriculum: content, process and product – an ecoliterate community and a leading example of the next evolutionary stage of humanity

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